Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
I stood in Patrick's moss colour shirt, eyeing off everything on the shelf and chest-of-draws. This had been the first time I had fully taken in what was in his room. Other times I been too eager to take things off at night and then too busy putting things on in the mornings.
I was aware of Patrick's eyes wondering my body as I did.
On the shelf; three little yellow ducks sat in a line, a snow globe and a school photo. I picked it up peering down at the little five year old. He still had his blue eyes and his blonde hair was long and flopped in his face. I ran my thumb over the part of his face where his scars lie today.
I realized I hadn't said anything in a while.
"Very cute," I said showing him the picture.
He chuckled and hung his head as if embarrassed.
"Remind me to hide the photo album from you."
"Oh trust me, if there is a photo album of you, I'll find it."
"You know, that doesn't surprise me?"
I giggled and placed the photo back. I took a couple of steps forward to the chest-of-draws. Something caught my eye. It was another photo. The clear glass smashed, distorting any chance of seeing the photo. I turned to show him.
"Oh yeah that."
"Oh yeah that. Who is it?"
"Me, I broke it," he admitted.
He sighed, "I did try to go back to normal, I really did. But everything just reminded me of that night, so I got angry. I was so angry that I would always have a reminder of that night. I would always be a reminder. So I smashed the photo."
"So what was the photo?" I asked.
"School graduation."
I thought, "So eighteen?"
He smiled, "yes."
"Would you believe me if I said I actually like the scars?"
He shook his head, "no."
I giggled placing the photo back.
I moved over to the desk. Papers about the estate were spread across it. I moved them over to uncover drawings and poems. One drawing was of a rose. Its petals open as if it was a metaphor for something. I picked up one of the poems.

Auburn is the colour of her eyes
One more kiss and she will be mine
She let the sun light in that had I ignored.
But it's her stubbornness that I adore
I wear my scars like a vale.
Greyer than the clouds before it starts to hail.
But her scars are something that she hides.
Something buried so deep inside.
Her lips are the deepest red.
Harder than iron or led.
But our souls are hurt.
Turned about and burnt.
Only she can heal.
Only I can help peal.
Away all that needs to be said.
As I gently kiss her on her head.
And give each other what we desirer.
Not to be alone, or partnered with a liar.
I love this girl with all my soul and all my heart.
And I pray every day that we shall not part.
And under the sun's perfect pose.
This girl's name is Rose.

My hands were shaking with fear and happiness as I read the poem again and again.
I love this girl with all my soul and all my heart
One more kiss and she will me mine
Only she can heal
This girl's name is Rose
I quickly wiped away a tear that had escaped my eyes and placed the papers on the desk. I turned back to Patrick.
"They're good, they're really good," I sniffed. He held out his hand bringing me back to the bed.
"You know you're the only girl that's seen my room," he stated.
I frowned, "what about Sophie? The love of your life."
He tilted his head, "you're not still upset about that, are you?"
I shrugged, "I'm still deciding."
He laughed as if he thought I was joking.
"Why didn't you show her your room?" I asked curious.
"It's really stupid," he prepared me, "but I always thought that my bed should be something for that special girl. You know that one that made your heart race just when you looked into her perfect eyes. You want to give her something special instead of giving her the same experience as every other girl. You know what I mean?"
I swallowed, "I might have an idea."
I turned my head away not being able to meet his eyes.
"Rose," I look at him. He took my hand and place it on his bare chest. I felt the rocketing beat of his heart as his eyes were locked on mine.
You know that one that made your heart race just when you looked into her perfect eyes.
I took his hand and slid it up my thigh to my chest. With brows drawn he focused on my pounding heart.
"I've never felt like I've belonged anywhere. And I've always felt like one side of me was missing because I never knew my mom. And Patrick you changed me. I always thought I was the type of girl to get drunk and sleep with random guys because that's what I thought I was good at. But with you..." I trailed off, lost for words. "I know I'm more than that."
His hand gradually moved from my chest to my nape. He pulled me closer till our foreheads pressed against each other.
"Just say it Rose, just say it."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. It was easier to see things with your eyes closed, "I don't think I can."
"Just listen to your gut," he told me.
I opened my eyes and looked at his face, his eyes shut.
"Why do I need to when I can listen to my heart?"
His eyes flicked open. I cupped my hands over his cheeks bringing his lips to mine. With his eyes tightly closed as he passionately kissed me, I took off the shirt. I had never felt so exposed but so free at the same time. As he stopped kissing me. He still had his eyes closed and his hands safely beside me, even though he knew I was bare.
I swallowed, "You share your bed with your perfect lover. And even though I've been with many guys. I've never done this." I took his hand and placed it on my cheek, "don't open your eyes."
I saw him swallow as nerves crept over me like the first time we had slept together. But this was going to be different. This was going to be more intimate than anything we've ever had. Rubbing his hand against my cheek, I started to run it down to my collar bone. He swallowed as I lowered it to the swell of my breast. I lowered it more till his whole palm cupped my breast. I then took his fingers and ran the tips over my hard nipple. I watched his reaction. His jaw clutched with hunger and I knew he wanted to open his eyes to see what I was making his hand do. But I wanted him to wait. I needed him to wait. Leaving my breast behind I led his hand to my belly. My breathing had become short and heavy as I became more nervous. I guided it to my thigh. Up and down it went till I found the courage to run it up and down my inner thigh. Thoughts crept into my mind as I started to rethink what I was doing. What if he wasn't into this? What he didn't like this?
But his clutched fist beside me calmed my thoughts. I carefully placed his hand on my other thigh repeating the same steps backwards. I let out a long breath as his hand made it's descend. I stopped at my belly button clearing my thoughts.
The grand finale. I lied down, still with my legs off the side of the bed, giving him full excess. He moaned as he realized what he felt. He bit his lip forcing to keep his eyes shut.
"Oh Rose," he groaned sending me even thicker.
I worked his finger between my folds making me want to sing with happiness as I watched his reaction. A bead of sweat ran down my cheek as I let go his hand. My hand ran up to his neck pulling him to my lips. I let out a moan as I felt his finger enter my body sending me wild. I pulled him out wanting the real thing. I push his hips between my thighs clutching the doona cover.
"Oh God Patrick. I think I'm going to scream," I groaned feeling the force of power.
"Then scream."
I did.

"So you've never done that before?" I asked as I snuggled my head on Rose's neck. I had never felt anything as intimate as that. Exploring her body with her guiding hand. Only to rely on feeling to where I was.
"I've never trusted anyone enough," she stated.
"So you trust me," I said sounding cocky.
"Don't make me regret it."
I chuckled to myself pulling her tight against my chest. I entwined my fingers in hers.
"I love your fingers," I stated running my thumb over each one.
"Well my fingers love you too."
"I hope more than your fingers love me."
She turned her body to face me.
"I want to say it when the timings right. I've said it when I didn't mean it and I want to mean it."
I ran my hands through her hair
"It's fine Rose. When you're ready. I can wait." She leaned up to kiss me. Deep down I knew how she felt. She had showed me last night, letting my hand explore her body. She had trusted me not to open my eyes. She had taken the risk and had been awarded by the pleasure she brought me. And I would always love her for it.

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