Chapter 6

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Camila POV:
I was planning to sneak into my house once Y/N dropped me off but it was no use I would get in trouble either way. I walked through the front door and there in the living room was my mom and dad with a disappointed angry look on their faces. "Hey mom hey dad" "don't think for a second your getting off the hook easy". After a long talk of me explaining that I was at "Dinah's house" and lost my phone they decided I was grounded for a month which meant no going out unless it's school related or if my parents need me to. I quickly called Dinah from the house phone to let her know I'm okay and that I'll explain everything to her Monday.

The next day my mom walked into my room as I was waking up "Okay they called me into work today so I'm going to need you to take Sofie to her play date in an hour". "Okay can I use the car" "your dad and I need the cars today so your gonna have to walk" I groaned this only means one thing. I'm gonna have to walk. "Does she really need to go to this play date" I complained. "It's not that far you'll be fine" "fine only because I can't say no". I walked into Sofie's room and she was running around looking for something. "Hey Sofie moms going to work so I'm gonna take you to the park" "yay you get to meet my new friend Steven he's super nice" "okay the faster you get ready the more time we spend at the park" I told her. She was quick to respond "I'm ready". We walked out of the house and walked to the park.

"Okay drive safe and call me when you get home" my mom said as all four were getting ready to get into the truck. "I'll see you guys in a week" I said. "Hey Y/N" "what's up" "I found this under the seat" Chris said while handing me a phone. I was confused but then realized who's it was "oh this is Camila's phone she was looking for it yesterday" "I thought so. Anyways I was gonna ask you if you think your mom would let me stay here instead of going back." He said as I put the phone in my pocket "You wanna stay what for?" "You know I just wanna get to know the place a little better". I stood there with a grin and nodding my head knowing he was lying "are you sure this has nothing to do with Julia" "what no not at all. I'm highly offended you would think that" he said pretending to be hurt. "I'm going to pretend I believe you" "okay it is but part of it's because of that and also we need to start practicing for baseball and I can't do that by myself" "ask my mom I'm sure she'll be okay as long as it's fine with your mom" I told him.

After almost 20 minutes my mom hung up with Chris's mom. You know how moms can be one topic leads to another and then there's no stoping them. Clare agree to Chris staying as long as he doesn't get in trouble and goes to school. The girls ended up leaving and it was almost gonna be 11 which meant I needed to take Steven to the park for his play date. My mom was resting since she has to go in at 12 pm today. "Hey I'm about to head out to the park with Steven wanna come?" I Asked Chris as Steven was by my side "I think I'll just stay home i have to figure out what I need to take to school and stuff". "Okay later".

I strapped Steven in his car seat and started to drive towards the park. On the way there Steven couldn't stop talking about his new friend. He was really excited to say the least. We parked in the parking lot and I took Steven off and we started walking to the playground. "Do you see her Steve" "no but she should be here" "okay let's sit down and wait.

"Steven" I heard a child's voice yell followed by a girls voice "Sofie wait" it seemed familiar. "Sofie" Steven said as he hugged her. "Y/N/N(your nickname) this is Sofie my friend" "hi I'm Sofie" she said with a smile on her face. "Hey Sofie I'm-". "Sofie you can't just run off like that" I know that voice it's Camila's. I looked up and was meet with an out of breath Camila. "Y/N" "Hey Camila" I said as she tried to catch her breath from running over to us. "I'm sorry I just got excited this is my friend Steven" "it's okay just don't do it again now go play" "stay where we can see you" we both said at the same time.

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