Chapter 23

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"Hey congrats" "y/n must be jealous" I heard people in the locker room say. I went in to drop some of my stuff down considering we have to practice the big game coming up. "I must be jealous of what" I said coming into view of some underclassmen and Shawn. "They all left and it was just me and Shawn. "So what should I be jealous of" I asked. "You'll find out soon enough" he said walking out. I changed into my baseball teeand headed to the field for the meeting coach had randomly called during our last period. Dallas was there already and was talking to the coach. "Hey what's up" I said putting my hat on. "Hey y/n you mind if I have a few words with you" he said. "Yeah no problem" I said. "Dallas could you excuse us" he said. "It's okay he can stay" I said confused. "So as you know you've missed a lot of practice and haven't been keeping up with the team so I thought it'd be best if you step down from being captain" he said and i furred my eyebrows in confusion. "That's a little unreasonable don't you think" Dallas said. "No I think it's for the best" he said. "But coach i worked for this I deserve this" I said getting defensive. "Until you can prove it Shawn's going to be co captain and Dallas you're now captain. "I have proved it. Ive been here working day and night to come up with plays to get us to win the game. And I know I've worked harder than Shawn" I said upset. "Look yn it's not personal it'd be good for you to take a break" he said. "No I don't need a break I doing fine" I said obviously hurt. "Y/n one more remark and you're benched" he said. "Well you obviously know whats best for the team so i guess I'm benched" I said walking away.

Lauren's pov
I had just asked the teacher if I could be excused to use the restroom and was on my way until I spotted y/n walking down the hall in a hurry. "Hey where are you going in such a rush" I asked him. "I'm going home" he said. "What's wrong" I asked stoping him in his tracks. "I have been replaced on the team" He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean Shawn moved up to cocaptain and Dallas is now captain and I'm benched for talking back to coach" He said. "I don't think it's fair so I'm gonna go home and sleep it off" He added waving it off. "Hey remember you still have lacrosse and Chris has been bugging you about volleyball" i said giving him a small smile. "Yeah I know" he said giving me a side smile. "It's just that anybody but shawn should've taken my place and I wouldn't have minded" He added as I hugged him. "I'll could go over after school if you want to talk" I asked. "You don't have to"I said as I received a text from Camila
From My Girl😍💕: Hey I have a surprise for you after school 😘
"Okay well call me if you need anything" I said. "Thanks Laur and I'll go over to talk to Chris about the whole volleyball thing" He said smiling.
To my girl😍💕: can't wait😊
I texted back and went home to sleep.

Camilas pov
It was last period and I was on my phone as the teacher was giving his lesson. I decided to use the restroom. On my way there I sent y/n a quick text when I saw Lauren walking my way. "Hey" I said awkwardly considering she doesn't know that me and Y/n talked about our relationship. "Hey" she said stopping. "I know this is probably a weird request but do you mind checking up on y/n later on" she said. "Yeah is something wrong" I asked. "No he just seemed a bit down but I gotta go I've been walking around for like 15 mins" she said and we laughed.

As I kept walking I saw shawn up ahead and was going to try to ignore him but it didn't work. "Camila hey" he said smiling while putting his hand on my waist. "Hi" I said moving his hand. "So I was thinking you're a cheerleader and I'm a baseball jock and I was thinking you could wear my jersey on game day and be my escort during the pep rally" he said. "Look shawn you're nice and we hooked up once but I don't like you. Also if im going to be wearing anyone's jersey it'll be Y/ns" I said nicely and his smile dropped. "Look all I'm asking for is a chance to prove to that I'm a good guy" he said . "It's never gonna happen. Beside me Y/n and were working through things because we still have feelings for each other." I said and his face immediately changed. "You know what Don't come back to me when he's done with you because there's no way he's going to wait for you to put out when he could easily get some from Madison." He said walking away "oh I forgot to mention y/ns benched for the game so you won't be wearing his jersey" he said turning back. I was in shock but y/n would never he's not like that and I'm sure he lying about him being benched he's captain.

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