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This, my dear readers, is my first time ever attempting to write my very own fan-fiction. If anyone has some helpful tips on how to improve, it'd be much appreciated. :3 Leave comments and vote---it will help keep me motivated, so please, help keep me motivated. o,o

There are only some changes in this Canon filled world, I'm sure you'll take notice in the first chapter, but hell it's a fan-fiction. It'll all be explained later on in the story and I do know my fair share about the Canon universe, I just added a new twist. ^~^

I am also making some tweaks here and there, but have faith in me, I know exactly what I've got planned. c;

Also if you see me put a phrase in italics, that means it's a thought of a character, they are NOT speaking aloud. For example: I love chocolate.

That's just what the character is thinking! :D

~Extra Note from - ehh "MethodOfInsanity": Please comment on what you like or don't like, hell even a "Good job" will suffice. But please - your reviews gives us pop-tarts and we like pop-tarts ;~;

[Third Person POV]

Fateful Encounter

"Get out of your home, now!" the panicked deep, masculine voice of a man said with a shout, as he repeatedly pounded his fist on the wooden front door.

Upstairs, the brown-haired man---that had been sleeping peacefully---awoke and immediately sprang from his slumber. He looked down at his blonde wife---who was resting calmly and clearly unaffected by the uproar taking place outside---and shook his head then started to roughly rock her back and forth.

She was about to swat his pestering hands off and yell in protest until she, too, heard the terrified screams of villagers and their frantic feet racing down the paved streets. She merely glimpsed at her husband, a paled expression of fear etched on her face and quickly threw the covers off of her slim figure and began to change into attire suited for combat, as her husband slipped out of his pajama bottoms into one as well.

What's going on? They wouldn't have . . . They couldn't have? The woman internally wondered, her brows furrowed in slight anger and agitation.

Her husband looked to her as he tugged his mesh top over his head. "Do you think they -" The wife's subtle nod quickly cut off her husband's question.

Damn them. thought the husband, angrily.

Once they were dressed, the duo ran to their bedroom door, flinging it open---only to reveal their seven-year old son holding their two-year old daughter's hand. The young boy's blue eyes glistened with fear and worry, while his sister's droopy, sleepy green ones stared at her hurried parents; unemotionally.

"Ichiro!" his father exclaimed. "What's going on?!" he questioned in a panicked manner, while trying to peer out of the window nearest to his right.

"Father, something's attacking the village." said Ichiro, causing his father's eyes to widen in disbelief.

Was we right then? he wondered.

He glanced to his wife, who seemed petrified by the information their son had just given them, and spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "Ayama, we have to do something about it."

Ayama quickly clasped her husband's slender, yet strong hand, and carried her forest orbs up to stare fearfully up into her husband's deep brown ones. "But Shin; what do we do about Ichiro and Midori?" Ayama inquired.

Shin shifted his gaze down to his worried tawny-haired son. "Ichiro, do you think you could keep watch of your sister and come with us?" Ichiro nodded slowly, rather unsure with whether or not his father's decision was considered to be wise in this situation.

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