Chapter 1

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Your POV:
My names Y/N Lopez I'm a teen from Anaheim City. Im 5'4 got brown hair, light brown eyes and I'm in shape. I'm not the popular type I've got a small group of friends which consists of my best friend Lauren, Becky, and Ruben. My dad left when I was ten but that's a whole different story. Anyways I'm 16 about to turn 17. I've got a sister Alyssa, a brother Steven, and I can't forget my mother who's done a great job raising us. I enjoy playing sports, reading, drawing, music, and skateboarding.

'I was scared of dentists and the dark
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations Oh, all my friends are turning gre-' I was currently in my room singing along to riptide when a knock on my bedroom door interrupted me. I opened the door to find my mother standing there.

"Mom?" "Hey sweetie do you have time to talk" Victoria Said "yeah is everything alright" i said while stepping to the side to let my mother in. "Well I have Good and bad news" she said as she sat on his desk chair. "What's the good news" i asked excitedly. "I got a promotion at work today" she said in a ecstatic voice. "Mom that's great I haven't seen you this excited in a while" i smiled as he hugged her.

After pulling away my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion "Wait, what's the bad news" i asked "Well you see the thing is that it's in Smalltown and we'll be moving" "moving I can't move to Small town where is that even at it doesn't matter it's almost gonna be summer. The summer before senior year the most important year of high school" "It's close to Sacramento" I scoffed "It's not as bad as it seems" "But mom my I had senior year all planed out I was finally gonna do stuff important stuff" "like what" "like getting a job and becoming more responsible if we moved now I will never know what responsibility is" "Y/N were moving and that's final. I'm looking out for our family". She said and kissed the top of his head. I just looked down and Smiled sadly.

As she was almost out the door she turned around and said " Oh Y/N" "yeah mom" "The Jauregui's are getting transferred too" . I quickly looked up and smiled "Lauren's going" "Yup so you don't have to worry about being the new kid" with that said she walked out leaving me back to do my homework on Wednesday night.

I then decided to text lauren
Y/N:Hey you awake??
Green Eyed Loser💚:Yeah trying to finish AP Calculus Homework. Everything Alright??
Y/N: Yeah can I call you?
Green Eyed Loser💚: yeah
*Ring ring *
Green Eyed Loser💚: Hey
Y/N:Hey did you get the bad news already?
Green Eyed Loser💚:bad news? No but I got exciting news guess what?
Y/N: By the sound of your voice Either jace asked you out or your moving to small town California this summer before senior year because your dad got a promotion
Green Eyed Loser💚:How'd you know are you stalking me you creep.
Y/N:Yes Lauren I stalk you on my free time because I don't spend enough time with you already. Anyways guess who's parent is also getting transfers to small town?
Green Eyed Loser💚:This is gonna awesome now before it was what ever but it just got better. Wait should I be offended??
Y/N: What no this is horrible. We have to start all over. Well be know as the new kids. And no but I think people think we're dating by how much time we spend together.
Green Eyed Loser💚:Come on Y/N it won't be that bad and I'm surprised you actually want to stay there.
Y/N: yeah but just the fact of starting over.
Green Eyed Loser💚: It won't be bad. Think about it you can join the baseball team I know how much you miss it
Y/N: Yeah your right it's not that big of a deal. Don't forget soccer.
Green Eyed Loser💚: See it'll be fun. And I don't think it's bad that people think we're dating it keeps all th F-Boys and Hoes Away from us but I gotta go to sleep we got school tomorrow so I'll talk to you then. Goodnight y/n.
Y/N: Goodnight Laur see you mañana.

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