Chapter 5

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Camila's POV:
"Ouch why does my head hurt so much" I mumbled to myself as I sat up. "Oh please don't tell me I did something stupid"I said when I didn't recognize the room. I quickly threw the blankets off of me and jumped out of bed trying to look for my shoes. "Okay let me put my shoes on and then we'll go" I heard a guys voice say before the door knob started turning. "Hi" I said as he walked in "Hi I thought you would still be sleeping" I just stood there "I just woke up. Where am I" "you're in my room" he said while walking towards me.

As I got up and seen Camila on my bed. It was 11:15 so I decide to get up and ready for the day. I ended up sleeping on the floor in my room. I tried to sleep on the small couch but it was uncomfortable because my feet dangled off of it. I folded my blankets and put them at the end of the bed and went to shower. I changed into a button up blue shirt, some khakis and put some slippers on.

I went to Lauren's room to see if she wanted to hang out but no one was in there. I checked Alyssa's but it was empty. I decided to check the living room only to find it empty but heard some noise coming from the basement door and walked towards it. "You are totally cheating" "no I'm not I'm just good at this game" I heard Lauren and Chris's arguing as I walked down stairs to see them playing pool.

"Hey you're awake" Lauren said. "yeah how'd you guys sleep" "I would've slept great if Chris wouldn't have been snoring" Taylor yelled from the couch. "I heard you had a girl in your room. Looks like this town is already turning you into a f-boy" Alyssa said. "Haha very funny but I would never " "Well now that you're awake we can go buy food" Chris said. "where's mom and Steven" I asked "she took him to the park" "okay let me put my shoes on and then we'll go" I said as me and Lauren walked back up to our rooms.

As I walked into my room I seen Camila "hi" she said. "Hi I thought you would still be sleeping" I said "I just woke up. Where am I" "you're in my room" "I remember you but we didn't umm we didn't you know....sleep together" she asked while whispering the last part. She must not remember anything. "As much as you wanted to we didn't". Her eyes widened and I could see her cheeks start to turn red. "Im just kidding you passed out once you were on my bed" I said while laughing "you're a jerk you know" she said with a pout and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. "I'm a nice jerk considering I helped you" I said. After a short silence she spoke "Thank you for not taking advantage like most guys would" she said "you don't have to thank me besides I could never do that especially not to you" I said she just smiled.

"Do you wanna take a shower" I asked she raised her eyebrows. "Not like you and me. I just meant if you wanted to shower. Alone. Before you go home" she just giggled. "If you don't mind". "Not at all let me get you some clothes and a towel" I said as I looked through some boxes while she sat at the edge of the bed.

I got out a plain white t-shirt and got some pants from Alyssa. "Here you go". "Hey Y/N what's taking you so long" Lauren said as she walked into the room. "Oh hi I'm Lauren I thought you would be out for a couple more hours" she said "she just woke up" i responded. "Hi I'm Camila" I said feeling intimidated by her green eyes. "The bathrooms through there" i said while pointing to the door "Okay thanks". "Me and Chris will go get food" Lauren stated "Get her some food too" I said as I pulled out my car keys and wallet from my pocket and handed it to her. "Okay we'll be back in less then 25 minutes".

I turned on the TV and leaned against the headboard while I waited for Camila to get out. When she stepped out of the the shower I was stunned because she was naturally beautiful without any makeup. "Uhh is there something wrong" she said. She must've noticed me staring "Oh no we should get going your friends must be worried" "they're gonna be pissed and worried I forgot to call them to let them know I'm okay. Oh no my mom. Where's my phone" she said frantically "you didn't have your phone when I brought you in but here you can use my phone" I said as I handed it to her and she quickly dialed. "Hola mami" "Karla Camila Cabello adonde estas(where are you)" I heard her mom yell. "I'll just be downstairs come down when your done". She just nodded.

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