Chapter Three

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If you're all still with me, enjoy! c:

It's been roughly two years since Midori had been placed into the Academy, her bond with Naruto has grown and so has she, but not by much.

[Third Person POV]

Graduation of a Friend

"Hurry up, Naruto!" exclaimed the blonde female rushing through the small crowds of villagers. "We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" she added, turning her head sixty degrees to the right to glance at how much distance there was between the two.

Naruto grew an anime vein and shook his fist at the girl speeding far ahead of him. "Maybe if you'd slow down a little bit, I might be able to catch up with you, Midori-chan!"

She laughed at the blonde's angered outburst. "Okay, I'll slow down for you, grandpa." she mocked, shaking her head disappointedly and coming to a stop.

Naruto laughed, as he caught up to her and casually strolled through the street to the Academy.

"Today's the day you get assigned a team. Are you nervous, Naruto?"

The blonde placed his hands behind his head. "Ha! Na! I'm not nervous." he said with his signature goofy grin plastered on his face.

Midori stared up at the bright morning sky with worried eyes. "I just hope you don't get put on a team with someone you don't know."

Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Guess they thought you were too terrible to graduate this year!" he teased, winking at her.

"Oh be quiet! You know I've only been there for at least three years. The rules say a student must be there for at least four!" she shouted as she playfully shoved him.

Naruto chuckled and turned his attention back toward the direction of the Academy.

"Maybe next year." Midori added, pouting slightly.

"Of course you'll be able to next year!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Let's just get you graduated, you knucklehead." she said. Staring ahead, she picked her original running pace back up and latched a firm hand onto Naruto's wrist, heaving him along with her.

Entering the room where the teams were to be assigned, Naruto took his seat near the window, while Midori sat down in the chair next to him.

Nearly everyone in the room was chattering amongst one another about being assigned their new teams and becoming fully graduated Genin.

Hearing faint footsteps coming from the hall, Midori's panic began to rise. She stared down at the door, standing up from Sasuke's chair, she moved to a desk in the middle, near the top row, to the seat where she first met her first friend.

Iruka entered the room, causing everyone to fall silent and take their normal seats.

"Now, you all know that today most of you will be assigned your teams." he said as he pointed at his headband. Those whom had been lucky enough to earn one seemed to acknowledge their own.

"I see that all the graduates are here, which is fantastic. Meaning I can begin calling off your teams." Many people stirred in their seats, curiosity getting the best of them, including the ones who weren't going to be graduating this year were overwhelmed with it.

"First off, Team 7: Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto abruptly stood from his seat and glared down at Iruka.

"Iruka-sensei, why does a great ninja like me have to get stuck with someone like him?!" he shouted, pointing a finger to Sasuke.

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