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You groaned as you clenched your eyes shut, silently begging for the pain to quickly subside. You leaned against the wall of the medical room in the Lab. So much for coming in early and working on getting your power under control. You got your breathing under control as the pain dissipated and right before you heard someone walk in, more like rush in.

"Hey (Y/n). Whoa, you feeling alright?"

You scrunched your nose as you slowly looked up, your eyes barely open as you plastered on a smile that you knew looked very fake. "Oh yeah, I'm just fine." You wave your hand as if to brush it off.

Barry stepped forward, his hands instinctively reaching out as if to help you. "It's your powers again, isn't it?" His voice was quiet and tinted with worry.

You held your breath as you did the barest of nods, doing your best to hold back a sob. Your ability to change and morph into anyone is a pretty cool trick, until you learned that it hurt like hell fire and brimstone. Barry was there when you changed first, just by happenstance. He was helping with stopping a train station bombing. You got frightened and suddenly changed into him, suit and all. Quickly, he took you to the lab and told the crew who you are now close friends with.

You kept your morphing to a minimum, if at all. But you wanted to be able to help Barry with his missions, so in secret you have been trying to find ways to ease the pain. Unfortunately, it has been a fruitless endeavor. Now you have to convince Barry that your plan is a good idea.

You feel his hands grasp your arms and help you to a seat. You couldn't help but lean on him, your legs taking the longest to be rid of the burning hot pain. Barry takes a seat next to you and leans his elbows on his knees, looking at you worriedly.

"Are you sure you are alright?"

You couldn't help but smile at his soft, concerned voice. You took a deep then looked at him, smiling slightly. "Yeah, I'm alright. I just wish there was a way for it to not hurt so much," you whispered.

Barry looked you in the eyes then quickly raked them over your body, just wanting to make sure. A blush sprang to your cheek at his thorough observance. He then looked back into your eyes for a moment before he stood and reached is hands out for you to take.

You raised an eyebrow as you looked from his two outstretched hands to his face. He smiles, his eyebrows doing their arch thing. "Hey, I promise not to hurt you! I think I have an idea."

You playfully roll your eyes as you take his hands and slowly stood. "If you come up with a way for my morphing to not hurt, I'd kiss you silly."

You didn't register what you said until it was too late. Your face heated up as Barry let out a small chuckle, his own face pulling into a wide smile with his own cheeks dusted with pink. You look down at the ground, silently chastising your unfiltered brain. But you looked up as you felt Barry's give your hands a light squeeze as he gave you a cheeky smile.

"I look forward to it." He chuckled and winked.

Before you could say anything, you were swept up in his arms and rushed somewhere, probably where he did his running tests. He gently sets you on the ground and you do your best to calm your wind-swept hair. You look around the deserted field, noticing mud and puddles from the recent rain. You turned to Barry all confused.

"You do know that me running won't help, right? I'm not exactly in shape." You laughed a little as you patted your middle.

Barry chuckled and shook his head. "Oh whatever. Ok so my idea was to see if sudden and strong emotions are what make it easy to change." He stands behind you, causing you to turn to look at him. "Did you feel any pain the first time we met and you changed?"

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