Chapter Nine

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To the side is a picture of Ken Oketsu and Aoi Setsuna :3 -->

[Third Person POV]


Aoi sat up from the thin futon, bringing a hand up to run it through her bed-induced tangly mess of jet-black hair while the other rubbed at her tired blue eyes. Sleep was hardly a visitor for her that previous night, what's worse is that she couldn't even remember her dream.

She stretched wide, popping her sore back along with releasing a loud yawn.

"Man, what time is it?" The girl hoarsely wondered aloud to herself.

Slowly standing, making sure not to fall over due to how half-asleep she still was. With unenergized movement, she situated the plain navy colored t-shirt and faded cloth shorts she'd used as pajamas and stumbled her way to the doorway, staggering like a drunkard towards the kitchen area to hopefully get the usual morning glass of water.

Aoi had to keep her hand pressed firmly against the wall, considering she couldn't exactly see straight at the moment, and made her way down the hall in a wobbly stride, swaying from side to side.

The ravenette could vaguely hear the sound of a struggle coming from her teammate, and friend, Midori's door. Though, that was just enough to snap the girl out of her hazy state and with a jolt of adrenaline, she jerked open the door.

She was quickly relieved to see that the blonde was doing fine and definitely not under attack, mostly because if there would've been someone threatening. Aoi was hardly prepared for a fight, however; she did notice that Midori was thrashing around violently. Whipping her head back and fourth as if caught in some form of terrifying genjutsu or a horrifying nightmare.

"M - Midori?" Aoi timidly croaked out through her dry throat. As the dark haired girl drew nearer, the blonde began to emit some strange animalistic growling noises that grew louder with each step Aoi took.

"Midori?" She tried again - this time in a more assertive yet soft tone. The blonde's growling suddenly seemed to cease, however, they now turned into more of a silent yell of pain and horror.

Aoi could practically feel the room turning sinister as Midori's incoherent cries became more desperate.

The ravenette wasn't very sure on what to do when someone was having a nightmare - mostly because she'd never really experienced one, but waking the girl up seemed to be pretty high on the list of "what to do."

"Midori! C'mon wake up man." She began nervously, rocking the blonde back and fourth hastily in a futile attempt at awakening her. Though, it only seemed to cause the sleeping girl to thrash around more violently.

Aoi released the blonde from her grip, patting down her still tousled hair as she thought. "Dammit what are you dreaming about? Ugh what the hell am I supposed to do!?" Pulling her hair in frustration an idea popped in her head.

A very idiotic idea.

Lifting her hand up to eye level she looked between it and Midori then back again; repeating said process multiple times before making up her mind and forcing chakra to that area - heating it.

"Please don't get mad." She whispered to the blonde before bringing the back of her hand against Midori's unguarded cheek as hard as she could then the palm to her other side, leaving bright crimson red marks. "Damn you - wake up!" She helplessly exclaimed.

Suddenly Midori lunged forward with her eyes still closed, an inhumanly large, sharp, claw-like nail swiped at Aoi's face leaving a thin yet deep slice on the ravenettes' porcelain skin.

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