Chapter Two

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[Third Person POV]

The First Day

As Midori was walking down the street to the Academy, a young violet-haired girl, that looked to be around the age of four, and her father caught her attention. The small child was sitting atop his shoulders with a lock of his deep blue hair in each of her small hands.

"Come on, horsey!" She giggled, playfully. "Faster, horsey, faster!" she blurted, cheerfully mushing at the reins clasped in her tiny fingers. The father had let out a chuckle and started to lightly gallop and mock-neighed, causing her laughter to grow even louder.

They look so happy together . . . Midori looked to the ground. I wonder if . . . if I could've been like that . . . with my father. She looked up to the sky and sighed. "Is there any point in me even thinking like this? I mean, Aki . . ." She looked to the ground. "Aki gave me a good life . . . even though it was tough, it was still good." A small frown shrouded her lips as she thought, I wish that I could've met my real family, just once.

Shaking the depression from her mind she sprinted through the streets, to the Academy doors, not bothering to pay any mind to the people she was passing any further; she'd wasted too much time as it was and was about to be late.

As she was reaching for the brass knob she noticed something strange about her hands: They were trembling.

I'm nervous. Oh how fabulous? Just what I need---a stuttering, shaking fool in front of a class filled with judgmental people!

Swallowing her pride, she pushed through the doors---the hallways were filled with kids, their loud voices made it seem all the more crowded.

What room did I have to go to again? she paused and glanced around with a panicked expression. Wait, what floor? Oh no . . . I seriously can't remember! She clasped her hair by the roots in frustration and almost released a scream before a certain voice spoke up from within her mind:

'Shut up! I can't stand your pointless worrying, puny human. It's the third to the last door on your right; this floor!' Sobaku growled through grit teeth while resting his large head upon his massive front paws with his eyes closed.

The girl sweat dropped. 'Damn you, Sobaku . . . well, thank you at the same time I guess!' She sighed with a soft smile.

Sobaku scoffed. 'Tch, don't thank me. You're annoying me with your habit of forgetfulness. You should really try to work on that, ya know?' Sobaku said, his mouth twitching from his attempt to hide his smirk.

Midori withheld the grin that threatened to spread across her face. Mainly because she knew that Sobaku wasn't really as bad as what he'd always put himself out to be.

Arriving outside of the correct door, the blonde hesitantly turned the knob and peeked into the classroom.

"..down your guard." explained the man with the spiky, dark brown ponytail, standing in front of the room. He seemed like he was giving the class some sort of lecture on combat.

He then carried his gaze from his class to Midori, who was dumbly staring at him. "Oh hello, you must be the new student Lord Third was telling me about." He gestured for her to come in, but her body couldn't help but remain behind the door.

Her cheeks felt to her like they were being set aflame. That was a sensation she was definitely not used to: embarrassment.

For her, trying to remain calm in front of a crowd of people was practically impossible. She'd lived in seclusion for almost eight years of her life, and only upon rare occasions had she ever visited a small town or village; other than those times, this was a highly new experience for her.

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