Chapter 12: We love you Jaden

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~Chapter 12~

Ashley's Pov

I woke up at 4:45 to make sure I had everything. The plane leaves at 6:10 I haven't been up this early in a long time. Bye the time I woke Destiny and Kendrick were already gone so they could drop Shaniel and Jordan off to Shondrica's. At 5:00 Markius and I headed to the airport. We got to the airport at 5:30

Destiny's Pov

After dropping Shaniel and Jordan off Kendrick and I drove back home so we could go get his cellphone. Thank god our plane doesn't leave until 6:40. We did a double check then we headed to the airport. We got there at 6:10.

Ashley's plane

" Baby". "Yes" Markius asked. "Do you think that he will be in New York"? " What did I tell you about thinking positive? If he isn't there then he will be in California". "Okay then I will relax". "Thank you baby. I love you". " I love you too" I said with a smile. I kissed him on his cheek and laid my head on my head on his shoulder. He gave me another kiss just on my forehead and he said " We are going to bring him home I promise". The next thing I knew I was drifting off to sleep.

Destiny's plane

" I'll pray that we find him I hate seeing my sister like that. She really is hurting". "Yeah she really is" Kendrick said. " She also had me thinking what if it was the twin that were kidnapped. We are very lucky that Sandra is in finally is in jail and Elijah is on our good side". Kendrick just looked out the window. "Baby are you okay?" Kendrick just continued to look out the window. " Kendrick" He finally turned around and looked at me "what" "" " Yes. Why?" "You're acting strange". "Baby I woke up at 4 i'm tired". "I woke up at 4 too. I just wanted to make conversation". " Well can we please make conversation after I get some rest?" "Sure".. "Thank you" was the last thing he said before he turned his head back to the window. I just sat there trying to figure out why he was acting like that. Then I thought that maybe I was just overreacting and that I just needed so sleep too. I laid my head on his shoulder but he just moved so I just laid my head on the seat.


Ashley's Pov

I woke to find out that we were still on the plane. "How long do we have left on here?" "The pilot said that we didn't have long". "Yay" he laughed. "So I guest you're thinking more positively?" "Yes I am". "That's really good now you can focus on beating his a**" he said with a smile. "I'll leave that part to you because if I try to fight him I will definitely lose". "You don't know that for sure if you get mad enough you'll be surprise of what you will do". "Maybe" I said with a yawn. Next thing I knew the plane was landing. words couldn't explain how excided to start looking for my little baby boy. I was so excited I that I didn't grab anything I just rushed off the plane. "Thanks babe" I heard Markius said as he got off the plane. "Sorry" I said with a smile. I female headed Markius my little bag. "Here you go cutie". "Thank you" Markius said. "No problem" she said with a smile. I couldn't help but to say "hi i'm his girlfriend. Thank you for picking up my bag now walk away". She gave me a stank look then walked away. I looked over and saw Markius looking at me and smiling. "What?" "Why are you so mean?" "She was flirting with you that wasn't going down". He laughed. "You're the only woman for me" he said before we shared a long kiss. "Umm maybe we should go get the keys for our retail car" I said with a smile. That kiss was good. "Yes we should". Markius and I got the keys and went to our retail car.

Destiny's plane

I'm still on this d*** plane and Kendrick still isn't talking to me. So I tried to make conversation again. "When are we getting off?" "How am I suppose to know?" "What the h*** is up with your attitude?! Did I do something wrong?" "You tell me" was what he said as he turned my direction. I didn't saying anything so he did "You know I can't stand cheaters". "Me neither. What makes you saying something like that anyway?" "Just making conversation." "No you're not you think i'm cheating on you"."If the shoe fits where it'. "I'm not cheating on you"! "Keep your voice down people are starting to stare". "Why do you think i'm cheating on you?" Kendrick said nothing " Tell me"! Kendrick went back to looking out the window. "Just know that when we get back home I want a divorce". "What! Baby no! I'm not cheating on you! I promise". "Stop lying you know what you are doing". " I'm not doing anything" I said as I began to cry. Our plane was landing. When it did I wiped my face got my bags and got off the plane. Kendrick got off right behind me as soon as I was about to say something two girls walked up to Kendrick. "You are really sexy" one girl said. "Yes he is" the other girl said. I wasn't having that so I spoke up. " Y'all sound really thirsty right now. Stop touching him. Y'all don't even know him." "Whatever' one girl said as the both walked away. Kendrick looked at me and said "It doesn't feel so good does it" he said as he walked away. I was fighting back my tears What is going on? Kendrick and I got the keys to the retail car and drove to their hotel. The car ride felt like it took forever and it was quite. When we got there I got comfy on the bed and called Ashley.

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