Chapter Eight

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[Third Person POV]

. . . Another Mission?

Team Eleven has been doing considerably well with their missions lately. The tasks themselves weren't very tedious, however the three genin did have potential when it came to getting the job done efficiently.

*Hiruzen's Office*

They stand before the Third Hokage, awaiting the reason as to why they had been summoned so early in the day. Hiruzen laces his aged fingers in front of his chin, closing his eyes, as if in thought, before glancing between the trio of young Genin.

"I have assigned a special mission to your team.." He states monotonously, in return, they nod and stare at him intently. "I need you to deliver this-" He stops mid-sentence to pick up a red scroll from beside his left elbow, holding it out in front of him.

" the Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village, he'll understand once he's read the contents within. Here." Hiruzen explains, pointing it at Ken who steps forward to receive it from him, he bows in a respectful manner, before returning back to his original position between his two fellow teammates.

"You can count on us!" Aoi stated happily. She couldn't help but feel proud that the Hokage had acknowledged their efforts.

Releasing a puff of smoke from his pipe, he softly chuckled, before staring seriously at them. "Don't take this mission lightly, there are plenty of risks on your journey. You'll be traveling without Toru on this one and leaving in two hours. I have no doubt in any of your capabilities though, so you all should do just fine. Good luck." He raised his hand up to grab their attention once more, before they headed out.

"Another thing: NO opening that scroll either, because if you do, there WILL BE severe consequences." Hiruzen sternly remarked, before waving them out dismissively, with an innocent grin.

The three sweat drop, for fear of what these so called "consequences" would be.

Deciding to push the thought away, they bow their 'goodbye,' swiftly exiting the room, each with their own look of confusion etched on their face.

The same questions running through each individual's minds: Why would Toru not be accompanying them and why were they NOT allowed to read the scroll?


"How far was the journey to the Sand Village again?" Midori inquired as she placed her hands behind the back of her head, while the group casually strolled down the bustling street, filled with villagers.

"It shouldn't be that far if they're sending US out, right?" Aoi replied wearily to the blonde's question.

"Although I wonder how hot it should get. I've never been to Suna before but my parents have. I heard there was nothing but heat and sand."

Midori peered over to her dark-haired teammate, examining the porcelain skin of her exposed arms and face. She raises a blonde eyebrow in question. "How exactly do you expect to make it out alive, considering the sun's rays are practically going to cook you?" Midori mockingly inquired, laughing in the process.

The ravenette huffed, her brows furrowing in thought and arms linking over her chest. "Tch, I'll think of something."

"I sure hope so, we can't have a fellow comrade frying like a lobster before our very eyes, now can we, Ken?" Midori mused, hoping to get some sort of playful reaction out of her auburn-haired comrade.

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