Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
I walked down the Main Street of the village. My warm red jumper covered my body to my mid thighs and a beanie warmed my head. My brown hair flowed out onto my shoulders keeping my neck warm. I couldn't believe how close to winter it was. I also couldn't believe that I've been here over a month.
People hurried along the cement path and across the road. It was like this place was in a different universe. Nobody talked, nobody listened. It was like if someone was being murdered in the middle of the streets, nobody would notice.
I made my way to the post office. I pushed open the door and welcomed the feel of heat. After spending a month in a mansion, it was nice to remember modern technology.
The post office was filled with shelves of cards, papers and information pamphlets. I smiled as I took an envelope from the shelf. I took half the money I had earn over the month into it and turned to the lady behind the counter. She looked at me as if I was doing something illegal. I walked over to her and took a stamp.
"Just the stamp, please."
She nodded as she took the fifty-eight pence.
"You work up at the mansion, don't you?" She asked.
"Yeah, how do you know that?" I asked.
"Everybody's talking about it."
I frowned. Now I know why Patrick hid behind the closed curtains. What ever happened with his family? Everybody here would know.
"I still can't believe they didn't investigate him."
I thought it was such a weird thing to say, otherwise I would have smiled and went on with my day.
"You better watch out Miss, or you'll end up like his family."
My heart was pounding at the thought, "can you please just tell me what you mean?" I asked starting to feel panic.
"He was the only witness. Of course he did it."
"Did what?" I yelled. The shock that flowed across her face was too familiar. I hated being left in the dark. What I hated more was having my story on show so everyone could see. If someone thought something about me, I needed to know it. I got this way after my father was submitted to hospital.
"Kill his family."
My blood ran cold. His family was killed and people thought he did it. Oh Hell no! My hands started to shake with guilt and sorrow. Was this why he never left the mansion? Because he knew that people thought he did it.
I stormed out of the post office and quickly through the envelope in the mail box knowing that it will found its way to America. But I had business here. I belonged here.
I headed towards the dirt road when something caught my eyes. Someone. The homeless man sat in front of the tavern where he had stopped me a month ago.
"Hey, why did you say the mansion was haunted?" I ordered feeling my heart pound with every word I said.
"Because it is," he said not being able to meet my firery gaze.
"That's not good enough."
"What do you what? You're a blow in. You will leave when you want to. People around here have to live with the knowledge of what happened," he groaned. Clearly he was hangover. I tried not to think of the insult.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Think about it more. Your life will change when you found out the truth. And when you do. You will wish, you had never found out."

"Patrick! Patrick!" Rose's voice yelled up the stairs. I walked out of my room and closed the door. I still didn't want her to go in my room. I met her in the hall.
"What's going on?" she was breathing heavily and she looked panicked.
"I want to know..." she paused, "I wanted to know if you would come with me to the tavern tonight."
I frowned. I was confused with the question and why she was asking it.
"You want to go with me?"
She thought for a while, "Because you're the Lord or something of this town. And I thought if I went with you, I would be protected."
"Okay, well, I haven't gone to the tavern since I was twenty. And I'm sure you can take care of yourself when it comes to men."
She thought about what I had said and decided to ignore the insult.
"Fair enough, then let me be your body guard."
"Didn't you just go to the village?" I asked remembering that Jenson had told me when he brought me my lunch.
"Yeah and that's why I want to go," I continued to be quiet, "Come on Patrick, people think you're crazy."
They think more than that. They think I did it.
"So, I prefer that," I admitted. It meant that they left me alone.
"But you can't even listen to what their saying," she sounded as if that was a bad thing.
"Why is this so important to you?" I asked.
Her face turned to surprise as if I hadn't realized that she was up to something.
"I just thought you would like to go. Sorry for bothering you," she turned and headed for the stairs. I know what guys alike with fresh meat. And Rose was defiantly not shy when it came to men. And she will be drinking. The guys will be drinking. And the thought of Rose being around them made my blood boil. I caught her at the bottom of the stairs.
"Rose!" she stopped and turned around, "I'll come, just give me a minute."
"Oh honey, I can give you a couple of hours."

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