It's Really Him

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               Barry is at his wits end. He may be the fastest man alive but he is not the smoothest. He ran his hands through his hair a he walked around STAR labs, letting them come to a rest on the back of his neck, his head leaning back to look at the ceiling out of exasperation. How in the world is he going to tell you who he really is? You are working with the CCPD on a case involving a metahuman but one who could hurt, if not kill, Barry if he came within just miles of No one is quite sure what kind of metahuman they are or what they do, other than the fact that they have acute aim of some kind of electric prohibiting beam. Barry didn't mind being left behind on this investigation just for a while, that gave him time to rack up enough courage and think of the right way to break it to you.

              His train of thought was broken by the sound of a motorized wheelchair rolling in. Barry turned and rushed over to his speed mentor. "Please, please, PLEASE help me Dr. Wells. This was your idea anyways. I didn't think it would be this hard." With great urgency he placed his hands in a prayer like form in front of his face, practically begging with his eyes.

              Dr. Wells slightly shook his head and chuckled. "Barry, calm down. Now explain to me clearly, what is it you want me to help you with?" He wheels himself over to the out cropping of wall that held Barry's Flash suit. Reaching his hand up, he touches the light weight fabric  then let his hand fall to his arm rest. "Let me guess. This has something to do with your "secret identity". You know Barry, it's not going to be much of a secret if you keep telling people when they show just a bit of interest in you." Dr. Wells turns around with a slight glint of humor in his eyes as he smirks.

             Barry can't help but cringe at his friend's accurate observation. His arm went up and rested behind his neck. "Yeah well this one is different." Dr. Wells chuckled but motioned for Barry to continue. He let out a breath, checking left and right as if you were there. "Her name is (y/n) and she has every right to know. Considering everything she has been through. She lost a parent like I did, we could connect through this. I don't want to have any walls between us. She has just confided so much in me over the past few days that I-"

             "Barry, Barry, calm down." Dr. Wells is closer now and has a hand raised to get the young speedster's attention. "We don't want you causing a time rift or anything. I happen to know (y/n)'s story so no need to keep babbling on. Just go tell her." He slowly turned around to head out of the doorway, mumbling under his breath. "It's not like you asked me for permission to tell all those others. I don't know why she is so different."

            Barry watched as Dr. Wells left and let out a low huff. He turned back around to face his suit. Being the Flash was awesome and he loved saving people and putting away baddies; he just hates having to keep it from you. You are so sweet, gentle and understanding. You first came to town looking for a simple job, but as soon as Iris saw you she instantly took you under her wing. She introduced you to everyone and now, you all hang out as if you had been there for years. Unbeknownst to Barry, you had started getting feeling for him, but you didn't want that to impede the friendship you had tried oh so hard to create with him. Now Barry sees you as someone he can wholly and completely trust.  You surly wouldn't mind finding out, right? But how to tell you, that is the real question.


            As Barry was trying to figure out his problem of telling you who he really is, you and the CCPD have been working hard to contain the Metahuman. You were the one to tell Joe to let The Flash know that coming would hinder more than help. You may be a cop but you graduated a science major, so as soon as you saw the thick electrode barrier the enemy was creating, you knew The Flash would be no help. You have been working with the CCPD for a while now and find it amazing that you are working with the real Flash. But you aren't going to lie, you desperately wish you knew who he was. Not that you have a crush on him, cough cough, you were just curious. Besides, you have been trying to get Barry's attention, the cute little forensic scientist who always came after a  shoot out or a stand off with a Metahuman. Alas, he only sees you as a friend. Or so you thought.

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