Please Don't

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"Barry! No, please, don't." You yell as you run over to your husband of one perfect year. You both got married young, but that did not stop him from being The Flash. Right now he is deciding to go fight a Metahuman that you are sure is going to kill him. Or at least injure him terribly. You run into S.T.A.R. Labs, meeting a room full of all of The Flash crew and a few of Oliver Queen's people. Panting, you search for your tall, handsome man. A few people turn around to face you after hearing your voice down the hall, but not your Barry.

Dr. Wells slowly wheels himself over to you and reaches a hand up to clasp one of yours. "(Y/n), my dear. I am sorry. I tried to talk to him, but he insisted. Quite fervently, might I add." You look at him with wide eyes, not wanting to believe your ears.

You turn your head quickly and look at the wall that always holds his suit. You had to blink back tears as you slowly made your way closer. As clear as day, the suit is missing. You reach your hand out to touch the place it once laid. Clenching your fist, you slam it on the display and rush out of the room. You don't care who is watching or following. You need to find your irrational other half.

Barry stood in front of a large Metahuman, contemplating on the best way to go about attacking it. He's about as large as a truck and has the power to implode things by just a mere touch. Cisco dubbed it The Alchemist. Barry hasn't been seen by him yet, so there is still a chance of getting the upper hand. Unfortunately he doesn't think he can fully defeat it. Oliver Queen tried and about died. He should have said something to (Y/n) before he come out here. Barry takes a deep breath and heads for the Metahuman.

"BARRY ALLEN!!!!" He couldn't help but skid to a stop. Not ten feet away stood his wife. But instead of anger and frustration plastered on (Y/n)'s beautiful face, he saw fear and worry. Without a second thought, he made his way over to you. He started to play various sentences he could say to you through his mind, but didn't get far. You rushed over to him and crashed your lips to his. Surprised but not disappointed, Barry held you and kissed you back. After a few moments he pulled away.

"I am sorry (Y/n), I have to do this. He has been such a menace since he got here. I can't-"

"No, Barry listen to me. You can't play the hero, not all the time. There are more important things to do then locking up Metahumans." You gently pull his mask down and run a hand softly through his hair. Smiling gently you took one of his hands and placed it a bit below your stomach. "I just found out last week but wanted to make sure it wasn't a false positive. Barry we are going to be parents, I just don't want our little one to be fatherless." With a shaky breath, you took his other hand hand kissed it. You looked up at him expectantly, waiting for a reaction.

"Honey are you...are you serious?" Barry could barely believe it. No wonder you were so worried. No wonder you risked yourself coming out here.

He looked down at his hand on your stomach and let out a loud shaky laugh. He regretted it as soon as it escaped his lips. Celebrating will have to wait. The metahuman turned and growled, taking in the happy couple; his next target. Barry turned and quickly fixed his mask. Scooping you up bridal style, he ran you back to the entrance of the lab. Setting you down gently, he brushed a hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly.

"I cannot express to you in words how happy I am, but this little one is now another reason I need to take care of the Alchemist. I want you to both be safe." Your eyes get wide and you reach out to stop him, but he beats you to it. "I promise as soon as I feel like I am not getting anywhere with him, I will come straight back and have Dr. Wells take care of him somehow."

He leans down and kisses you oh so tenderly. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him closer and start to cry into the kiss. Barry gives you one more tight hug then pulls away. Bending down a bit he comes eye-level with your stomach, kissing it lightly, telling he's child that he will come back. After standing up, he gives you one last quick peck and was gone.

Iris took you back to your house, thinking that just waiting it out is better than watching at the lab. You haven't see him for three hours. That was until you got a call from Cisco saying that something went wrong. He is in the hospital.

You get over there as soon as you could, wishing with every fiber of your body you had your husband's powers. You rushed through the halls and came upon a room filled with the voices of Cisco and Caitlyn. You slowly open the door wider and about collapse. There your husband was, all wrapped up and hooked up to machines. Unabashed tears fell freely from your eyes as you made your way to his side. Taking a seat, you touch his face and let out a quiet sob. Hearing shuffling from the side, you look and catch Cisco and Caitlyn leaving.

"Wait. How bad is it? Where was he hit? Why hasn't he imploded?" Your voice caught on the last part, not wanting to think about him not being here at all. Caitlyn smiled lightly and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"He was caught on the leg. Cisco has been working on a suit that could withstand the Alchemist's power, but it could only do so much. His left leg was burned, three degree burn or worse. The doctors say he will be fine though. No worries." She smiled lightly again, but you could tell she was lying. You thanked her with a nod, and the two of them left you and your husband alone.

"You reckless twit. I thought I gave you reason enough to not fight him in the first place. Now The Flash may lose a freaking leg. If even just that." You let your head hang and started to sob. You place your free hand on your unborn child and gently stroke it. "Please don't ever do that again Barry, never again." You lift your head and rest it on his arm, playing with his hair, willing him to wake up.

"Well I haven't lost my leg yet, so don't go shedding tears, dear." Your head shot up and your eyes widened. That stupid, handsome man. He looked at you with love and regret in his eyes, surly feeling terrible for making you cry. You immediately crush him in a tight hug and place kisses all over his face. He lightly laughs and gently helps you lay next to him. You place a hand on his chest, the other placed with one of his on your tiny bulging stomach. He kisses the top of your head and wipes a tear from your face. You both laid there, just taking in the fact that the three of you are there together.

"Nathan, if he is a boy." Barry quietly broke the silence. You smile and slightly nod your head.

"And Jaynee if she's a girl." You answer back, looking up at your brave man. You kiss his chin and make yourself comfortable again.

"I am going to be a dad." Barry whispered before falling into a wonderful sleep, with you holding his child in his arms.

As requested by Whovian3135

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