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"Barry! Give me back my hot chocolate!" You reach your arms up to try to grab at your now luke-warm drink. You had finally come to terms with your height and hated the fact that Barry would constantly remind you of how much taller he is. You huffed and crossed your arms. Barry laughed and winked as he handed the cup back to you. You take your cup and sip it as angrily as you could. "You are such a butt Barry."

Barry laughed. His head tilted back a bit, his eyes scrunched, and he placed his harms on his chest. "A butt? Wow, that is the most offensive thing I have ever heard." He feigns a pained expression and you smack his arm.

"Oh shut up." You smile into your cup as you take a sip. You watch your friend as he gets up from his seat and get himself a warm cup of coffee.

You two have been pretty close friends ever since Caitlin asked  you to come visit her after Ronnie's accident. Being her cousin, you couldn't say no. After staying in town for a while you decided it was a pretty awesome place to live. Despite the odd attacks.

Barry cam into the picture when Caitlin asked you to watch him while he was drugged a bit. You are going to school for nursing, so you felt comfortable doing so. You didn't ask any questions, instead you sat in your cousin's car outside of an odd man's house, just to make sure the really hot guy next to you didn't fall over or wake up. He did wake up and  you freaked, resulting in you slapping him so hard he passed out again. You have been close friends since.

You laugh at the memory as Barry sits back down in front of you. He looks as you quizzically. You shake your head and chuckle a bit.

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad looking. Sure, my hair can look wind blown sometimes, but I checked in the display case. I have no fly-aways." He huffs and takes a drink of his own drink. You smirk and place your cup on the table.

"Whoh, narcissistic much?" He rolls his eyes, but you continue. "I was just remembering something."

Barry raises his eyebrows, looking at you over his slightly steaming cup. Oh gosh...he cannot look at you like that in public,  your cheeks are totally heating up. You look down a bit and laugh, trying to avoid his eyes.

"You remember when we first met?" You risk a glance at his face, wanting to see his reaction.
You were not disappointed.

His eyes narrowed and he slowly set down his cup. "How could I ever forget?" He said raising his left hand to his cheek as if still feeling the sting of the slap. You laugh a bit and reach across the table to place your hand over his.

"Yeah well it was funny, so I laughed. I am still sorry." You take your hand away and sit back down but start when you feel a warm weight on your hand you just placed on the table.

"Oh I know, I just have to wait to get you back." He lightly pats your hand. You look up at him skeptically.

"How come I have a feeling it's going to be worse than a slap to the face." You smile as you look at him out of the side of your eyes. Barry laughs again, but you keep your eyes on him.

You have known him for a few months now and something just recently has been bothering you. Once you asked him to come over and help you start your car. Literally two minuets later you hear a knock at your door. He said he just ran over but he wasn't panting. Not wanting to think too long about it because you needed to get to work, you chalked it up to being tired. But something similar happened just a few days ago.  You were coming back from schooling when you saw a police car zoom by, chasing after a yellow truck. You watched as a small red and yellow blur rushed by. Not five minuets later your car stalled, causing a mini wreck. You notice a red and yellow blur rush around and fix the minor pileup, including your car. You make it home to find Barry sitting on your couch. He looked different. Hie hair looked like he stick is face out of a window, his shirt was on backwards and he wasn't wearing shoes but what looked like to be red booties. You didn't say anything but about did when he asked you if you were alright after what to you on your way back from work. He said he knew because he works with the police but you knew it took a while for little accidents like that to make it around the office. You knew that much. Ever since then you have been keeping an eye on him: noticing when he was gone, when he showed up places winded or not, looking for those red booties, feeling a rush of wind before he happens to walk up to you, feeling it again when he says he has to leave. You have asked both Cisco and Caitlin about these odd things but they keep insisting I am just paranoid because of all the odd fights that have broken out between The Flash and what they call Metahumans. Now that it comes to it you have no idea what Caitlin really does.

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