Fort Calm

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You rolled your shoulders and jumped around on the balls of your feet as you circled a punching bag. Sweat dripped into your eyes and down your back. With labored breath and a shout, you started beating up the bag. Tears fell, mingling with sweat and your grunts were soon replaced with cries of anger and frustration.

Men. The whole lot of them sucked.

You kept punching and punching and punching. You even added a few kicks. But it wasn't until your wrists started to burn and your knuckles were bloody that the one man you didn't hate strode in.

"Hey (Y/n), how goes- whoa! Hey, hey, hey," Barry Allen rushed over, grabbing your shoulders and making you face him, "what's the matter?"

You didn't answer him. You just stared at the blood splatter on the punching bag. But Barry wouldn't have it.

"(Y/n), hey, look at me," he cooed, reaching up to place his finger under your chin to have you face him, "you wanna talk about it?" But before you could even have the chance to say anything he spotted the blood dripping off your knuckles and onto the floor.

"What?! (Y/n)!" He hissed worriedly as if it were his hands that were hurting. "Come on. We need to get this taken care of. You can tell me what is eating at you once we are done."

You didn't say anything but you finally made eye contact with him. His bright eyes reminded you of a rich blue lake in the middle of a forest of trees. Safe and beautiful. You barely nod and let him gently guide pick you up and rush you to his own little place.

You had been to his small apartment before. He liked having his own place now that he had a kind of awkward bout with Iris. Since then he just wanted a place to himself. You would go there a lot between fights with your now-ex boyfriend.

Barry wordlessly got to work on bandaging up your hands. You watched calmly as he worked around his place, doing everything like a normal human. You gritted your teeth at your usage of "normal human", a slap-in-the-face reminder of what your boyfriend used to say to you when you didn't use your powers.

"Well look at you behaving like a 'normal human'."

"If I didn't know you I would have thought you were a 'normal human'."

"Stop (y/n). You can't be with 'normal humans' looking and acting like that."

You shook your head to stop yourself, you were making yourself angry. Barry was putting away the last bits of the medical supplies when he spied the scowl on your face and the way you chewed your lip like you usually did when you were thinking about him. Barry instinctively grabbed your hands, making sure to be extra gentle.

"Hey, how about you go ahead and shower then change into something a bit more comfortable. But be sure to stay in my bedroom until I say, ok?" His voice dropped to a whisper at the end as he leaned down a bit to look up into your face as you slouched.

You glanced up at you and just faintly lifted a corner of your mouth and nodded. Barry smiled at the small reaction and nodded successfully. He kissed the back of your hand kindly like he always did and sent you to his room where you locked yourself in so you could shower and change.

You noticed the sound of moving furniture and the sound of popping popcorn but you ignored it as you pulled out your favorite shirt and sweatpants of his and taking them into the bathroom with you. You looked in the mirror as you took off your workout clothes, cringing at the scars that littered your body. Thankfully he never saw them despite how close he wanted to get. You didn't want to have to explain that they were self-inflicted and not entirely your fault. You shook your head. Yeah, good think he never saw them, but if only you were smart early on and had not shown him your true self before he showed his true colors.

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