Chapter Seven

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I've reread over it and fixed whatever errors I found! I've had to make some changes over the entire story, so if you kept seeing me republish chapters over and over, I'm sincerely sorry! Oh, don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it, feel free to critique it as well, if need be! ^~^

[Midori's POV]

Another Mission?

'What's.. that... SOUND?!' I mentally demand, I really don't want to open my eyes, but this persistent noise is driving me insane.

-tap... tap... tap...-

There it was again, the strange sound that I knew was coming from my window, however at that exact moment every horror story I'd ever stubbornly read in my life just flitted back to me in an assortment of random images.

I was now staring calmly at the plain ceiling with my fingers interlaced on top of the simple sheet that covered my slim frame - internally my heart was going into a panicked frenzy which only grew in velocity with each light rasp against the glassy structor.

-tap tap tap tap-

This time it was more swift and constant, the anxiety of what could possibly be on the other side was eating away at me and I didn't know what to do.


"That's it! I give up!" I exclaim angrily, tossing my covers across the room. Bringing my gaze towards my bedside window, practically ripping the curtains apart, I honestly feel my heart skip a beat at the dark silhouette staring back at me.

"Toru-sensei, why the hell are you crouched outside my window, it's -" I cut myself off and peer over to the clock on the far wall through tired eyes. Whirling my head back to the blue-haired Jounin, I jab a finger at my closed window. "- only 5:57 a.m. Damn it! I haven't slept good in the past few days and you think it's good to just come creeping this early in the morning?! I nearly had a heart attack!" I can't help my rage at him, I need more sleep than just a couple hours a day, my erratic heart was still thumping wildly against my chest.

For some reason though, my outburst only causes him to go into a fit of hysterical laughter. 'I am starting to believe this man is mentally insane!'

When my -increasingly idiotic- sensei finally decided to calm down he answered me in a cryptic voice, "We were called for an A-Rank mission and we are to meet at the main gate immediately. I'll give you enough time to get ready - I expect you there within an hour." I nod my head, trying to hide how upset I am with the fact that I have to leave the comfort of my bed.

Sending me a salute, Toru leaps from my balcony, towards whoever knows where..

'I better change out of these filthy clothes, then to a nice, warm shower.' Hopping out of the bed, I stretch my tired limbs in an attempt to gain some form of energy. "There's no point in getting upset though.. Wait?! Did he say, "A-Rank mission?!" I rub a hand down the side of my face.

'Well shit..'

*50 Minutes Later*

Walking through the streets, I can't help but sniff the air, all the glorious individual aromas of different foods that are surrounding me. My stomach growls as I continue past a small rice ball vendor, patting it in a soothing manner. "I know you're sad, but this is what I have to do, I must endure.." I mutter to my rumbling abdomen, though I am quite disappointed by the fact that I have no time to stop anywhere and snatch something to eat.

Slowly glancing up, there they were, the somber tall main front gates, the sign that today will be the day I'll probably go without food. My head drops at the horrible reality..

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