Chapter 45

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Chapter 45
I tended to Patrick for what seemed like weeks but was only over a couple of days. I would feed him every breakfast, noon and night. Sometimes I would help him to the bathroom, and watched him carefully as he washed himself. I would read to him till he fell asleep in my arms. I watched him for hours, running my fingers over his scars. What would he be like if he hadn't been through that? If he didn't wear scars that were so much more than just lines on his face, would I have fallen for the person before the scars? In my mind I knew they were the same person but in my heart they were different.
"Rose," I jumped at the feel of Patrick's hand grapping my arm.
I quickly responded, "I'm here."
"Oh God," he groaned lying on his back. It was like he had woken up from a horrible nightmare.
"I know about your father, if you want to talk about it?" I asked. I didn't want to push him.
"I don't want to."
I nodded feeling disappointed but understood.
"What's it like when you have a turn?" I asked changing the subject.
He shrugged, "it's hard to explain. It's like I'm aware of everything around me but I don't have the energy to interact. Like I'm in a black hole waiting to be swallowed."
I nodded feeling overwhelmed with the knowledge.
"Don't get swallowed," I begged not meeting his eyes.
He took my hand, "I promise."
"What brings you out of them?" I asked.
"I don't really know. It's like waking up from a nightmare. You don't really no you've had one till you've woken up."
"So what are you going to do about the guy?" I asked wanting to get past this.
He sighed, "There's not much to do. Father didn't mention a name, it's pointless."
"But surely someone witnessed them meeting. What about that old lady?"
"Nothing, it's a moo point. No name. The only person that new everything was my Father."
"Not quite."
He frowned, looking up at me, "What does that mean?"
"What happened that night? You were the only one that was there and lived to tell the tale."
"But what would I possibly know? Father kept this all to himself."
"I don't know, what about the men?" I asked.
"They were wearing balaclavas."
"What about the one that gave you your scars?"
He froze. He was hiding something.
Everything went calm and still.
"Patrick, what is the real reason why you shut yourself away?"
He sighed giving in, "that night, when they attacked, one took me. They were all dead by then. I looked him in the eyes and begged him to take my life. He was going to do it, I saw it in his eyes. But someone behind me told him no. he said 'To live alone, with no one to love him' would be my punishment. So I did. I closed myself away from everything. Hid in my room like a coward."
I took his hand, "you're not a coward."
"I am, I stayed there letting him scar me. I looked into his brown eyes and prayed for him to end the fight."
"Patrick you fight every day. They might have won the battle but we will win the war. Together."
He pulled me down to him as I snuggled against his chest.
"That was a horrible line by the way."

Chapter 46
This had been the first time in a week that I had come out of my room. I still had my depressed hangover so I walked around in bare feet, sweat pants and the moss shirt that Rose loved.
The smooth marble floor felt cool against my feet and I wondered why I didn't do this more often. I remember doing it as a child. Running around like nothing could ever touch me. I remembered one maid that we had. She was nice and was my friend when my childhood was so lonely. Her name was Rachel.
Her round face and chestnut hair comforted me when I was upset. I remember her sneaking me treats on some days. I was five when she left.
"Hey look at you," I turned to Rose as she came out of the library with the vacuum in her hands.
"Yeah, doesn't take much, does it?"
She giggled, "Yeah sure."
I leaned down to take the vacuum, "let me help you."
"I'm fine, you're one that's been in a comma for the past week."
I smiled at her as she struggled towards the sitting room. I realized that I needed to talk to Jenson.
"Rose," she stopped and turned, "Where's Jenson?"
"Ahh, I think he's in his office."
I nodded walking towards her. I kissed her forehead and headed towards the Servants' Hall.
The taps of my feet on the cement stairs filled the halls as I moved closer towards Jenson's office.
I found him at his desk, staring at the blank wall. He looked far away from where he really was. In his small office.
"Jenson, slacking off and it's only twelve," my voice seemed loud in the silence. Jenson span his chair to face me.
"I see you're in a good mood."
"I don't know about good, but better yes," I admitted.
He smiled the smile when he knew he was right, "I knew Rose would do a good job."
I raised my arms. She was an amazing woman. But something still tugged at the back of my mind. And I knew I could talk about it now.
"Jenson, you knew about Father's debt, didn't you?" I asked.
He nodded, "When I took over the finances, I thought I should read the journals to know how your father worked the estate. But he didn't tell me about the debt himself."
"Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"
He shrugged, "You were a mess, I didn't want to make it worse. The knowledge of your father would have destroyed you."
"So why now?" I asked.
He shrugged, "You have come so far, Patrick. So much that you have now taken over the estate. I thought if you found out now, the climb out of that hole would be easier to manage," his eyes wondered over me, "Seems that I was right."
I smiled almost proud. How far had I come? From a zombie to living person. Thanks to Jenson and Rose, I'm awake. I'm walking. I'm talking. I'm eating.
"What do you want to do now?" Jenson asked. I tapped my thumb on my lip thinking.
"I can't let them get away with it. My sisters never got to live because of this horrible person," I felt numb with anger.
"Whatever you decide, I will help you."
I nodded. I would have to think about it.
As I turned to leave, Jenson said, "Remember Sir, don't mix justice with revenge. They're not the same thing."

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