Don't Do That!

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This is an OC requested by Autogirls and I hope this turns out ok!

Barry twiddled with an object he had picked up off of Cisco's work desk. A lot has bogged down on his mind lately. Luckily there has been a lull in criminal and Metahuman activity as of late so he was able to just sit down and think for long periods of time. One reoccurring thing, or in this case person, has been popping up in his thoughts. Rhea Aldrich. She has joined the team several months ago but only just recently has Barry been aware of his sudden growing feelings for her. At first, he thought it was just the kind of love he felt for Caitlin, Cisco, and Iris, but after Rhea had a close shave with death recently, it was like Barry was awakened from a dream and reality set in. He definitely cared for her more than the others.

But something he feels is stupid but very real stops Barry from asking her out. They have had their moments and flirting is old news between the two of them. But a relationship? That meant putting is heart out there for her to either cherish or completely and utterly crush. And bombarding thoughts of her doing the latter did not make his decision in asking her any easier. He even tried going to Oliver for some help, not exactly proud of his choice in who to ask for help, but his options were limited if he didn't want Rhea to find out.

Oliver suggested some of the weirdest things, the least of which Barry was contemplating right now. Barry ran his hand through his hair. How in the world was he supposed to pull this off? Will she fall for it? Will she kill him or kiss him afterwards? Will it be worth it at all?


Rhea had just finished getting ready for bed. She felt clean and rejuvenated as well as super comfortable in her soft, warm pjs. She had just brushed her hair, putting down the brush and pulled back the covers on her bed. With a content sigh and then a long yawn, Rhae jumped into bed, wiggling under the covers, loving the feeling of clean sheets on her newly shaved legs. She had just closed her blue, tired eyes when her cell phone rang. Her eyes shot open and she about went Biest mode on her phone. Who in the world is calling her at a time like this? She listened closely to the ring tone. What the....Barry? The tired woman rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, reminding herself that she has the hugest crush on him and that yelling his head off right now won't look good. That can wait until morning.

Slowly and with her eyes still closed, Rhea turned over in her bed, blindly feeling around for her phone. Once she found it, she cracked an eye open to see that it was indeed Barry. Taking a deep breath, Rhea slid her finger across her phone screen to pick up the call. Lazily she placed it next to her ear.

"I sure do hope you have a good reason to be calling me at such a time as this, for your sake." She let her voice fill with a bit of sarcasm but not too much so he wouldn't take you seriously.


Instantly Rhea's body felt cold as she sat up fast, her long blond hair billowing around her. That was not Barry's voice. "Who is this? How do you have Barry's phone?" She about turned Biest but kept her breathing down so she could hear who it was.

The voice on the other end started to whisper. "It's me, Oliver. Barry wanted me to call you if he was in any danger and well..."

"Spit it out, man!"

"It's Barry. He got hurt when we went after this guy who has been-"

"I don't care about the guy! How bad is Barry hurt? Where is he?" Rhea started to feel her face change, her hair turn silver.

"That's the thing. He's being held captive at my house. The guy out-smarted us."

Rhea said a few choice words as she threw back her blankets. "You know, for a couple of 'superheroes', you both suck at the whole keep yourselves safe thing. I will be there in ten minutes. Stall him."

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