Chapter 80

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Chapter 80
Patrick! Patrick! Patrick!
Rose's voice played in my head as she screamed for me to answer her.
Stay with me!
All I could see was white. Just nothingness. A wasteland.
Don't leave me!
Where am I?
I turned around and saw a bright light coming towards me.
Patrick! No!
I tried to run from it but the light was coming for me. I closed my eyes hoping it would stop the light.
I felt a warmth. I felt sun against my cheek and a cool breeze against my body. I opened my eyes and immediately recognised that I was in a paddock of Pinecone Manner.
I heard Rose's giggle in the distance. I span around but saw nothing.
"Over here," I turned in the direction of her voice and spotted her on a hill. She sat on a picnic rug with a basket next to her. My eyes wondered over her body that was cover by a pale pink strapless dress. Her hair was out and waved in the wind as she wore the neckless I got her around her neck.
"Your late," she said sternly but a smile covered her face.
I lied on the rug beside her, sitting up on my elbow.
"I'm sorry, I got caught up," I said thinking of an excuse. I frowned as she unpack the basket. She placed out strawberries, melted chocolate, slice and sandwiches on to the rug.
"Ah, Rose," I paused trying to find the words, "what are we celebrating again?"
"Our one year anniversary of course. Did u forget?" She asked almost shocked.
I shook my head, "no, no, just -."
She started to giggle. She leaned over to me and pecked my lips but didn't moved from her position. I cupped her nape and bought her to my lips, hard. I kissed her like I hadn't seen her in months.
I felt her weight disappear and the taste of her red lips vanish. I opened my eyes and she and the picnic were gone.
I sat up and looked around the empty fields.
"Rose!" I called hearing it echoing through the trees.
"She's gone," I turned and spotted Adelaide standing two meters away from me.
"Adelaide? What are you doing here?" I asked.
She shrugged. Her blonde curls still ended at her shoulders and she wore the same thing the she had died in. Her favourite jeans and lavender coloured blouse.
"I'm helping you. I know we didn't get along before I died, but I'm here now."
I frowned, "but, I -."
"We're all fine by the way," she butted in acting more like herself, "Father wanted to come but I wanted to. We're all really proud of you."
I frowned, not being able to get it through my head. My dead sister is talking to me.
"But how is this possible?" I asked.
"You're dying, Patrick. You got stabbed by Jeremy Fisher and now you're dying."
My heart started to race as I grew more panicked.
"No, no, I can't be."
"You are, Patrick," she said calmly.
I shook my head in denial.
"I have to get back. Rose!" I called out again.
Adelaide groaned from behind me.
"She's gone Patrick, don't you get it. Everything's fading. Every minute you stay here, the closer you will be to not waking up."
I exhaled trying to calm my breathing.
"Then how do I wake up?" I asked.
She shrugged, "I don't know."
"Adelaide!" I yelled growing frustrated again.
"What? I didn't wake up, none of us did!" She yelled back at me.
I groaned. She was more frustrating dead than when she was alive.
I turned and headed in the direction of the house. I heard Adelaide behind me and soon she was beside me.
"So you're in love," she started. I rolled my eyes.  "She seems really cool, so much better than Sophie."
I smile and chuckled, "yeah, she is."
"Are you going to marry her?" She asked.
If I can wake up.
I paced faster trying to lose her.
She groaned, "Patrick, wait up!"
I didn't.
I flinched when I felt her hand on my wrist.
Light blinded me forcing me to shut my eyes. When I opened them, we were in my room.
I looked at my lifeless self and Rose sleeping next to me.
"She hasn't left you for days," Adelaide told me.
I walked over to her side and peered over her. Her cheeks were puffy meaning she had been crying. As I stroked her cheek, I felt nothing. Not even her soft skin.
"It won't work," Adelaide said, "you have no idea how many times Mother has tried it with you. You know, when you had your bad days."
I ignored her and said, "I wish I could say something to her. Comfort her -."
"But you can't," she butted in.
I frowned, "then why did you take me here?"
"I wanted you to know what it will feel like if you don't wake up."
"I want to wake up," I snapped, "the reason I'm like that is because I was protecting her. The last thing I want to do is loose her."
I felt Adelaide's hand on my wrist as light started to swallow us again. 
Again I looked around at my surroundings. The rose bushes, the stone tiles and the marble tomb gave it away. I was at my family's tomb.
I turned to Adelaide.
"Why did you bring me here?" I snapped, "I don't want to be here. I don't want to end up here."
I wasn't surprised that she could stand her ground.
"Patrick you're seeing this place as it is, not as it was. Do you remember what this place was?" She asked.
I stepped back trying to think.
I remember laughter. The girls giggles as I would chase them through the trees. Danette was always sneezing because of her allergies, Carmel comforting her, Adelaide and Bethany were complaining because I was cheating because Easter would tell me where they were hiding.
I looked up to Adelaide's sad face.
I swallowed, "that was a week before you were murdered."
She swallowed as well.
I felt a tingling at my palm but ignored it.
"And now you will be too," she said as the landscape began to disappear.
I moved my head around hearing Rose's voice.
"Do you hear that?" I asked.
Adelaide's face light up.
"Yes, yes! Patrick listen to her. Wake up."
Patrick, please wake up!
I saw the light but this time I knew what was coming.
"I'm sorry Adelaide, for everything."
"Don't worry about me!" she had to yell over the roar, "Just wake up!"
Patrick, squeeze my hand if you can hear me.

I lied next to Patrick, resting my head against his shoulder. I took his cold hand in mine, squeezing it every now and then. I took in his smell feeling complete by it.
"Please Patrick. Please wake up," I begged. I found myself saying it more often than I would care to admit.
"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me," I said expecting the same result. Nothing
But I felt something. I frowned and looked down at our hands. His fingers moved as he worked up the strength to squeeze my hand.
"Patrick," I said, my heart starting to pound with happiness, "Patrick, can you hear me?"
I saw his eyes flicker and then slowly began to blink.
My mouth dropped as I slid off the bed and ran for the door.
"Jenson! Alice! Come quick!"
I ran back to Patrick's side as I heard him groaned.
"Rose," he moaned his voice croaky.
"I'm here, Patrick, I'm not going anywhere," I squeezed his hand with both of mine, feeling overcome with joy as I felt him squeeze back.
"What is it Rose?" Jenson asked as they came in the room. I heard Alice gasp as Patrick moved his head to look at him.
"I'll call the doctor," Alice said running out of the room.
"Patrick," Jenson said moving to the other side of the bed, "can you hear me?"
Patrick nodded and tried to mumble something.
"Patrick, what is it?" I asked leaning forward.
"I – woke – up."
I giggled, as tears of joy ran down my cheek.
"Yes Patrick, yes you did."

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