Chapter Twelve: Part Two

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[Third Person POV]

Enter! The Chuunin Exams: Phase One!

Nearly ten minutes had passed and many various Genin had been failed. By a thread of miracle yarn, Aoi, Ken, and Midori were still apart of these mind-wreaking exams and beginning to grow more anxious with the time.


Ibiki smirked and closed his eyes. I think we almost finished shaking off the losers, he thought, then I guess I'll move onto the main issue. It has been 45 minutes, so I'll start.

Whipping his gaze back up to the classroom full of Genin he said, "All right! Here is the tenth question!"

Everyone slightly tensed up.

"But before that," he said, in an ominous manner. "I'm going to add some rules for the last question."

Ken raised an inquiring eyebrow at the proctor. More rules? he thought.

Aoi, whose head had removed itself from the desk, stared attentively at Ibiki, a small bead of sweat slowly creeping its way down the side of her face. I don't understand, she thought, why the hell are there more rules?!

A few rows back from her other two teammates, Midori nervously tugged at the collar of her black mesh top and frowned. I hope this question is nothing like these others, she thought as she glanced down at the impossible almost physic-like problems, we might as well call it quits if it is.

"Oi . . . Lady-san," whispered the deep blue eyed boy to her left. Midori glanced over at him, raising her eyebrow in question as the boy crossed his arms over his test paper and winked at her, causing the girl to blush slightly. "don't get discouraged, all right?"


He nodded toward Ibiki. "He's head of the interrogation force. Don't let'em psych ya out, okay?"

Midori, rather unsure as to why this boy knew so much, subtly bobbed her head and turned her attention down to Aoi and Ken. Aoi had her arms sprawled out across her test paper, while Ken had his arms to his chest and overlapping one another in an X formation. This guy has some useful information, she thought, I just hope those two don't decide to give up on becoming Chuunins this early in the exams.

The back entrance door to the room suddenly suddenly opened and in walked Kankuro and the sentinel that'd taken him to the restroom. Ibiki chuckled. "Aren't you lucky?" he said. "It looks like playing with the dolls wasn't a waste, after all?" Kankuro's eyes partially widened at the man, before he was told to take his seat.

Midori stared at the lad clad in puppeteer attire as he walked to his seat, taking notice as he slipped a tiny scroll about the size of the tip of a pinky onto the edge of Temari's paper. Sneaky bastard, she thought, however . . . you're still a creep.

"Let me explain." said Ibiki, his eyes closed and hands shoved into his dark trench coat's pockets. "These are," he paused and opened his eyes, shifting his gaze to the class. "the hopeless rules!"

Aoi's eyes widened as she stared at the proctor with a frightened expression. Why're they the 'hopeless rules'? she wondered, digging her nails into the top of her desk nervously.

"First, you guys will have to choose whether or not you will take this 10th question!"

Everyone internally gasped at this information.

"What, choose?!" exclaimed Temari, her hands balled into fists on her desk. "What happens if you choose not to take the 10th question?!"

Midori raised an eyebrow. I'm rather curious of that myself, she thought, just why exactly do we have a choice?

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