Chapter 24

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I leaned against the fence as I watched the team practice for the final game of the season tomorrow as known as the championship

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I leaned against the fence as I watched the team practice for the final game of the season tomorrow as known as the championship. I sat on the bench and looked down at my phone. I had a missed call from my mom and decided to call back. "Sweetheart where are you" she asked. "I'm still at school. I'm actually at my baseball game remember" I told her. "That's right, but you have a dentist appointment in 30 minutes" she said. "That's right I forgot I'll go home right now" I said picking up my duffel bag. "Okay I'll wait for you at home" she said as I bumped into coach. "Hey coach i gotta leave early I have a dentist appointment" I said. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow" he said and I walked out of the dugout. I went to the bleachers where Camila was sitting. 

"Hey babe I have to get going" I told her. "Wait but aren't you gonna practice" she asked. "Nope I think I'm still benched but my moms waiting for me." I said. "Well I was here to watch you play but I could tag along if you don't mind" she asked. "Of course not" I said bringing her in for a kiss. "Let's go" I said interlocking our hands. "So I was wondering if you would want to have dinner with my parents tonight" she asked and I stoped in my tracks. "Really?" I asked. "Yes they asked me to ask you cause they've never sat down and had a casual conversation. You don't have to if you don't want to" she said standing in front of me. "Yeah no I would love to" I said and we continued walking. "Also applications are due next in like 2 weeks for college" I said. We both talked about going to college but we have two different mindset and careers we want to enter so going to the right college would be great. "Yeah I'm still debating where to apply to" she said as I felt her stiffen. "Well I'm still deciding where I should apply to cause scouts are just getting back to us" I said. "That's great. I just remember I forgot to get my chemistry book out of my locker" she said. "Okay I could wait for you by my truck" I said as she walked the other direction.

I was scrolling through my phone and liking peoples post when I got an email from UCLA Admissions. My heart started beating and I was scared. I felt my head heat up. About a week ago I turned in my application to UCLA and I'm still waiting for scouts to get back to me. I heard a knock on my window and saw Dallas. I rolled my window down. "Hey" I said. "Hey" he said out of breath. "Did you did you get an email from UCLA" he said trying to catch his breath. "Uhh no no I didn't did you" I asked. "Yeah yeah look" he said smiling cheek to cheek. "That's great I said getting out of the truck and hugging him. "What does it say" I asked happy for him. "I haven't opened it" he said hovering over the email. "You don't have to open it right now" I said. "I'm scared cause we both wanted to go here. What if they send the rejection letters first and then the accepted ones. But that would mean I got rejected." He said. "I'm sure you got in you have the grades" I said. "You open it" he said giving me his phone. "What no it's your letter" I said giving it back to him. "Okay here it go's" he said as he skimmed through the words. "IM IN" he said jumping up and shouting. "See I told you" I said as he hugged and picked me up. I just laughed. "I'm happy for you" I said as camila walked towards us. "Everything Okay" she asked. "I just got accepted to UCLA" Dallas said showing her. "Congrats" she said hugging him. " okay I gotta go back to practice I'll see you later" he said running off.

"He's excited" she said. "Very. He turned in his application early in hopes he heard back early" I said. "yeah so what places were you thinking of going" I asked her. "I haven't really decided you know" she said being vague. "Yeah but you have to have some sort of idea where you want to go to college" I said confused as to why she didn't want to answer the question. "Can we just wait to talk about it later" she asked. "When is later because I've been trying to talk to you about this for the past week" I said bluntly. "It's not a big deal" she said getting into the car. "It actually is But if you really don't want to tell me then okay" I said following. I drove to my house and we meet up with my mom so we could go to the dentist. "Hey sweetie"you ready she asked me. "Yeah" I said as we went into the car.

For the rest of the time at the doctors camila spoke to my mom and I don't think she noticed me upset. Soon we were done and on our way to her house after getting ready. "Can we just pretend that everything's Okay for like an hour" she said and I just shook my head rolling my eyes. "Let's go" I said getting out of the car. We walked in and I was greeted by sinu. "Hi y/n. How are you?" She asked. "I'm good how are you." I asked. "I'm doing great just finishing up" she said. "Oh did you want me to set up the table" I asked. "You're our guest of course not" she said. "Camila will do it in a bit" she said as I waited in the couch. "Hey can you come help me move my drawer my earring fell behind it" she said peaking her head from behind the wall. "Yeah" I said getting up. I went to her room and quickly moved the drawer. "I don't see it" I said. "How does it look" I asked kneeled down on the ground. "Here let me see" she said. "It's right there" she said Pointing to something. "Here I said holding it up for her. "Thank you" she said leaning up to kiss me.

I reciprocated and she bite my lip. I lowly let out a moan and she ran her hands inbeteewn my hair. I pulled away considering her dad could be down the hall. "Your dad and mom are in the other room" I said as she tried to reconnect our lips. "I know you're upset right now but I will tell you" She said and I kissed her and pulled her close to me. I picked her up and placed her on her dresser and continued to make out. She pulled away and went to bite my neck. I breathed out heavily and I could tell she enjoyed what she was doing to me. I pulled away from her embrace as I heard footsteps walking towards the room. I quickly kneeled by the dresser and wall to pretend to look for her earring again.

"I can't reach it" I said as Alejandro walked in. "I was wondering where you two were" he said looking at us suspiciously. "I asked y/n if he could help me get my earring that fell" she said. "Okay well diners almost ready" he said. "Okay well be down in a bit" she said smiling. "Okay sweetheart" he said leaving the room. "We should probably get down" I said as I exited the room. We walked downstairs and were having a pleasant conversation but one thing lead to another and the topic of college came up. "So where are you planning to go" Alejandro asked. "I'm not sure yet sir Ive still got a few applications to turn in I said. "Well I'm sure you considered Florida state" sinu said And I looked at her puzzled while smiling. "Well you know since camila got accepted and it's her dream school" she said continuing to eat without realizing that what she told me affected me way more than she thought.

In that moment I felt my heart sink into my stomach I turned to look at Camila and she avoided to look at me. "Oh yeah of course when she told me I couldn't be any happier for her but I've considered it and still am but I'm not sure I would have to talk about it with my friends and family" I said. We continued to eat dinner and talk until it was time to leave. "Thank you for dinner me and mrs cabello" I said while hugging them goodbye. "Here I'll walk you out" Camila said walking me out the door. I kept walking straight without paying attention to her behind me. "Y/n. Wait." She said but I kept walking to my car. I was opening the door when she closed it. "Look I really don't want to do this right now" I said leaning my Head on the window on my car. "Trust me I was gonna tell you" she said. "When? The day you moved across the country." I said. "No i just didn't think I would have to get your approval" she said.

"You know I'm really happy you got into your dream school trust me I am. You are your own person you make your own choices I just want to be let in on what those choices are" I said. "I'm sorry look I was waiting for the right time" she added. "If it didn't slip out during diner when were you going to tell me" i asked and she stayed quiet. "You weren't going to tell me because you dont think we're going to be together for that long" I said shaking my head and looking down.

"Y/n Florida state has been my dream school ever since I lived there before I even meet you but that doesn't mean that it's going to be the end of us" she said. Where are you planning on going" she asked me. "I'm still not sure" I said. "We can do distance" she said hugging me". And In that moment i didn't know what to think. I don't want to lose her but i don't like distance

A/n : here's an update that's hella late and short but I hope you all enjoy✌🏽

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