Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Last couple of days, Rose had been acting strange. Well stranger. Every time she had finished one room, she would disappear down to the Servants' Hall for ten minutes and then back up again. What was she up to?
I caught her in the hall leading to the Servants' Hall.
"What are you up to?" I asked.
Her eyes went wide.
"I have no idea what you're talking about?"
"What's down there that needs your attention?" I asked.
She placed her hands on her hips as if I was prying.
"Can't a girl have some privacy? What if it was my time of the month?" she asked me. I knew she wanted to make me uncomfortable. It wasn't working.
"Is it?" I asked.
She turned her face away, "No."
"Then what's down there?" I asked. She didn't answer me.
"If you don't tell me, I'll go down there myself," I stated.
She was silent. I took a step and she jumped in front of me. Her reaction made me want to laugh.
"I-I have toys."
I raise an eyebrow, "What type of toys?"
Her cheeky grin matched mine and I knew she was lying.
"And clothes everywhere. Just bras, underwear –."
"If you're trying to make me uneasy it's not working. It's just making me want to see what you're hiding."
"Who says I'm hiding anything?" she asks.
I frowned, "you did."
She scoffed, "you shouldn't be even allowed in the Servants' Hall, anyway."
"My house, my rules."
She groaned, "Why are you so impossible?"
"Why are you so stubborn? What are you hiding?" I moaned.
"Nothing, okay, for once in my life I'm not hiding!" she yelled.
"Why would lie to you Patrick?"
"Well let's see shell we," as I went to step forward, she took my arm. And like a reflex I pushed her body up against the wall. Her face was millimetres from mine. Her eyes were focused on mine but mine were on her lips. I kept imagining what it would feel like to have her lips between mine. So much that I could almost taste her.
"Patrick," her sweet voice broke my thoughts. I pushed off the wall and took two steps away from her. But her back was still against the wall, as if she was glued.
"Your right, you wouldn't lie to me."

I thought he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me that it hurt. I could see the hunger in his eyes, feel it. I was so disappointed when he didn't. I knew it wasn't personal, but I couldn't help but feel insulted.
Was I not good enough? Did I meet the acquirements of the Lady Gilbert? Probably not. He probably needed to marry a blonde headed, Oxford graduate British virgin. I wasn't blond, I'm wasn't graduate of anything, I wasn't British and I defiantly wasn't a virgin.
I sighed knowing I had to get back to my job. Before I got fired.
I was distracted all day. I rolled my fork in my dinner and looked upon it in disappointment. Like Patrick did with me.
"Rose," I looked up at the sound of Jenson's voice, "are you okay?"
I sighed, "I don't know, have you ever thought that you weren't good enough for someone?"
He smiled as if he knew I was talking about Patrick.
"Would you believe me if I said I did?"
I sat up, finally something interesting about him.
"You had someone?"
"Both you and Patrick seem surprise."
"I'm not surprised," he looked at me as if he could tell I was lying, "Okay yeah."
He fell silent.
"So tell me about her. Or him. Oh my God I knew it."
He frowned as if he didn't understand what I was going on about.
"Her name was Alice."
"Why did you think you weren't good enough for her?" I asked.
He sighed, "She was everything I wanted in a woman. Smart, beautiful, respectable. But it didn't work out."
"Why not?" I asked.
He frowned. I guess he wasn't use to someone being so forward.
"I was needed somewhere use. That's that, no more questions."
Was it that? How could it just end? How could anything just end? I thought that when I left America that it would be the end. But it just doesn't.
"Are you going to finish your dinner?" he asked.
My mind went straight to Curious.
"I'm not that hungry."
I stood taking the bowl.
"Oh and Jenson, I think I'm going to cook tomorrow night."
He sat back looking offended. I stifled a laugh and walk up the hall with Curious' dinner.

Chapter 20
"Sir, are you okay?" Jenson asked as I stared at my food like I didn't know what it was.
"I'm fine, it's just," I stopped. What do I say? I have feelings for Rose. Strange feelings.
"Have you ever felt like you were attracted to the wrong person?" I asked knowing the answer. Of course not.
"I have, Sir."
I raise an eyebrow.
"Right, this was in your 'I wasn't always a butler' life, right?"
"Not quite."
I frowned, "What does that mean?"
"Can I be honest with you, Sir?" he asked.
"Of course."
He sighed, "I fell for a girl quite young. I courted her for quite some time. Years really. When she finally accept me, we decided that we were going to run away together."
"What happened?"
"The night before we had plan to run away was the night five men broke into the house and killed your family. That's why I wasn't there that night, I was meeting Alice for the final arrangements."
I knew I should have had a little bit of anger towards him, but I didn't. By the look in his eyes I knew he felt guilty for what happened.
"Why didn't you go with her?"
He shrugged, "You needed me. I couldn't leave you."
I felt so guilty. I was what stood between him and happiness.
"Jenson, I'm sorry."
"Why, Sir? You have no right to be."
"But I stopped you from being happy."
"You didn't stop me from doing anything."
I signed. I rubbed my temple as I thought.
"Is that all for today Sir?" he asked.
I looked at him, "Yes Jenson, thank you."
As he left, I stopped him, "Jenson, have the day off today."
He smiled and nodded.
Poor guy. He had his life in front of him and then had it ripped away. Like me. I knew what I wanted. And I wanted Rose.
I quickly got dressed and headed down the stairs. And like a month ago, I spotted Rose, opening up the curtains.
"No, Rose! Get away from the curtain now!" I ordered storming towards her. She let go of the curtain and placed her hands on her hips.
"No Patrick. I'm sick of living in the dark."
"You will get used to it," I told her. I had.
She looked angry, like really angry.
"Not this time! You can't always get what you want!"
"Trust me, I know!" I can't get you.
"Am I not good enough for you!" she yelled.
I frowned, "what!"
"Is that why you didn't kiss me? Because I don't reach your standards!"
"God no, Rose! You mean the world to me!"
"Fine, prove it!"
There was no time to think. My heart pounded a million miles an hour. This was my chance to make everything right. I pushed past her and without hesitation I flew open the curtains. Light burst through the stain glass window lighting up the void.
I could see her more clearing. Her face, her body, everything. She was a bloody angel.
She took careful steps towards me. Her eyes locked on mine. The tips of her fingers touched the start of my scars and down the side of my face. She opened her month and closed it. My hand cupped her nape and everything turned into slow motion. I locked my lips onto hers. It was like I imagined it times a hundred. The way she tasted. The way she felt. The way her body pressed against mine. I almost didn't want to come up for air.
When we finally stopped it felt like we were still going. Our eyes stayed on each other as if we found that just as pleasing as our tongues wrapped together.
It was Rose that broke the silence, "I have to get back to work."
I nodded letting go of her. As she went to touch the curtains, I stopped her.
"No, leave it. And can you do me a favour?"
She nodded.
"Open the others as well."
She frowned, "are you sure?"
I swallowed and nodded, "it's been long enough."

Rose and the Thorn (Fallen Tales series)Where stories live. Discover now