Chapter 2

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Once Alyssa got into the truck we pick up Steven and then headed to the ice cream shop. On the way we decided to listen to the radio. "Omg I love this song" Alyssa said  "Ready Alyssa". "I was born ready" she said. "Let's get out of this town, Drive out of the city, away from the crowds". Alyssa sang and Lauren continued "I thought heaven can't help me now. Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down He's so tall and handsome as hell He's so bad but he does it so well I can see the end as it begins My one condition is". "Take it away Y/N" both of them said "Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress, Staring at the sunset, babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again Even if it's just in your Wildest dreams, ah-ha ohh, Wildest dreams, ah-ha ohh" I sang.

After a 15 minute ride full of karaoke we arrived at the ice cream shop. "I'm gonna go find us a booth" Lauren said while taking Steven with her"yeah me and Alyssa will go order what do you want" "suprised me".

"Welcome to Joeys ice cream parlor. My names Alison what can I get for you" she asked as we got to the cash register. "Hi umm can I get two scoops of cookies & cream in a bowl, then two scoops of vanilla in another bowl, and and a chocolate ice cream cone" "you sure can would that be all" "your number" I mumbled under my breath as Alyssa ordered. "One scoop of chocolate and cookies&cream".

I started taking out the money to hand to her when I heard Alyssa say "oh and my brother Y/N would like your number" she added. My eyes widens "she's joking I don't want your number" I said as I gave her the money. she raised her eyebrows "i meant not in a bad way you're really pretty like really pretty but I don't want your number" she just giggled "that didn't make any sense did it" I asked "not at all"she said still laughing "I'm just gonna go and save myself from any more embarrass-ment" I said walking away. "Y/N your ice cream" Alyssa said "yeah I knew that" "your vanilla one will take a while I gotta get another carton from the back I'll call your name when it's ready" she said with a smile. "Okay thanks"

We walked to the booth and I handed Steven his ice cream cone. And I sat down on the edge of the booth with lauren next to me Alyssa infront of me still laughing about what she did and Steven next to her. "You should've seen him Lauren it was hilarious" "what was" Lauren said "him making a fool of himself Infront of the cashier" "shut up Alyssa paybacks coming" I said and she stopped laughing. "You're so awkward" Lauren said while laughing "so where's my ice cream" Lauren said "you said to surprise you so I didn't get you anything" I said to Lauren. She gave me an are you serious look. I just started laughing "I'm kidding she had to go get more from the back she'll call us when it's ready".

"Y/N" she called out a little while later and I got up to go pick it up. "Thank you" "yeah No problem and you forgot your receipt" she said. Her fingers slightly lingered as she handed me the receipt giving me a flirty smile. As I was walking to the table I looked at the receipt Call me;) (555)180-0181. I just smiled to myself and kept walking to the table. I gave the ice cream to Lauren and we continued talking. Once we were done we decided it was time to go home since it was almost 5 and I had to make dinner if mom wasn't home. "So am I dropping you off at your house or are you coming with us" I asked Lauren "drop me off I gotta start packing" "yeah I do too"

*Skips Car Ride*
"Alright see you later" "bye Lauren" me and Alyssa said "bye I'll see you guys tomorrow and wake up early or else" "or else what" "you know what" she said with a small grin starting to walk to her house "not gonna happen again" I yelled. She just giggled and yelled back "try me" then walked into her house.

The ride home wasn't that long considering we live about two blocks away. "So what are you gonna tell mom when she sees your bruised cheek" Alyssa said getting out the car. "huh I have not thought about that. I'll just say that when I was walking to class a door hit me or something". I said as I was getting Steven out and carrying him since he was still asleep. We walked into the house and were hit with the smell of chicken. "Moms home" "yeah go see if she needs help imma put him on the couch". I walked into the kitchen and hugged my mom "hey mom" "hey sweetie" she said while mashing the potatoes "do you need help" "just help your sis-" she said as she turned around "Y/N what happened to your cheek" "oh a door hit me" "Y/N" she scolded "mom I'm fine it was an accident don't worry" "how can I not worry you have a bruise on your face" she said while inspecting my cheek. "It's fine I promise" "alright just go help your sister".

I helped Alyssa set the table than I went to go wake up Steven so he could eat. We were all currently eating and talking about our day when mom got a phone call. "I got some good news" she said as she sat down. "What is it" "tomorrow we'll be going to visit the house were living in. Do you guys wanna come?" "Of course we do how are we getting there" "plane and we leave at 9 am tomorrow" "I can't go I have finals tomorrow" "finals aren't until next week" "yeah but I just wanted to get them over with tomorrow" "Y/N just take them next week" "wait I can just drive my truck up their when I'm done with my finals I can leave my truck up instead of having it towed up their" "that's smart Y/N" "I know I am. anything fragile you don't want in the moving trucks you can put in my truck" "the idea was smart not you Y/N" Alyssa said.

Once we were done eating Steve went to play, Alyssa went to her room to pack her "fragile stuff" which it make up, CDs, posters and small stuff. I finally went in my room and put my phone to charge since it's been dead all day. Once I did I had many missed calls/texts from Ruben and Becky. I instantly called both of them.

Y/N:hey what's up guys
Becky:don't hey us
Ruben:Y/N you had us worried
Y/N:It's fine I didn't get suspended kinda. I have to take my finals tomor-ow and then I'm done with school
Becky/Ruben:what about cole?"
Becky: jinx you own me a soda
Ruben:how about a full meal?
Y/N:I'm still here guys
Ruben:So what happened
Y/N:I'm not sure I didn't stick around but knowing him coach Luke probably got him out of it.
Becky:yeah true
Y/N:yeah well I gotta get going I have to pack for tomorrow were visiting our house
Ruben:in Smallville
Becky:you mean Small town
Ruben:same thing
Y/N:if you say so, but yes in Smallville so I'll talk to you guys later bye
Ruben/Becky:Bye see you tomorrow
After that I started putting my art supplies with other small things that I don't want to get lost while moving. Then I remembered if be driving alone for about 6 hours.

Lauren's POV
"Singing in the old bars Swinging with the old stars. Living for the fame. Kissing in the blue dark. Playing pool and wild darts Video games He holds me in his big arms Drunk and I am seeing stars This is all I think of " played in the background as I took my poster wall and put my vinyls and camera in a moving box when my phone started to ring and Brown Eyed Geek👓🙉 showed up on the screen.

"Hello you've reached Lauren's mobile phone how can I help you" I said "why yes I was wondering if you can alert madam Lauren that Y/N  would like to speak to her" I giggled as he did his British accent  "Ahh yes one moment" I said in the same accent and we both bursts out laughing. "We really gotta work on our accents" he said "I don't know about you but mine was definitely on point" he just laughed "whatever you say" "so why are you calling me late at night" it's not that late it's just 10:20 but the reason I'm calling you is that im driving up to small town tomorrow and I wanted to see if you wanted to go" "what time are you leaving" "when I'm done with finals so around lunch" "I gotta ask my parents but it's most likely a yes" "alright then pack the important stuff today so we can take it ourselves" "will do see you tomorrow" "okay bye".

*In Small town city*
Camila's POV:
"Dinah for the tenth time I don't want to go to the party tomorrow night" I said as me and my best friend walked into my room. "Mani and Ally are going everybody's going it'd be easier to list the people who aren't going" "yeah well include me in that list" "there'll be guys and I mean they're gonna be fine" "I'm not looking for a relationship" I said "who said I was. were going to the party so start looking for what your gonna wear" "fine I'll go but just this time Dinah jane" "yes I win" she said as she did a little victory dance.

Well my name is Camila Cabello and I'm not really a party girl. I'd rather stay at home and read a book or play music. I have three best friends Dinah, Normani, and Ally. I live with my mom, dad, and my little sister Sofi.

"Dinah stop throwing my clothes everywhere" I said while I picked up a few. "Relax it's not like it's clean in here" she said. "This is gonna be a long night" I said.

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