Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
She was different today. Not focused. I watched her from the other stairs leading to the East Wing. This had been the first time I'd come down the stairs that lead to the West Wing. Even if it was just to go up the stairs across from it.
After my episode yesterday, this had been the first time I got out of bed. Every time I went to move, I would vomit. After cleaning it up a few times, Jenson decided to bring me a bucket.
The huge walls of the void made her look even smaller. She looked around as if to see if she was being watched then dropped the broom. I watched her climb the stairs. She stopped deciding what way to go. West or east. She went west. She was going to the West Wing.

I needed answers and Jenson wasn't going to give them to me. Like always I had to do things myself. Like everything, it was a dark hallway with doors spread across the two walls. I felt a ghostly breeze that made me want to shiver. You know you're not supposed to be up here. If Jenson catches you, you'll be fired for sure. But curiosity, like always, won out. At the end of the hall, the door was sightly opened. As I went to peer through, something took my arm and before I could register what happened, his face, furious, stared at me as his body push me up against the wall. I could see him so clearly. Three perfect lines came down the side of his face and down under the collar of his shirt. How did he get them?
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" he yelled. His English accent made me flinch as my ears started to ring.
"I was –,"
"You know you're not allowed up here, why did you come up here?" his hand gripped my wrist so tight that I had to swallow a cry. 
"You're hurting me," I cried.
"Why did you come up here?" he growled.
"I needed answers," I admitted trying to resist the urge to take my wrist back.
"What answers?"
"Just answers, why is the house so dark?" I asked. He froze. He eyes widened as if he only just realized what he was doing to me.
"Please, let me go?" I begged.
He did as I asked and I sunk to the ground below him. I looked up at him to see if he was going to say anything. He just looked at the ball I'd become and walked into the room I went to open. He slammed it shut making me jump. I looked at my wrist feeling it bruise already. I bit my lip feeling like an idiot. What is wrong with you Rose? Why do you always have to screw things up?
I stood up feeling like there was no point anymore. It's a feeling I'm common with. I turned back to the hall as I walked down the stairs. There was something dark in those blue eyes of his. Something so dark that he couldn't even control it anymore.
And those scars. I've never seen anything like them. However he got them, it had to be on purpose. Why would he do something like that to himself? Or why would someone do that to him?

Chapter 7
"Sir, I think it's time we have a little talk," Jenson said behind me. I sat at my desk looking at the maroon curtains. I hadn't left my room in two days. Not since what happened with the girl. I could still feel her soft skin being squeezed by my own.
"About what?" I sighed, hoping he didn't know what I did.
"Rose," my heart stopped.
Such a pretty name for such beauty. The thought annoyed me. She might be beautiful in all the ways that count but she couldn't follow simple rules. Don't go in the West Wing!
"What about her?" I asked.
"Come with me," he ordered.
"Jenson, I'm not leaving my room, if you have something to say; do it here," I stated, bluntly.
He sighed, "Sir, I've watch you come out of your room to watch her clean. Now can you come with me?"
I groaned feeling caught.
I mustn't have been as careful as I thought. I followed him down the hall to the stairs. I stopped dead and her eyes widened as we shared looks. She looked scared and pissed off at the same time. So was I.
We joined her where the stairs parted into two. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stared at Jenson as if she wanted to kill him. I did to. I didn't want to see her let alone speak to her.
My eyes followed down her perfect body. Again she wore so little. Tiny shorts, a singlet that said Go Girls! And, thank God, a purple cardigan.
"Now what is your problem?" he asked as he stood in the middle like a referee.
We both started to yell.
"She went into the West Wing!"
"He scared the crap out of me!"
"Because you went where you weren't supposed to go!" I yelled at her.
"Well I'm sorry, but I'm sick of being left in the dark!" she waved her hand around gesturing to the darkness we stood in.
"I have my reasons!"
"Oh like what?"
I froze, I couldn't tell her.
"One at a time," Jenson said, raising his hands to make us stop, "Rose, why did you go up to the West Wing?"
"I needed answers."
"Answers you don't need to know," I muttered under my breath.
Her killer stare turned to me.
"And Sir Patrick, why did you react the way you did?" he asked me.
I looked at the bruise around Rose's wrist that she hid under the purple cardigan. My blood went cold. Could I be capable of doing that?
"No body's allowed in the West Wing."
"Accept for Jenson?" she said already knowing the answer.
She dropped her arms to her sides as if she had a reason to be frustrated.
"Now, say sorry," Rose and I both looked at him as if he was stupid.
At the same time we yelled, "I'm not saying sorry, I wasn't in the wrong!"
He groaned in frustration, "You're worse than children! Least with children I can bribe with ice-cream."
He walked down the stairs leaving us. We groaned at the same time and went our separate ways. Me up the stairs and her down. Before I hit the hall I looked back at her and found that she was looking up at me.
She smiled a small smile and for the first time in five years, I did to.

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