How Shocking

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You sat on the couch watching a rerun of Psych as you play with Barry's hair while he lays his head on your lap. You smiled to yourself when you hear his soft snoring, loving the feeling of him being completely relaxed. It had been hard for him to feel any sort of relaxation after you got married to him almost a year ago. You glanced at the ring on your finger, twirling it with your thumb.

He asked you when the two of you had finished a particularly dangerous mission. He said he wasn't planning on doing it so suddenly but seeing you hurt and him not being able to do anything about it made him think quick on his feet. No joke. It just so happens to be a few weeks after he learned that you too, had the ability to run as fast as him. You wanted to keep it to yourself, but when Cisco almost dropped Caitlin's favorite picture of the group, you just caught it quickly out of instinct, in front of everyone.

Now the two of you have been living a nice married life. Well, as nice as it can get for two speedsters. Missions are a lot more fun together, but there's a lot more at stake when you are invested in someone's life like that. Barry would always be sure to tell you to be safe and to not take on a mission without him. You would always smile and give him a peck, saying that you wouldn't even dream of it. But as of late, that has turned into a lie.

You thought of going out on your own at least once every day. Not only to go out on your own but to prove to your worrisome husband that you can take care of yourself if needs be. You looked down at your husband's sleeping form. One day he will see you as capable of holding your own out there.

Barry's phone started to vibrate on the coffee table in front of you. You reached for it as carefully as you could as to not wake him up. Once you had it, you saw that it was Cisco. You press the green button and pick up the call.

"What's up, Cisco?"

"(Y/n)! It's good to hear from you. Hey, we have a situation down here. We aren't sure how bad it is but it looks like this Metahuman could really reek havoc if he's not taken care of asap. We need you down here as soon as you can."

"Haha, not like we're the fastest couple on the planet or anything."

"You'd think with all the crazy superpowers going around and how much you two run that the powers that be would give you something."

You laugh lightly. "Alright, alright, we'll be right there."

You hung up and set Barry's phone down on the couch arm. Still playing with his hair, you look down at his resting face and let your mind decide before your heart kicked in. Before Barry exhaled again, you were at the Lab and in your suit. Cisco walked up to you with a smile, but you saw it falter when he didn't see Barry.

You slowly blink and raise a hand to stop whatever it was he was about to say. "He's on his way. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt for me to get a feel for this Metahuman before he gets here."

Cisco looked at you skeptically but finally nodded. "Alright. But this was your idea, not mine. Barry will kill me if you get hurt."

"Not until after he kills me first." You laugh nervously. Cisco grimly nods then gives you to details on the Metahuman.

He had spotted him on the Metahuman radar he was working on but he didn't think much of it. But suddenly the readings spiked then fell. After watching it for a few minutes Cisco realized that this wasn't just some glitch in the system. By what he could scan, this guy can teleport but uses electro magnetic resonance to do so and it seems like the poor guy is having a hard time handling the powers.

You nod and take off in the direction of the last reading surge. You find yourself in an alleyway, standing in front of a man no older than twenty-five with his back to you. You make sure to blur your face before you began speaking as you stepped toward him slowly, reaching a hand out in kindness.

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