Chapter Ten

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An awesome fan art of Squad 9. --->


[Third Person POV]

A Hero has Arrived!

The trio whirled their attention up to the branch seven feet above them, their eyes spotting an all too familiar average built, smiling Jounin; his electric blue hair tied back into a high ponytail and onyx eyes, closed. Aoi's palm meeting her face from sheer disappointment at the man's ridiculous joke from seconds earlier.

"Hey guys!" he greeted with a salute.

"RuRu-chii, why must you be so cheesy?" she questioned, blanching at his immature ways.

Dismissively waving, he leaped down from the branch he was standing on, to the ground beside his subordinates. "You know me." Toru giggled before turning his attention to Midori who was now hugging her ribcage with her right arm. Bringing her green orbs up to Toru's she gestured towards the group of men surrounding them.

"Oh! I almost forgot about these guys for a second there, they're so quiet!" he squawked and started performing swift hand signs.

"Wind-Style~" Stopping mid-sentence, Toru glanced over at Ken, "Say . . . you don't look too injured, how's about you help me out here." he asked with a wink.

Heaving out a tired sigh, Ken turned to face the group of men with Toru.

"Alright." he muttered, performing his own set of handsigns---it caused a massive grin to shine on Toru's face as they simultaneously began their own jutsus.

"Fire-Wind Style: Great-Fire-Breakthrough-Dragon Bomb!" they shouted, their words seemingly molded together as they exhaled the fire and wind chakras they had forced into the back of their throats. The two elements created a devastating, fiery inferno that engulfed the men standing within their straight forward vicinity---three totaled.

Ken stumbled backwards, sweat beads were drenching his dirt-covered forehead as he panted heavily from all of the chakra that he had placed behind that jutsu.

"Dear boy, don't give up on me just yet!" Toru stated, jerking at the red collar of Ken's shirt, pulling him to his feet.

"All this continuous chakra usage is going to kill me." Ken spat back as he attempted to shove aside the extreme exhaustion threatening to enthrall his consciousness.

"Taijutsu, Ken, taijutsu." Toru retorted, pointing to the three men to their left. "Yours," he began, then gestured at the three to his right, "Mine." he finished, swiftly leaping towards his group of targets.

"I feel so useless." Midori muttered, as she watched Ken and Toru kick "bad-guy ass" while she, on the other hand, was stuck sitting on the ground with broken ribs, a sore neck and a searing headache.

"I know exactly what you mean." Aoi added, crawling over to the tree behind her, she propped herself against it.

"You're really going to let down your guard like that?!" Midori shouted, wincing slightly at the intense wave of pins and needles that swept through her chest.

"Ah, RuRu-chii and Kenny's got this, I'm tired, wake me up when they're finished." she waved, closing her eyes to rest.

Sighing, Midori slowly lied down upon the grass, hoping that it wouldn't harm her any further than what she already was.

Why are my ribs not healing? she wondered, while staring up through the leaves that cast their shadows upon her face; to the clouds leisurely drifting by. A sudden wave of nausea had swept through her abdomen, the sensation caused her stomach to feel as though it was being tugged out through her navel. What's wrong with me? she mentally groaned.

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