Chapter 41

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Chapter 41
Patrick lied asleep, almost dead to the world. I quickly found my clothes and carefully opened the door. It was getting harder and harder to leave. Sun came through the stain glass windows already.
As I ran down the stairs, I was so focused on getting down them as fast as I could that I almost ran into Jenson with a tray.
My eyes grew wide, "Jenson I can explain."
"No need Rose, I told Patrick that it was none of my business," he said trying to get around me. I wouldn't let him.
It was his turn to be surprised, "I'm sorry I thought he would have told you."
"Told me what?" My voice came out more bitter than I had hoped, "you know."
"For how long?" I asked.
"From the start."
"And Patrick?"
"He found out last week."
I quickly felt embarrassed and angry. I tell him how much I trusted him and he does this.
I smiled taking the tray in my hands.
"I'll take this," I said heading up the stairs.
"Rose I don't -."
I nodded, "mmm, yeah."
I stormed for Patrick's room. He was where I left him. I forced the door shut with everything I had. The bang made both of us jump.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked harshly.
He frowned confused, "Rose, what's going on?"
I stormed and dropped the tray on his bed, making the plate clang.
"When were you going to tell me that Jenson knew? And don't you even think about acting like you didn't know."
"I wasn't going to," he stated not making it any better.
"Then when were you going to tell me."
"I tried to tell you,"
"When? We spent the whole day together. You couldn't just mention, 'oh by the way, Jenson knows'. No, you had to wait till after I run into Jenson on the stairs. I made an idiot of myself because he thought I knew."
"I never wanted you to feel like that. I just didn't think it would matter," he shrugged.
"Your right, Patrick, it's no big deal. Because you're not that has to take orders from him. You just don't think!" I yelled storming out of his room.
"No wait, Rose. God damn it."

With sweat pants and the shirt that Rose had on last night barely on, I raced after her. Her legs strode powerfully as if she was on a mission. To get far awhile from me.
I quickly caught up with her, taking her arm.
"No Patrick, I have to work. Not everyone can sleep around all day."
She went to move but I stepped in front of her.
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" I asked frowning.
"Nothing," she moaned as if she was tired of it.
"No say it."
Her auburn eyes looked up into mine, "Nothing, I don't know why I said it."
"I don't want to go back to that. We know more about each other to know that we're more than what we seem."
"Then why didn't you tell me?" she asked again.
I don't know.
"I guess I forgot. I should have told you, I know that now. But I was just so happy where we were going, I just forgot."
She paused, "you still should have told me."
"I know."
"And it was stupid."
"Really stupid."
"And you're an idiot."
"And I'm –," I stopped and looked at her growing smile, "and I'm an idiot."
She started to giggle, "I can't believe you just said that."
I started to tickle her, watching her squirm under my fingertips. Her squeals rang in my eyes making me grin from ear to ear. I stopped, taking her in my arms. I found my hand going lower to her tail bone.
"There's one part of your body I'm yet to explore," I mumbled against her neck.
"Oh I love it when you talk dirty."

Chapter 42
The four of us stood in the little dress store, searching through the dress racks. Jane and Kate were talking about Jane's older brother. He had gotten his girlfriend pregnant and her parents were forcing them to get married.
I found the dress I was looking at a month ago. Admiring its colours I ask, "Would it be that big of deal if they didn't get married?"
"It's a small town," Zoey told me as if I didn't know.
"I get that, but they're just having a baby together," I shrugged.
Kate looked horrified, "so you're telling me that your parents wouldn't care if you got pregnant?"
Well my mother is dead and my father can't even remember that he had a daughter.
"I'm sure they would support me."
I ran my fingers over the soft fabric.
"Why don't you try it on?" Zoey said moving over to me.
"It's really not my type of thing," I told her even though I was dying to see what it looked like.
"Sure it is. I bet someone special would love you in it."
I smiled taking it to the change rooms out the back.
The dress was defiantly different. A wooden peace sign was threaded through a belt that was stitched under my breasts. Simple triangle shaped fabric covered them with a platted tie that hung around my neck creating a V-neck. The ham of the dress brushed my feet as I swayed. The dress was defiantly something worn on a spring Sunday. At the back porch of the house. As the sun set over the trees, Patrick would attempt to cook sausages but burns them. I would laugh at him and take over. He would run his hand over the thin fabric distracting me. Maybe he would even cup my -
"Come on Rose, it doesn't take that long," Jane yelled from behind the curtain making me jump.
Come on Rose, stop being stupid.
I pulled the curtain over watching their gaping reaction. I looked down at myself and then back to them.
"It's not that good, is it?" I frowned.
Together they said, "Yeah!"
I sighed, "Do you think I can wear it with a bra?"
"No," they said at the same time.
"It's not like you need padding anyway. Look at you," Zoey said pointing at my breasts. I looked down and smiled as if proud.
"Too bad you don't have anyone to share them with," Jane said as if she was disappointed.
I shrugged, "I guess my boyfriend will have to do."
I didn't see the point in hiding it anymore. Not when Jenson knew.
They all looked surprised. Even Zoey.
"Really, who?" Asked Jane.
"I knew no girl could resist Tommy," my eyes went wide with Kate's conclusion.
"God no, I wouldn't go near him with a ten foot pole."
Both Jane and Kate leaned forward interested.
"Then who is it?" Kate asked.
I ran my hands through my hair waiting to feel the regret. I hadn't yet.
"Patrick," I mumbled barely audible.
I had never seen eyes go as wide as theirs did just then.
"What?" They yelled.
"That's amazing," Zoey said hugging me. She obviously didn't want the girls to know that she already knew.
"But, but," Jane stumbled.
"H-how?" Kate stuttered.
A smile spread across my face as I thought of an answer, "um a month ago, maybe two."
Theirs mouths dropped, "how was he?" Jane immediately asked.
"You guys don't want to know about that," I stated.
"Yeah!" The three of them yelled.
"Haven't you ever had girlfriends?" Asked Zoey.
I shook my head, "no."
"Well maybe they couldn't understand you, you know, the accent and all," I frowned at Jane.
She couldn't be serious.
"Anyway, so answer the question," Zoey protested.
I started to giggle. "Amazing. I can't get enough of him."
They started to giggle as I rambled on about how amazing he was. How loving and caring he was.
"Okay who is totally jealous right now?" Jane asked raising her arm.
"How did it happen?" Zoey asked.
I had to think, "I don't know. One day he was just Sir Patrick Gilbert, the next he was Sir Patrick Gilbert," they laughed as I groaned.
"Look at you, you're smitten."
I covered my mouth with my hands, "I'm a smitten kitten," I giggled.
We all squealed making customers turn their heads.
Shaking my hands we quieted down.
"Okay, should I get the dress or not get the dress."
Like a choir they sang, "Oh get the dress."
They pushed me back in the dressing room. I heard Jane call out.
"Yeah and charge it to the mansion account."

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