Chapter 63

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Chapter 63
"Pat, I'm really tired of surprises," I said as he led me, blind folded, up the stairs.
"Trust me, you'll love this one," I groaned giving in, "watch your step."
"It's kind of hard to do blind folded."
"Stop whining, last step."
I felt the level ground of the East Wing as he led me right down the gallery. He opened a door and led me into a dark room.
"Okay," he said before pulling off the blind fold. My eyes widened as I realized I was in his bathroom. Rose scented candles were placed on the edge of the spar bath and on the window sill. Rose petals sat on the white bubbles that threatened to go over the bath's edge. I picked up a bottle of lotion and body jell. I laughed at the sent.
"Rose scented lotion," I turned to him, "I'm sensing a theme."
He chuckled taking me into his arms. I pecked his lips then wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Thank you, this day has been amazing," I said ignoring the part where I was crying in the hallway.
"I'm glad. Do you know how hard it is to find rose scented candles?"
I giggled hugging him tighter.
"Are you joining me?" I asked pulling back.
"No. This is your day, your bath."
I tilted my head and frowned.
"Okay, I'll give you fifteen minutes of peace."
"Give me ten, and you're on."
"Okay. Oh and, leave the neckless on."
My eyebrow raised as I thought how sexy it would be to be only wearing the neckless.
I pecked his lips again then broke from his arms.
"You know it's ruining the point of your day."
I shrugged, "I know, but I want to see you in bubbles."
Ten minutes later, I was in heaven. I felt light as I floated in the water wearing only the neckless. The smell of rose was everywhere around me, making me feel like I was in the green house. The candles made the room glow with their little light.
I heard the door open but I didn't open my eyes.
"How are you going?"
All I could do was moan.
I heard him chuckle. I felt the movement of the water and opened my eyes to see my two favourite things. Patrick and Patrick surround by bubbles. He sunk down lower till his head bopped on the water like mine.
"I love a man in bubbles," he laughed at me. I giggled at his grin trying to get the thought through my mind. I'm in a bath with Patrick.
"I love a woman in bubbles," I giggled at him.
"You really are amazing, Rose."
I sat up as he did as well, "you know why, you let me do this."
His hand slid up and down one of my legs sending shocks up my body.
"And this."
He griped both of my legs and pulled me closer. My heart started to race as he pushed my legs apart to wrap them around his body.
"And this."
He met my lips locking onto them hard. He hand was planted on my tail bone, pushing me towards him.
"I've never had sex in a bath before," I said taking a breath.
"First time for everything."
I smiled as I felt how ready he was for me. Like an impulse, my hand started to stroke him.
He pulled back, "wait, wait."
"What?" I said almost frustrated. But my frustration disappeared when he pumped some body jell onto a washer. He raised my foot out of the water, forcing me to lean on my arms. He rubbed the washer up and down my leg like he had down with his hand. Every second he got closer. He moved the washer to my collar bone. He moved it to my breasts running it over my hard nipples.
In a rough and disappointed voice he said, "I'm going to get out now."
He pulled me closer, just millimetres from my lips.
"I want to do something special, too you,"
I swallowed feeling light head.
"Can't that wait?"
He shook his head slow.
I groaned and pulled away. I heard him get out and shut the door behind me.
The bath seemed pointless without him in it. Everything seemed ordinary without his present. I groaned and got out of the bath. I looked around for a towel but only saw my silk robe. I put it on and tired the rope. Pulling out the plunge, I headed for the hall. I felt light on my feet as I paced down the gallery. Everything was shadowed at night in the mansion making everything seem spooky. I climbed the stairs to the West Wing but stopped before the hall.
"Patrick," I whispered loudly, not wanting to ruin what he had planned. He appeared from his room in only jeans and slowly made his way to me. He took my hip and locked my lips to his. I groaned still hot from the bath. He was too. He took my hand and led me to his room. I sat on the side of the bed, looking up at him. His breathing was heavy making me wonder what he had planned. Slowly he untied the rope. He let it fall off my shoulder revealing my body to him.
"Lay down," he order, kissing my neck and lowing me down for him. I almost jumped when I felt the cold smooth feeling if lotion on my feet. He took my ankle and placed my foot on his shoulder. Up and down his hand went, sending me wetter by the minute. I gripped the doona cover as he placed my other leg on his shoulder. He then started to rub the other leg. I arched my back wanting him to take me then and there but I wanted to see what else he had planned. He placed my legs back down and then climbed up onto me. He squeezed my lotion on to his hands and began to rub it over my breasts. I bit my lips to stop from screaming yes. This was the most intense thing that's ever happened to me.
"Pat, take jeans, off," I breathed trying to get the words out. He did what I had asked. I jumped for joy when I felt his tongue on my hot flesh. I groaned holding the doona harder. My head threshed as the pressure became too great. I started to pant.
"Patrick," I groaned. I found his lips on my neck as he started to enter me.
I groaned every inch he moved into me. His hand took my legs and wrapped them around his body pinning me to the mattress.
Once it was over, Patrick pulled me into his arms under the covers. I nuzzled my face into his chest feeling nothing but warmth.
"Patrick," I started.
I looked up to look him in the eyes.
"You are worth everything. You are worth every waste of space I've ever slept with, every empty bed I've ever slept in, every stupid job and person I've work for and every bruise I ever got from Kobey. You don't deserve what happened to you. And I knew this is horrible to say but, I would rather be here with you now, then have a healthy father and never had that horrible past of mine."
He cupped my cheek, "I would rather have you then all of my family around me. All I need is you and everything else is just details. I would give up my other life in an instant just to be here with you. And that's why I'm going to give up on my family's case."
I pulled away from him.
He sighed, "It was a dead end."
I frowned, "a dead end? B-but you had the guy's name, h-how?" I stuttered for words.
"Look, I've realized that by continuing on I'm really not putting that night behind me. And what if the Sargent's right, what if this guy really is dangerous?"
I frowned, "but I thought that's what you wanted, to find the killer and put him behind bars."
He shrugged, "what's more important? Finding the killer, or finally leaving that night behind me and move on with a future with you. I mean, that's what I've ever really wanted."
I couldn't help but smile. He was throwing away a chance to finish this horrible human being to have a future with me.
"What do you see in our future?" I asked my heart racing. He started to play with the little diamond on my neckless as he thought.
"Well, there's you and me -."
"Any kids?" I asked before I could stop myself.
He nodded, "there are kids."
"How many?"
"I've always wanted a big family, so five."
I sat back, "excuse me, are you having these kids?"
He chuckled as if I was joking.
"And they get equal shares of the house. No this heir bullshit."
He laughed again.
"Then who gets the house?" He asked.
"We do."
"And when we die?"
I shrugged, "then we can give it to the one that looked after us in our old age."
He chuckled pecking my lips.
"What about names?" I asked.
"Well I want to name at least one girl Easter."
I smiled feeling proud of him.
"And I want to name a boy Lucas after my father."
He shared my look.
"And because we want five kids we better get started."
He started to move me into position underneath him.
"First there has to be a wedding, I don't want your parents to start haunting this place because I gave them a bastard grandchild."
He started to nod, "there will be a wedding."
I wanted to jump for joy. There was a guy that wanted to marry me. Out of every girl in the whole world, he wanted me.
"Is this a proposal?" I asked losing my breath. He brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers.
"Take it as a...promise. I don't know when and I don't know how, but I will ask you to marry me."
My heart was pounding and I felt light headed. I found my arms wrapping around his neck and my leg wrapping around his body.
I smiled locking my lips to his. For the first time in my life I had a future. I had a future with a man, kids, a house. What more could I possibly need?

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