Chapter 55

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Chapter 55
Music blared from the band as we made our way through the crowd of people. Patrick held my hand tight as we headed towards a spare table. The band play it's my life by Bon Jovi making me want to dance.
"I'll get some drinks," Patrick said kissing my forehead and making his way to the bar.
"I love and hate your relationship," Jane scowled. I smiled as if proud.
Before I could even move, three guys crowded around our table. Their eyes looked us up and down as if we were a piece of furniture. The girls straighten up arching their backs and flipped their hair as if competing to be the most easy.
"I say, you girls look great," said the front one making the girls giggle. His brown floppy hair fell in his face as half his lips curled in a cheeky grin. A grin I would have totally fallen for a year ago.
"I think we should buy you girls some drinks."
"Sorry, but ours are coming," I quickly butted in before they girls could say yes.
"Yeah, sorry boys, but her boyfriend is rich," Zoey said.
Even though we had turned down their offer, the guy didn't look offended. Which made me worry.
"So her boyfriend's rich, what about yours?" he asked Zoey.
She flicked her head, showing off her white flesh. Oh my God she was flirting.
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Well, then will you care to dance."
Please don't fall for it, please don't fall for it.
She took his hand making my heart pound. My eyes widen as they went off to the dance floor.
"What is she doing?" I whispered to Jane so the other two guys couldn't hear me.
"She's having fun," she answered me.
"Would you two like to dance?" the blonde one asked. Jane and Kate left with them, leaving me alone. I flopped my head in my hands. How could they be so stupid? Did they not see the hunger in their eyes? Were they not aware how guys worked? A little dance, a couple of drinks, then, bam, he's forcing you to sleep with him.
"Hey, where did the girls go?" Patrick asked sitting across from me. He placed a circle tray in front of us. Four lemon bitters and one coke. Patrick took the coke.
"Their off dancing," I said sounding like a child.
"Do you want to go to?" he asked.
I groaned, "How could they be so stupid? Clearly they want one thing," I vented pointing to Zoey and the guy dancing.
"They're just dancing, Rose."
"Now they are. Two more drinks they could be getting it on in the girl's toilets," I didn't mean for my voice to sound so bitter. But how could Zoey talk on and on about this bartender but then go dance with the first guy she saw.
"Rose, not all guys are like the ones you went for," he froze as I frowned, "That was so not what I meant. How about we go dance because I know you love this song, and you can keep an eye on her? If you want to?"
I nodded feeling embarrassed and stupid. I knew it must be hard for Patrick to be around so many people and all I could do was vent about Zoey.
I sighed, "Yes, that would be great."
He took my hand as he led me to the dance floor. His hands took my waist as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The song she will be loved played as he pulled me tight.
"I love you," he said making me giggle.
"I love you too."
We slowly swayed letting the music guide us. I closed my eyes resting my head on his shoulder. His warmth heated me as he pulled me closer to him.
"And she will be loved, and she will be loved.
I know where you hide alone in your car.
Know all of the things that make you who you are.
I know that goodbye means nothing at all.
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls."
I lifted my head to look into his blue eyes. He cupped my cheek bringing his lips to meet mine. The taste of coke filled my mouth making me lose focus. I pulled back looking around. My eyes flicked to every space. Horror filled my mind.
"Patrick, where's Zoey?"
Patrick's faced matched mine as we looked around.
"Oh God, I knew it."
I let go of Patrick, pushing out of the crowd. He called after me but I couldn't stop. My heart thumped and thumped as an image of her filled my mind. I stepped out to the dark streets of London. A warm breeze brushed my skin making me want to shiver with fear.
"No, no," I heard a groaned and I immediately recognized it as Zoey's voice.
"Rose just come down," Patrick said coming out of the club.
"Shh," I ordered.
"Stop, no, I want to go back inside," she moaned again, "I want to go back inside!"
I stormed toward an alleyway with Patrick not far behind me. That's when I spotted them. The alleyway was dark, but you couldn't miss the dark body pushing her up against the wall, kissing her to keep her quiet.
"Zoey!" I yelled. Before I could stop him, Patrick went straight for the guy. He pulled him off her by the back of his shirt, pushing him against the wall.
"You get the hell away from her!" Patrick yelled. My vision turned to Zoey, slowly sliding down the wall to the ground.
"Rose," she groaned.
"I'm here," I said running to her.
"I feel sick."
I placed my hand on her forehead. She was burning up.
"You're a waste of space!" Patrick yelled at the guy.
"Get off me!"
I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking out all the voices. Focus Rose.
"Zoey, did he hurt you?" I asked.
She shook her head as tears formed in her eyes, "he was going to."
I took her in my arms.
I turned to look at Patrick ready to punch him
"Patrick, just leave him! We've got to get her out of her!" I yelled so he would hear me. Obeying my order, Patrick dropped him. I lifted Zoey up by her shoulders, letting her lean on me. Patrick scooped her up in his arms taking her off me.
"Go find Jane and Kate. Let's get out of here."

Rose sat in her underwear on the bed of our small motel room. She looked into the oblivion trying to figure out what had happened tonight.
She had been right about the guy to the perfect detail which made me wonder about her past. Had this sort of thing happen to her?
I sat on the bed beside her, cupping her cheek. She closed her eyes brushing against it.
"How did you know what was going to happen?" I asked scared of the answer.
She opened her eyes leaving me breathless by their colour.
"It's happened to me, more than once. Sometimes I would let it. Sometimes I wouldn't. And sometimes I was too wasted to know the difference. It all had the same steps. A guy looks me up and down, offers to buy me a drink. If I say no, he somehow gets me on the dance floor. He keeps giving me shots till I'm in capable of talking. Then he would lead me somewhere. Or take me somewhere. Oh God sometimes we didn't even take of all our clothes. Patrick, half the guys, I didn't even know their name."
I took her in my arms feeling her soft skin on mine.
"How did you meet, Kobey?" I asked. She pulled away so she could look into my eyes.
"He was different, that's why I fell for him. He saw me steal a couple of shots. He wouldn't tell the bartender if I want home with him. I thought it was a fair deal. After that he was everywhere I went," her tone and stare had become blank as if all her energy had been drained away.
"Did he ever make you...make you do something you didn't want to do?" I asked struggling to find the words.
"When he drunk around his friends. He got touchy feely but I always said no. But as soon as we were alone..." She trailed off. I knew what she going to say. Hit her, beat her. I gently brushed her cheek as she closed her eyes letting a tear escape. I kissed both of her cheeks, tasting the hot salty liquid. I kissed her again on her cheeks as tears began to fall, but she stayed quiet. I pulled away looking at her. I brushed the hair out of her face, but her eyes were still closed.
"Show me those beautiful eyes of yours," I said hopping to God that she would. More tears fell as she blinked to see. Her lips parted so she could breathe. I slid off the bed so that I knelt in front of her. I kissed down between her breasts hearing her sighed. My hands cupped the top of her thighs, squeezing the soft skin.
"Anyone that could do that to you, should be in jail," I said looking up at her broken face.
"Too bad American law doesn't work like that," she sobbed.
I brush the back of my hand over her cheek again. How dare someone run their fingers over her body, as I did now, without her permission? How dare someone kiss her lips, as I did now, with the only one thought in their mind? Stop her from screaming no. How dare someone pull off her little silk underwear, knowing that she wasn't thinking straight? How dare someone, kiss her plump breasts, knowing that would be the fastest way to make her ready to what happened next.
"Never again, Rose, never again."

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