Say It Again

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"What am I supposed to say?"

"Anything but what you are currently thinking."

"Thanks, Caitlin. That helps."

"Look, Barry, listen. She is going to be as nervous as you but obviously for different reasons and she can't know that."

Barry buried his face in his hands, letting out a frustrated sigh. But he wasn't able to lament for long. He heard your sure steps down the hall and the sound of your beautiful singing voice. You usualy sang when you were happy. But for some reason, knowing that, Barry felt even more pressure to not screw this up.

"Here she comes! Take a deep breath and just pretend that it's just a normal day. Let it come out naturally and in the conversation. You know how she is with big news. Nice and causual." Caitlin gave him a big smile and two thumbs up as she rushed out of the room to leve the two of you alone.

You entered the big room to find Barry standing in the center, his back to you and his hands in his pockets, like usual. You smile as you tiptoed your way over to him, jumping onto his back, letting out a shout of excitement.

Barry let out a shout of surprise, but it quickly changed into laughter. He helped you down gently and so he could give you a proper hug. "(Y/n)! I am so glad you were able to make it!" He looked into your eyes and drank in your beauty. "God, I missed you."

You smiled wide, wrapping your arms around his neck effectivly pulling him closer. "Well, I couldn't say no to my boyfriend now could I?" You peck him on the nose. "Now, what is this special dinner you want me to attend?"

Barry had to blink a few times to regain his compoture. He nearly looses it when you kiss him like that. "Well, um...Joe is getting a promotion at the station and it's kind of a big thing and uh..." You giggle as he nervously scratched the back of his head, trying to find the words that you knew you were to blame for him losing. "I need a plus one and since you were in town for your cousin's wedding and the fact that you are my girlfriend and all, I was wondering if you could come with me?"

You giggled again at his uneasyness, moving your hands down to his waist, giving him a squeeze. "Of course I'll go with you, silly!" You kissed him on the cheek then turned to grab your bag you dropped. "I'll meet you at your place in half an hour. I need to drop my stuff of in my room." You turned around to look at him one more time, smiling wide, before you turned to leave for your hotel.

Barry smiled half-heartedly, weakly waving his hand before he let out a breath of air, running his hand through his hair again. He didn't move even after you had left the room. How was he going to pull this off without it becoming really embarrassing?


You looked in the mirror one last time to check your makeup before you heard a knock at your hotel door. A wide smile pulled at your lips as you grabbed your hand bag and opened the door. There stood your wonderful and handsome boyfriend.

", uh, you look amazing." Barry's face turned a touch pink, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

You laughed lightly, taking his free hand in yours. "As articulate as ever I can see." You winked then leaned forward to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Barry smiled then instantly felt a bit better. "You ready for this? Joe would love to know you made it."

You smiled and closed your room door, giving him your full attention. "Of course I would come! He's like a father to you and me. The world would have to be ending for me to not see Joe. And you for that matter."

"Great. So how has your work been? It must be hard traveling everywhere." The two of you took the long walk to the car, but neither of you minded the time to catch up a bit.

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