Chapter 24: Shaniel's World

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~Chapter 24~

Shaniel's Pov

Kendrick drove me to school today. I hope Destiny comes home today. She was suppose to come home two days ago but the doctor was like no she has to stay. When I got to first period Alexus ran up to me. "Is Destiny okay?!" " She's fine. Hopefully she comes home today". "That's good. How have you been?" "Good" "mmhmm". Shane walked towards us. "Hey" he said with a smile. "Hi" "I miss you" "Okay". "There's no chance that we will get back together, isn't there?" "Nope". "Dang Shaniel" Alexus said. "What I being honest?" "Well I wish you all the best" "Thanks same for you". Shane walked away shaking his head. "You don't think that you were a little harsh?" "No". "He's hurt" "Your point is?" "You changed" "What are you talking about?" "You use to care about everyone". "So you're telling me that if your boyfriend cheated on you and got the girl pregnant you would just care if he's hurt or not? I can care less". "You're cold" "Really i'm the cold on?! Do you like him or something?" She said nothing. "Wow. You can have him". "I-" The sound of the interrupted Alexus.


Shane's Pov

I tried to sit with Shaniel but se claimed someone was sitting there. So I sat at the table across from her. Next thing I knew Alexus sat with me. "Hey Shane" "Hey" "What Shaniel said to you was totally uncalled for. You're a great guy. At least you're planning on being in the baby's life.". "Half of that is true but I did do wrong". I saw Shaniel looking at us out the corner of my eye. "Shane can I tell you something" "Go ahead". :I've always liked you. Even when you were with Shaniel I pictured us together". "Oh. Are you sure you want to be with me? I mean Shaniel is your best friend". " I know but I really like you". "So you would rather mess up a friendship just to be with me?" "Yes but nothing should happen. She said she could care less about you". "True".

Shaniel's Pov

Wow she's actually sitting there flirting with him. She knows everything that SHane did to me and she still wants him. She is going to get hurt when he does the same.

~After school~

Shaniel's Pov

As I waited for Markius to come pick me up Alexus and Shane walked up to me. "Shaniel I have something to tell you". "You asked Alexus out, she said yes, and now you two are a couple?" "Yes because she understands that I messed up and that i'm not perfect". "Good for her". "You're not mad?" "What part do you understand I do not care what you do". "Okay". By that time Destiny pulled I was excited to get in the car. Shane and Alexus walked to Shane's car and I hopped into the car". "Destiny!" "Hey hun. Umm was Shane and Alexus holding hands?" "Yeah they're a couple now". "Wow. You desereve better anyway". "I know". When I got home I did my homework and then headed outside. "Guys i'll be back I'm going for a walk". "Alright. Be back at five and be careful". "Aright". I walked around the corner. I walked up the driveway to this nice two-story house. I rang the doorbell. "Hi may we help you?" "Hi I'm Shaniel" "Ohh you're the girl Khalil has been talking about. How long is it now?" "A week". "Well come in a move yourself comfortable i'll go get Khalil". "Thank you". As I sat there it made me wonder if they are a rich family. Now that I think about Khalil dresses really nice". "Hey baby" He kissed me on the cheek". "Hey" "I see you've met my mother"> "Yes she's really nice and she's beautiful". "My dad should be here later. You might not be here. So you can't meet him today". "Oh okay". "When am I going to meet your sister? Wait, did you walk here?" "Yeah we moved in with my other sister remember" "Oh yeah". "You can meet her if you walk me home". "No problem" "Good". "What do you want to do?" "I really don't know". "Let's walk around I know you don't know this area". "True". Khalil and I walked around the block. I got to meet some of his friends and surprisingly they weren't immature. When we made it to my house we got there right on time. I walked in the house still holding Kahlil's hand. It's time for them to meet him. "Shaniel is that you?" "Yes" "Right on time. We're in the den". I wisphered to Khalil "it's alright they won't attack you". When we walked in Desting turned off the t.v.. "Who is this?' "This is my boyfriend Khalil and we've been dating for a week". "A week!" Kendrick shouted. "Calm down like you told your mother everything" Destiny said. "Well hi Khalil" "i'm sorry hi. Nice to meet you" "How old are you?" "15" "Do you have any classes with Shaniel?" "No ma'am". "Are you inany honors classes? HOw are your grades?" Kendrick asked. "Yes sir and straight A's" "Ohh Shaniel got herself a smart young man" Ashley blurted out. "Excuse her she's a little crazy in the head". "Shaniel get slapped" Khalil laughed, "Anyway do you live near by?" "Yes ma'am around the corner". "Are you a virgin?" "ASHLEY!" Destiny, Kendrick, and Markius said in unison. "What? We need to know these things". "It's okay. Yes ma'am I am". "You lyin'" "No ma'am. I'm to smart to do something so stupid". "Shane wasn't". Ashley and Destiny started laughing. I'm not going to lie that was funny. "Khalil does your mother know where you are?" "Yes ma'am" "Would you like to stay for dinner?" "I would have to ask her first". "Do want you gotta do". "Excuse me". Khalil stepped out. "What do y'all think" "I like him Ashley said. "Same here". "Kendrick?" "He's cool" "Markius?" "He's a good guy and he has great taste in clothes". Khalil walked back in. "She said I could stay. I gave her your address so she knows where to pick me and so she can meet you". "Okay". Khalil and I just relaxed until dinner was ready. During dinner he told us about his family and how his mom designs clothes. Male and female. That's how Markius didn't know where his clothes came from. They're originals. He mentioned how he has an older sister that lives in Hawaii with her husband. After dinner he helped Destiny clean off the table. "Khalil you're so sweet". "Thank you". There was a knock at the door. "Hi Mrs. Rivers" "Hi hun". "Everyone is in the den. Follow me". "Guys this is Mrs. Rivers Khalil's mother". "Hi I'm Destiny Shaniel's sister. This is my husband Kendrick, my sister Ashley and her husband Markius". "Nice to meet all of you. I hope he wasn't any trouble". "Not at all. He's a very respectful young man". "I try my best". Khalil thanked Destiny for the dinner and gave me a kiss. Destiny called me into the den. "Yes?" "Kendrick and I found a house around the corner. We are thinking about buying it. It has five bedrooms". "Nice" "We are going to go look at it at 5" "Alright" "That's all we had to tell you" "Okay. Goodnight" "Night". I went upstairs took a shower, cleaned my room, and then picked out a cute outfit for tomorrow. He called me soon after.

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