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You have been on the run for a while. You lost count after several months, jumping from abandoned house to abandoned house. Now, you just want to stop running and be able to live in one place without being called a freak or a monster. It all happened when you were just sitting at your kitchen table looking at over due bills. Pain shot through your body and you could do nothing as your body fell from your chair and hit the floor hard. You remember waking up in the hospital with lots of doctors standing and staring at you. A bit frightened, you sat up quickly but instantly regretted it. Light filled the room as a deafening whine came from somewhere near you. As the lights dimmed you had to look away as to not get sick everywhere. The doctors and nurses that once stood around now lay dead in a large pile of blood all being supplied from the ears, noses, and eyes of the fallen bodies.

You ran. You went home and grabbed all you could and ran. News of your escape and alleged murders reached you weeks later, making it near impossible to be seen anywhere near your home town. You had no friends to call and no parents to aid you. You were alone. Fear took you over as days turned to weeks and weeks into months. The Whining Light happened three other times, near a park, a school and a market. Tears streamed down your face as you watched the light mercilessly take the lives of those innocent people. Not once could you link the four occurrences together, but at this point you didn't care. Now, you are laying on a bench across from a police station as it lightly snows. You have been thinking that it may be best to just turn yourself in then try to live a life like this, like a monster.

Doors creaked open and closed as you watched three people leave the building. One was an older black man who looked like someone who would laugh at embarrassing situations instead of getting upset. Two other men walked with them, both Caucasian and looking to be in their mid to late twenties. One had blond hair and had a matching badge to his supposed superior officer. He looked like a love sick puppy who smiled way too much, it was kinda creepy. The other stood taller than the first and looked to be holding a briefcase as well as some surgical gloves. He would brush his brown hair from his eyes and look at the older man with great respect. Looks like they are on there way somewhere important. Curiosity took over and you stood to quietly follow them, thinking that after wards you will turn yourself in.

You hide being a fallen crate as you watch the three men and a few other officers asses a situation on a dock, a man was found dead in his submerged car. After a few moments of silently watching, you deem it safe enough to inch a bit closer, but you froze. The tall brunet excused himself to take a phone call and decided it was wise to walk closer to you. You held your breath as you watch the seemingly very handsome man walk closer and stop just steps away from you. He answered his phone with a kind voice but it became more worried as the conversation went on. You absentmindedly listened for a bit.

"Are you sure Wells? This Metahuman could be one of those low key bad ones. A bright light that kills that emanates from a young woman? Yeah I'll come in, this case was closed before I got here. Be at the Lab in a sec." Your head snapped up at the description of the Metahuman and in just enough time to watch this man literally disappear from before her eyes in a flash. You shook your head in disbelief as you slowly made your way over to an abandoned shop corner. That guy has powers...just like you do. Well, kinda. You don't know of anyone that can run that fast without having powers. You steady your breathing and try to ignore the quiet whining that was coming from the back of your head. You make a change of plans. Find the other powerful person and see if he can help you adapt.  A lab. Wells. With those clues, you slowly make your way to the only lab you remember seeing since arriving here; S.T.A.R. Laboratories.


"Wells, are we sure it would be wise to go find her? As you can tell she seems to be the most dangerous and least known one we have faced yet."The voice of the tall man reached your ears as you tried to wipe the cold fresh snow from you hair and face.

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