Chapter 10

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Chapter 8
"You're doing it wrong," Patrick sat behind me in the living room. I didn't even realize he was watching me. He had his head suck in a book, well that's what I thought at least.
"Says the person who's never cleaned in his life." I stretched up to the higher shelves of the bookcase to dust the books.
"I did go to a boarding school," he stated.
"And I bet you had cleaners there too," I turned my head to see his reaction. He frowned as if he didn't understand what I had said.
"You really think that little of me, don't you?" I dropped my arms and turned to him. His bright blue eyes wanted me to explain. Like he needed to know what I thought of him
"Depends, what happened five years ago?" He froze like a deer in the headlights. He closed his book and stood. My eyes were drawn to his blue collar shirt which made his eyes pop out even more.
"Have you ever had your whole life ripped out from underneath you just in a course of a night?" I froze at the question.
"Yes," I admitted feeling a lump the size of a golf ball in my throat.
"Bet you haven't," he was so close to me that I felt his breath on my face. It made my heart race.
"I have. Why do you think I'm here? In England. Instead of America. Just because you have scars doesn't mean I don't!"
"My scars are like roots that are tied to my soul!"
"And mine aren't? My roots are tied so deep that I have to run from everyplace that wants to pull me home!"
"Mine makes me hide from everything!"
I groaned, "Why do you always have to be the best?"
"Why are you just a pain in the arse?"
"Sorry I think its ass."
"It's arse."
"You're probably right, seeing I'm just the cleaner! Which you're always trying to stop me to do my job!"
"Like what?"
"The curtain!"
He groaned, "I never wanted a cleaner in the first place!" 
I frowned, "then what am I still doing here?"
"I don't know."
We stared at each other as we decided what to do. I was so lost in his eyes. Why did I get so lost in his eyes?
I scoffed and stormed for the door. Stuff this. I didn't need him. I didn't need Jenson, and I didn't need this stupid mansion. I didn't need anybody.
I paced out of the front door and headed around the house. The cold wind cut through my skin as if it was ripping at my soul. Leafless trees stood like dead soldiers on a battle field making me feel small in comparison.
When I was finally a good distance away from the house, I dropped down on the cold damp ground and cried. I wrapped my arms around my knees as I started to weep.
I loved it here. I didn't want to leave. I had started to see it as my home. I was so use to waking up, finding toast cooked for me, and walking around the house. Though the work was hard sometimes, it was worth it. Thirty dollars an hour. I've never earned that much in my life.
And Patrick. Oh Patrick. He made my blood boil but made my knees weak. He was everything I hated and wanted at the same time.
I heard the snapped of a stick. And another one.
"Go away Patrick," I groaned feeling annoyed that he had followed me.
Then in the distance a growl. I looked around to see the ghostly figure of wolves. I was surrounded.

I paced in the void as Jenson watched me carefully on the stairs.
"She drives me crazy. She pushes and pushes. I almost told her what happened that night."
"That may have been my fault, Sir," he admitted. I stopped to look at him.
"I told her if she wanted to know what happened she would have to ask you." So that's how she knew that it had been five years ago. But she gets me so fired up so easily.
"What happened?" He asked. What had happened? I was reading then my eyes were locked on her perfect arse. Then I teased her about cleaning wrong. Then she started arguing with me.
"I've been an idiot, haven't I?" I asked, feeling guilty.
I sighed rubbing my forehead.
"Okay, where is she now?" I asked.
"I saw her walk towards the woods."
"What!" I yelled. How could he be so stupid? "There's wolves out there. You know that! How could you let her go out there by herself?"
I paced up stairs to my father's office. I got the rifle out of the gun cabinet and some bullets from the top draw. I loaded it and headed back down stairs. I didn't even stop to explain things to Jenson. I needed to get to her now.
I followed her footsteps far beyond the safety of the house.
And there I found her. She stood in the mix of trees as grey wolves surrounded her. My heart stopped beating. If I don't do anything, she will die. If I do, she might die.
"Rose!" I yelled. She turned towards me and started to run.
"Patrick!" She slipped and one pulled at her ankles. It was like that night in replay. But instead of masks, they wore the faces of wolves. Her scream made me snap out of my trance.
"Patrick!" I aimed and fired. The other four ran off as one lied still with a bullet hole in its head. I ran over to her picked her up by her shoulders. She was shaking with fear, her hair a mess. Mud covered every inch of her from being dragged.
"Are you okay?" I asked holding her body close to me. Her fingers clawed at my shirt as a way to balance herself.
"Come on, I'll get you back to the house."

"That hurts!" I screamed as he wrapped a warm cloth around my ankle.
He had carried me into the library and placed me on the lounge.
I still hadn't told him about the bite in my side. There was more than one that had grabbed me.
"Well if you stopped moving, maybe it wouldn't?" He suggested squeezing the towel. I felt warm drops run down my foot onto the carpet. The gentle way he touch me made me think about how he could had ever made the bruise that was once around my wrist.
"It tickles. Thanks for telling me about the wolves by the way," I said sarcastically.
"How the hell would I know that you were going to go into the woods? And any smart person would know about wolves."
"I'm not from here Patrick, there's no wolves where I come from," I stated.
"And where's that?"
"Brooklyn, New York," I admitted. I pulled back when I felt a sting of pain, "It was at least. I don't belong anywhere anymore."
It was something that I've been trying to tell myself ever since I left for England. But I couldn't quiet convince myself till now. I don't belong anywhere.
"Yes you do. This will be your home till you wish it not to be," his words made tears form in my eyes. Nobody had ever given me a home before. It almost made the pain in my side bearable.
"So why did you leave?" he asked.
I sighed, "Everybody knew my story. I needed a fresh start. What better way to do that than to do it in a different country?" I shifted and felt the pain. It hurt so much that I couldn't hide it.
"What, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," I tried to hide it. His eyes found my hands gripping my sides. He flicked them away, and lifted up my singlet to reveal my bloody side.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked as if I had hurt his feelings for not telling him.
"I didn't think it was that bad," I admitted.
I started to feel dizzy at the sight of blood, "Patrick, I'm not good with blood."
He took my hand as I crawled to the floor. I steadied my breathing trying to stay awake.
Don't black out. Don't black out.
"Everything okay, Sir?" I heard Jenson's voice in the back ground.
"No, get me a warm cloth for her side and a cold cloth for her forehead. Hurry."
"Talk to me Patrick, keep my mind off the blood," I begged.
"Um, okay. How long since you left America?" he asked.
"A year. I've been finding work as a cleaner. One day a week job. But none ever fit." I couldn't believe how honest I was being with a guy I hated.
I felt something warm and wet on my bare side and a cold one on my forehead. I wanted to moan at how good it felt.
"Do you know what it feels like to have the whole world know almost everything about you, without them actually knowing you?" I asked knowing he didn't understand me.
"Why do you think I keep the curtains closed?"
I laughed a half-hearted-laugh. I was so tired that I was losing control of what I was saying. "You're alone aren't you?"
"Something horrible happened to you, didn't it?"
"Yes, and I'll never forget it."

Half an hour later, she had come to her senses. Her body was her normal temperature and her breathing had gone back to normal.
"I need a shower," she groaned. She started to lift herself up but couldn't find the strength.
"Let me help you," I said taking her arm to help her up. She swayed holding her head. She looked hangover. I looked at her body. Her ankle ripped and her side bitten.
"No, saved me, so thankyou," her voice was airy. Our eyes locked before she stumbled out of the library. I made up the decision to follow her.
I've only been in the Servants' Hall once or twice in my life. I may have been five the last time I had been down here. Father and Mother had been fighting and I didn't know where else to go. Out of all the places and people I could have gone to. I hid in Jenson's office waiting till he returned from where ever he was.
She struggled down the stairs but soon found her way to the showers. I stayed behind the door as I watched her.
Her body was stunning. Her beautiful behind and plump breast made me want to scream in pleasure. She stepped into the bath and turned on the tap for the shower. Stream soon filled the room making it hard to see her. I shook my eyes away and went back to the land where I belonged.

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