Chapter 14

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Its been about a month since my day long adventure with Camila and things have been going great between us. I've been busy with work and baseball practice but i still make time to spend with her. She waits for me at the cafe while i work because its what she did every summer before i worked there. I always serve her her coffee and on my breaks i sit with her listening to her talk about a poem shes reading or  a quotes she loves from a book she read.

Today was not one of those days. It was my day off and i was hanging out with Lauren in the basement watching TV and playing video games. "So Rubens birthday is coming up" she said reminding me of my best friends birthday this weekend. "I haven't forgotten" i said and she paused the game.  "We should visit him and Becky" she suggested. "You read my mind" i said.

"I was also thinking about inviting  Camila along with the girls and the guys" i said. "I'll go call the girls" Lauren said getting up. "Wait were on a mission" i yelled to her. "Getting to Anaheim is a mission" she said and kept walking. 'I guess ill finish it myself' i said pushing play.

After i was done i went over to Camila's house. It was Wednesday 9in the morning and im pretty sure she wasn't awake yet. "Morning Mrs Cabello is Camila here" i asked. "She actually got up early and left. She said she was going to the cafe" she said. "Thank you" i said as i left.

I drove to the cafe to see my boss at the cash register "Lopez you like working so much you came on your day off" he said as soon i walked int the shop. "Don't flatter yourself" i said leaning on the counter scanning the room. "She's by the stairs" he said walking to the cashier. "Hey babe" I said kissing her cheek. "Hey" she said smiling at me. "What are you doing here it's your day off" she said said putting her book down. "I was actually looking for you" I said to her taking a sip of her coffee. "Hey that's mine" she said. "And youre mine which makes it mine too" I said smiling.

"But I was wondering if you weren't doing anything this weekend if you'd want to go want to go to Anaheim with me and Laur" I asked. "I'd love too" she said getting up. "Wait where are you going" i said confused by her actions. "I need to pack" "We leave in two days" i told her. "Packing takes up a lot of time" she said putting her stuff away. "I'll drive you home" I said. She quickly got out and I just followed.

"Hi mami" she said to her mom standing at the door. "Hi mrs Cabello" I said greeting her once again. "Hello Y/n nice to see you again". "It's nice to see you too" I said to her. "Would you like something to eat" she asked me. "No thank you I just dropped Camilla off. I hope you don't mind i invited her to join me and Lauren along with the others to visit my hometown" I said. "Just for the weekend" she asked me. "For 5 days" i said holding up four fingers to show her.

I wasn't scared of what she would say. The worst thing she could say was no. "I'm sure it'd be okay. You'd just have to check in with Alejandro" she said. "Of course is he home" I asked hoping he wasn't. He scared me a little. "No he won't be back until 5" she said. I was saved for a few hours. "I'll make sure to stop by and make sure it's okay with him" I said leaving after that.

I immediately got text messages from all the girls in a group chat asking how much they can take. I quickly drove home to pack and make plans for the days we'd be staying there. "Hey mom I was wondering if you'd be okay with me going back home for the weekend" I asked her. "You already miss home" she asked. "No not really it's Rubens birthday and I wanted to surprise him" I told her. "That's so nice of you. Of course you can go" she said going back to make lunch for herself. "So I'll make sure to get a babysitter for Steven this weekend" "Thanks mom" i said going back downstairs to continue playing video games.

"So what do we do now" Lauren asked sitting down next to me. "I'm going to play video games for the rest of the day. You can always join" I said handing her a controller. "Only for a little bit" She said. She ended up playing with me for the rest of the day until we got tired. "I'm sleeping on the couch" she said not wanting to walk home. "You live across the street" I said. "It's so far" she said already laying on the couch. "Goodnight I'll be upstairs" i told her.

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