Chapter 53

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Chapter 53
I had never been so scared and confused in my life. Zoey, Jane and Kate sat across from Rose and me in a small train booth. I still couldn't believe that Rose convinced me to let them come with us to London. But she made the point that she had never gone to a ball before and that she wanted the dress to be a surprise. And the fact that she needed at least a couple of people that she knew going to the ball. So not only was I paying for Rose's dress but the three musketeers' as well. Jenson you lucky bastard.
I looked out the window as they jumped from conversation to conversation, barely taking a breath. Plus with my head turned like this they couldn't look at my scars. Jane was the least subtle out of the three. But quickly stopped staring when Rose gave her a stern look. It made me smile to think that Rose didn't want me to feel uncomfortable.
We had talked about me going to London last night. If I would be ready. I told her that I had jobs to do and that I needed to go anyway. She understood and fell asleep in my arms.
I turned to look at Rose. Though she smiled I knew she wasn't interested in what they were talking about. Which made me want to laugh.
"So what's it like running the estate?" Kate asked me breaking my thoughts.
"Ah, difficult at times but Jenson's willing to help," I didn't realize that my upper class accent was so noticeable around them.
"Right, your butler," her tone was harsh but I barely noticed it. Not until Rose gave her a stern look, putting her back in her box.
Zoey coughed, "so what's the plan when we get to London?"
Rose relaxed and I was thankful for Zoey. As Jane started to list the shops they had to hit, I remembered what she use to be like. Zoey and I had gone to the same primary school. She was a straight-A-student for what I remember. But everything went downhill from high school. I heard that she had went to an all-girls school but got expelled. After that she just went to the high school in the next town over. When I had walked into the village I would see the three of them. One of my friends had said that she was hot. I think I had shrugged and said if you like that sort of thing. Marcus had always been a lady's man. I shook my head as I realized what had happened at the end of that night. Yes, Marcus was defiantly a lady's man. So was his money.
Marcus was also the heir of his estate north of London. He was one of the schools best ruby players and wanted to play professionally. I heard he had till his father had died last year. I should tell Jenson to make sure he gets an invitation.
"And what will you be doing, Patrick?" Zoey asked breaking my thoughts.
"Sorry, what?"
"Well clearly you can't shop with us. The guy can't see the dress," Jane filled in.
"Oh I, I have to see someone about the estate."
I had made the decision not to tell Rose about the investigation when Jenson and I started. She didn't need to get caught up in this. I looked upon her now. She bit her lip as she realized that I was looking at her.
I looked out the window and saw the change of scenery from trees and hills to buildings. The train slowed as I picked up the shoulder bag from the ground.
"Girls, this is our stop."

"Can I see Sargent Jones, I called on the phone," I told a little round woman at the desk of the police station. The lady nodded and disappeared into a room behind the desk. I looked around and ignored the fact that she was looking at me through the window on the wall. Her eyes locked on my scars as she talked on a phone. This will be happening to you all day, get used to it.
She came back and with a smile said, "He's just coming?"
I nodded thanking her.
Steps echoed down the hall as a round man appeared. He had a balled spot at the back of his head and his uniform was buttoned tight around his big belly. Weapons were attached to his vest making me uneasy. Though my scars made him uneasy so I guess we were even. He wore a polite smile, the one you would to greet customers at McDonalds. I wore the same one.
"Hello Lord Gilbert," he said shaking my hand. The lady disappeared into the room and shut the door giving us privacy.
"Patrick is fine," I said quickly feeling panicked with responsibility.
He smiled as if he was apologizing, "of course. I'm sorry that your trip had been wasted. There hasn't been any improvement on your parents' murder in five years."
I nodded. I already knew that.
"I know, I want to reopen the case."
The Sargent looked shocked and confused. Mainly because I was the main suspect in the first one.
"But Sir, there still is no evidence."
"But there is," I took out the pieces of paper of the typed up version of my father's journal. Jenson and I had been copying all the messages that this man was mentioned. There had been more than I had read before.
"These are all the entries from my father's journal leading up to the day he died. He states that a man had threatened him several times before that day."
I handed him the papers. He looked embarrassed which made me feel better. I didn't like being taken for a fool. He coughed covering the silence that had appeared between us.
"Patrick, you're a young man. Why do you want to open that closet again? Move on with your life."
I frowned. Why was he trying to change my mind about this? Why was he patronizing me?
"Sargent, I don't think you understand. I didn't just lose my parents but my five younger sisters as well. My youngest sister was barely over three. And you're telling me that you don't want to see this guy in jail."
"Of course, I meant -." He quickly said.
"Of course not, you would just rather spend your time in front of your TV at your lonely apartment. I don't waste my money on lazy drunks like you," I took the papers as I tried not to laugh at his stunned face, "good day."
Before I got to the door, he stopped me, "wait, how much are we talking?"
I smiled as he fell into my trap. I knew he was the type to fall for money. I turned back to him.
"I pay on results. Bigger the results the more I pay, are we clear?"
He nodded.
"My email and phone number is on one of those sheets. I want full updates."
"Of course Sir."
I shook his hand and smiled, "it's good doing business with you."
I headed for the door. I closed it behind me and realized something. I am my father. Oh God. All my tricks I did in there were his. I had learnt them all from him. Oh no.

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