Chapter Thirteen: Part One

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I would like to thank @IvyXLacrimosa for the wonderful cover! It's so magnificent and she did an absolutely astounding job with it! I highly recommend her if you're ever in need of a cover. (:

[Third Person POV]

Enter the Chuunin Exams: Phase Two----The Forest of Death!

All of the Genin who'd been fortunate, and skilled, enough to pass the first round of the Chuunin exams had been given the destination by their sensei. They all now stood outside of a fenced in forest that gave off an eery sensation and gloomy atmosphere. Aoi, Midori, and Ken were sitting atop a massive rock, awaiting further instruction on what they'd be doing in this round by their proctor, Anko.

Aoi sighed as she laid down on the rock and propped her arms behind her head. "Man," she said, blowing a stray lock of hair from her mouth. "I really don't like the vibe this place is giving me."

Midori nodded. "Agreed." She looked around at the remaining Genin and scowled. I'm not sure whether having this many left, she thought, is a good thing either.

"I think she's starting," said Ken as he stood up and glanced between Aoi and Midori. "which means we should get our lazy asses down there." He swiftly leapt down and landed at the back of the crowd of Genin.

Aoi sat up and stretched out her arms, stood up, then popped her back by twisting it from side to side. "Welp," she said. "looks like we have no time to rest, eh?" She then followed Ken's example and landed right next to him.

Midori ran a hand down her face and groaned as she slung her legs sideways, then allowed herself to slither down the rock. Once on the grassy foundation below, she walked over to Aoi and Ken.

"I shouldn't have drank that green tea before I fell asleep last night." she said with an exhausted yawn. The girl had enough trouble as it was when it came to sleeping. It had been nearly four o' clock before she'd fallen asleep---she had to be awake by seven o' clock to prepare her backpack and self.

Aoi patted Midori on the back and gave her a closed eye smile. "Don't worry, I didn't sleep last night either!"

Midori sweat dropped as she noticed the light dark circles underneath Aoi's eyes. "Do you sleep any night?"

Aoi shook her head. "Nope!"

"Well, before we start the second test," said Anko as she stepped forward from the crowd of Genin and stood in front of the gate. "I have to pass this out to you!" She reached into her left inner pocket of her tan lengthy overcoat and pulled out a stack of papers, causing everyone to stare in bewilderment at them. "It's a consent form." she said. "Before you can take part in the test you have to sign this."

"Why?" asked Naruto.

"From here on out, there will be corpses." replied Anko. "I have to get your consent to that," she said, whilst closed eye smiling. "or it'll be my responsibility!" She then laughed like a mad woman, causing many of the Genin to blanch and sweat drop at her psychopathic ways.

This lady is completely bonkers, thought Midori.

"Well, I'm going to start the explanation for the second test." said Anko. "In a word, the limits of your survival will be challenged." She handed the stack of papers to the Genin closest to her and ordered him to pass them around. The papers decreased little-by-little until the last Genin at the far right end in the back row possessed one.

Aoi examined the words on the consent form and scoffed. "Would you just look at that!" she said. "There's a slight possibility that we could be eaten by a giant snake or bug in this forest!"

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