Morning cuddles

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Sometimes you wonder how those people in the movies wake up with perfect hair, beautiful morning skin and a bright smile. But then you wake up next to him and you no longer doubt. You glanced at the clock over your shoulder before fully focusing on him. 6:12, plenty of time to cuddle before work.

You pull the covers closer to your body and over your shoulders as you slowly and quietly scooted closer to the warm body next to you. His closed eyes making it easy to get a good look at his long lashes. Next your eyes traveled to his hair. He has been letting it grow out a bit over the winter break. You couldn't help but lift your hand slightly and move a swath from his forehead. He always managed to make it as soft as it looked. Almost like touching a chocolate brown cloud. The movement was apparently too much because he moaned and shifted his body closer to you. You froze, not wanting to wake the god-like being next to you, wanting to saver the silent moments of giddy observation. You let your hand rest on his cheek once he stopped moving. He slipped one arm over your middle and bumped his knee against yours. You winced, not totally ready to be met by his eyes quite yet. Your own eyes traveled down his face, over his cheek bones and past the five o'clock shadow. You slowly stroked your thumb over the stubble and smiled a bit.

You just could not get over how lucky you were. Twice over. If it weren't for the city bombing you would not have met him. If not for him and his impeccable timing and ability to save you, you wouldn't be here. Finally you let your gaze travel to his lips. He has only kissed you once, when you were upset and having issues expressing your feelings. As he pulled away he said he was able to understand what you were trying to say. And now you would do anything to cry again if that meant he would place those sweet lips on yours. But just laying with him in his bed, not doing anything mind you, after a terrible thunderstorm you found the action of kissing him all too tempting.

You let out a low breath of air that softly moved his hair. Dang you are lucky to have him as such a close friend. Maybe someday something even more. Hopefully someday soon. You felt his arm draped on your body tighten and his hand travel up your back, pulling you closer. Ok, so you may like him, a lot, but you didn't want to just be his snuggle buddy if he didn't want to be a bit more that friends when he is conscious. You try to distance yourself a bit from him, as painful as it was for your heart but you didn't want to get your hopes up. Besides it is getting harder to keep your eyes open no matter how toned his shirtless body looks. You lifted his arm off of you slowly, feet about to hit the floor when suddenly it was hard to move your hand back. You could feel your arm slowly being pulled back causing your body to fall back on the bed.

"Hey. Where do you think you are doing?" Deep, tired, gravely, and strong. Your insides about melted. Apparently he not only possessed the looks of a movie star in the morning but he has the voice of one. Mornings are defiantly your favorite time of the day to be with this man. You causouly turned around and put the blankets back on yourself, fully realizing that he only had flannel pants on. You blushed slightly not remembering him without a shirt when you rushed in at the first clap of thunder.

"Oh come on, don't suddenly turn shy on me. It's not like we did anything." You could hear him chuckle softly. You didn't meet his eyes but you smiled slightly. Your heart beating like a herd of horses running from a lion. You felt his hand still in yours pull you slightly closer until you were almost touching. He placed his arm back around you and moved a hair from your face with his other hand. You heard him scoff under his breath, feeling it on your nose. You really didn't want to look up now, you weren't about to trust yourself with how close you were. But Barry had other plans. You could feel his fingers softly but determinedly move under your chin to meet your eyes. You held your breath.

"See that wasn't so bad."

The ocean at high tide as the sun rises. Those were his eyes. Both green and blue. Cool but warm. Calculating but playful. The creases around his eyes proof that he smiles with his whole face. You could stay there for minuets, hours, days; however long you could get with this superhuman.

"Earth to Y/N. You alright hon?" He soothed. You blinked then blushed. You hated yet loved when he called you "hon". It made you react in ways you hoped he didn't read into as being attracted to him. He had no idea what power he had over you with jut his words.

"Yeah, I just didn't want to wake you. Thanks for letting me stay with you last night. I forget how bad storms scare me." You whispered. You couldn't help but think that any sudden noises would shatter this moment of bliss. He smiled then moved his hand from under your chin to stroke your hair. You shivered, totally melting under his gaze.

"It was my pleasure really. I remember you mentioning something about a childhood fear of storms. I hate the dark if that helps. So I am pretty sure you did us both a favor coming in. Did you sleep well?" His voice still sounded like morning coffee and dawns first rays. You grinned and nodded your head making sure to not disturb his soft stroking.

He smiled. "Great." He let out a breath of air and closed his eyes as he drew you closer to him. If you were standing you would have collapsed. Those lines around his perfect lips and his eyes squinting made you want to just bury your face in his chest.

Alas 6:12 turned into 7:10 a little too quickly. You would rather burn alive then have to force him to let you go but the bills don't pay themselves. "Hey, uh, Barry? I don't want to be a dead beat but I need to go. Work and what not."

His head shot up and his eyes got wide. "What? But I thought it was Saturday!" You giggled and shook your head, savoring the slight delay.

"It's Friday." You whisper, taking in the last moments of his morning look.

"Yeah well the weekend came early." He huffed. You scrunched your eyebrows and looked at him. "That's right. I am calling in a sick day." Again you looked at him like he was going crazy.

"Wait Barry, are you sick?" You placed a hand on his forehead. He didn't look flushed or anything. He looked perfect. He caught it and held it comfortably in his, deciding to slowly rub his thumb across your knuckles. You just laid there.

"Oh yeah. Real sick." He went back to whispering. His eyes are half closed causing him to look at you through his lashes. A small smirk graced his lips.

"Huh? W-with what?" You swallowed but kept eye contact, seeing as how that was all you could really do, feeling frozen under his endearing gaze.

You could have been just seeing things but you could have sworn he started moving closer. Your breaths mingled in the morning air, eyes never leaving each other.

"Have you ever heard of someone being Love Sick? Cuz I am pretty sure I got it." His smirk turned into a smile. "And it's all your fault." His eyes flickered to your lips. You were flabbergasted. But before you could say anything back there was a sudden weight on your lips.

You surly died and went to heaven. Never before have you felt this happy. This calm. This giddy. Sure he kissed you once before but that was quick and not nearly as passionate. His lips moved in sync with yours, one hand in your hair, one hand holding your back. He pulled you closer and your arms found their way up his taunt chest to his neck and hair. You couldn't help but smile.

After a few moments you both pulled away and laughed. His eyes traveled your face and he stroked your cheek. "I sure hope it's contagious."

You couldn't help but giggle again. "Yeah, a sick day does sound nice." Then you pulled him in for another heart stopping kiss.

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