Dance Lessons

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        It has been one heck of a day today. Being a nurse is hard, especially when every kid at the middle school you work at thinks they are dying of every illness on the planet. You are an assistant for the main school nurse, so you're not even getting paid to get sneezed on. You slowly make your way down the halls of S.T.A.R. Lab, doing your best to not just curl up on the floor and sleep. This internship is going to be the end of you.

You were a few more turns from the main science lab when you heard the quiet echoes of music bouncing off the walls. You pause in your already slowing steps, straining your ears to hear what is playing. "Geronimo" by Sheppard, one of your favorite songs. You smirk as you start up walking again. Making your way to the main room, the music slowly became louder, to the point where you started to cringe as you entered the room. What greeted you caused you to grin widely. Cisco was dancing, by himself mind you, in such a way that you just had to laugh out loud. You miss judged your laughing volume, causing Cisco to jump and squeal like a little girl. You couldn't help but laugh harder. Cisco turned around and places his hands on his hips. His face was fighting with itself, not knowing if he should laugh with you or scold you for scaring him.

     You cock your head to the side and drop your things to fold your arms. "So I take it you have everything from the last Metahuman we captured all documented and whatnot?" You snort, unfolding your arms go pick your things up and place them your designated corner of the room. The music quieted, so you can hear your own thoughts now. Cisco cracked a smile and came over to you to give you a hug.

      "Yeah everything is all set for that guy. Just don't tell Barry or Caitlyn about what just happened." He looked at you with pleading eyes. "They would never take me seriously again." He even made his lip tremble, making the sound of a begging puppy.

      You roll your eyes and laugh a bit. "Yeah Cisco, your secret is safe with me." You shrugged off your coat and moved over to the left medical room, deciding now was a good time as any to get some of Barry's medical records organized. You moved to work here at S.T.A.R Labs a few years ago. Dr. Wells asked for you to help Caitlyn with the medical side of monitoring Barry. She liked having another girl in the lab. You pulled a lab coat on and reached for a beaker and tongs. But it turns out Cisco has other plans. Music starts to blare everywhere, "Shut up and Dance", causing you to almost drop the things in your hands. You suddenly feel a pair of arms reach around you and taking the things from your hands and putting them down and then take your hands in theirs. Turning you around you came face to face with not Cisco. It's Barry.

"Oh! Barry. I didn't hear you speed in." You try your hardest to not just stop and stare at his face. His cute nose, his soft looking hair, his dreamy blue/green eyes. The worst part is getting caught up in his smile, the lines around his mouth just begging to be kissed. You blinked and shook your head slightly. No, he is your friend. Besides you are sure he has something for Iris. You opt to glance around the room, finding Cisco giving you a knowing smile. You glare playfully at him, sticking your tongue out. You are so going to get him later for this. He knows, well more like guessed, about your somewhat huge attraction to his speedster friend. Maybe this is to keep your lips sealed about his girlish scream.

Barry decided to come to the Lab early that day. Things had been pretty slow and quiet at the CCPD office, so he thought coming to see his friends would be a pretty reasonable use of his free time. Besides, he honestly wanted to see if you were here. He loved the fact that you are so dedicated to your work. You spend hours with kids and their gross habits to come here and deal with his whining. Looking down at you, he can't help but hope you looked forward to coming in and spending time with him, because he loved seeing your happy face and hear your melodious laugh. He leans forward and starts to take your lab coat off.

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