Why Not

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You looked at yourself in the mirror, tugging at your modest dress, turning from side to side. You weren't sure if you could do this. You moved your feet to look at your shoes, tilting your head from side to side as you did your best to think positively about the outfit Iris helped you put together.

Barry asked you out on a date and it has been a nice long while since you have been on one. You were glad it wasn't to a fancy restaurant, just to the local coffee shop, but that didn't make the nerves dissipate any faster.

Your phone dinged with a text message. Barry has been texting you all evening, but you didn't have the energy to keep up a conversation over text then think of something to say over coffee. You close your eyes as you pick up your phone and peek at the message, letting out a breath of relief seeing it from Iris.

I really hope you are in the car driving because, knowing Barry, he has been waiting for a few minutes.

You roll your eyes and slump back on your bed, holding your phone up as you typed.

It's not my fault he's super fast and gets impatient. I'm heading over now.

You turn your phone on silent and toss it into your purse. You turn and give yourself one last look in your mirror. You let out a defeated sigh before you grab your things and leave, using the time in the car to try to convince yourself that Barry isn't put off by your Metahuman trait.


Barry picked up his phone, looking at the messages and hoping that you at least looked at them. He let out a sigh as he put it back down. For the life of him, he can't think of a single reason why you would be hesitant at all to at least just sit down and have some coffee with him. He double and triple checked with Iris that you liked him in any romantic way possible before asking. He didn't want you to feel pressured to go. But now that he looked back at it, he remembers you looking almost worried. He mistook it for surprise.

He took a slow sip of this growing cold coffee. Looking over the edge of his cup, Barry almost willed for you to just walk through the doors. But after a few slow second, he put his cup down and hung his head as he went to go pay for his drink. But a voice made him pause and turn around.

"You decide to enjoy life at a normal pace just once and you already want to ditch me on our coffee date." You chimed as you stepped through the doors, wearing a playful yet apologetic smile. "Though I don't blame you, I wasn't sure if I was coming either." You said with a hint of embarrassment as your cheeks felt warm.

Barry couldn't help but smile as he stepped up to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you into his arms. You went ridged but soon relaxed as he buried his face in your hair. Hesitantly, you wrapped your own arms around him, resting your head against his shoulder.

Barry moved his face just enough to whisper in your ear, giving you goosebumps in the process. "Why not?"

You didn't know you were so close to tears until he spoke. You swallowed hard as you pulled away from him, making sure not to look him in the eyes for too long. "It's not exactly easy to explain." You sniffed then wiped angerly at a tear that escaped. "I don't know. I don't want to you think me silly."

Barry's brows came together as he reached out and placed his hands on your shoulders. "How about we go somewhere more comfortable?" He moved to make eye contact with you, pushing some of your hair back.

You nodded and gave him a weak smile. You welcomed his hand as it moved down your arm to your hand, lacing your fingers together gently. The both of you knew exactly where he was taking you. Once, a few weeks after he found you, the two of you were working on tracking a Metahuman when you stumbled upon a tree house of sorts. After weeks of trying to see if anyone used it, you took it upon yourself to maintain it and use it as a place to let off steam due to your ability. You later showed it to Barry when he became worried after one of your accidents.

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