Chapter 1- Day

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I'm just a lonely flounder in a sea of guppies, feeling different, seeing all the clones and their clones and noticing I'm different. People whisper and laugh, I can feel them laughing about me. I pull my sleeves over my hands and cover my mouth with my left and adjust my bag with my right. My class is coming up I start looking for my opening to make this as painless as possible. My gap comes and I take a swift left into my class right before the bell rings. As I walk in all the faces lift at me and I begin to panic, the first day of school is always the worst. Having to find a seat next to people who you don't like, who definitely don't like you. I sit next to a freshman girl who is on guard with me. We exchange hellos and I sit quietly by myself. The new teacher introduces himself and has us introduce ourselves, I go last and right as I stand up the door and a tall lean figure saunters in.

"No hats young man" said the teacher and he removes his black beanie

"Sorry sir" he replies his deep voice makes my knees weak

"And your name is?" said the teacher adjusting his toupee

"Gage Blaylack sir" He said as he stand there shoving his beanie in his messenger bag

"Well Mr. Blaylack, since you were late why don't you go next?" as he points to the empty seat next to me in the back.

He sets his things down and flashes me a smile, I nod my head and he faces the class "My name is Gage Blaylack, I just moved here from Paris, France, I play guitar and drums, my favorite bands are Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and I'm not too fond of people." He says in a sarcastic tone and nods at the teacher then sits down. His long, lean torso leaned back in the chair, his long legs stretched under the seat in front of him. Deep in thought, I look around and realize the entire class is staring at me. I look at the teacher and he motions me to stand up. My anxiety sets in as I stand and pull my sleeves over my hands again.

"I'm Alexandria Newland, I like Hedgehogs, music, cooking, writing and playing video games." I sit down as everyone turns back to the front. Calming myself down I feel a tap on my shoulder and its Gage, his black v neck is just deep enough to see his collar bone, his gray and black flannel match perfectly with his black jeans that hug his hips just right. He shoots me a movie star smile and asks for a pencil. I hand him one and go back to my business filling out an about me sheet for the teacher.

The bell rings and I collect my things slowly to let everyone get out first, I'm not about to fight to get out the door with some twigs. I shove everything in my bag and toss it on my shoulder and head for the door and I hear my name as I walk out. I look around hoping its Gage again, but no it was my friend Grace. We walk and talk about our first period as I make my game plan for the hallway again.

I reach my next class and tell him my name and he gives me my seat assignment, much less stressful, I watch as everyone files into the room my guard friends are in here and we sit together, the rest of the day went by quickly until I reached 8th period physics. We have to stand at the front of the class until everyone is in. When the bell rings the teacher tells the girls to pick a lab table, looks like we are going to be paired girl and boy, my least favorite because no one ever wants to pick me. I pick a seat in the back and notice Gage is in here. I sit and wait, all of the girls pick a table then he sends the boys out to pick their partner. I watch as all the girls make goo-goo eyes at Gage as he walks to pick, he doesn't stop at any table until Madison stops him. Madison is and always will be the prettiest most popular girl in school, always has been.

"Hey want to be my lab partner?" she flashes him her perfect smile with her thickly glossed lips. She bats her huge eyelashes expecting his answer

"Thanks for the offer but I already have my partner picked out" he gives her a polite grin and walks away and everyone oohs at her being rejected.

He walks to me and says "is this seat taken?" I look up shocked but shake my head no. I can see Madison staring into my soul. Shit. He sits and class commences, long drawn out talking by a teacher who has no idea what he's doing. We had to fill out a get to know you partner sheet then give it to our partner. Stupid questions like name, age, do you drive, music, color, food, animal the works. We have to study our partner sheet then present them in front of the whole class great. After I hand Gage my sheet he studies it then taps me on the shoulder.

"I think to really ace this and get to know each other we need to hang out after school for a day or so, what do you say?" he says in a very convincing voice.

"I mean I don't know" my anxiety rises as I look down at the table.

"Hey it'll be fun I promise you can pick the food place and the activity afterwards and I'll pay" he looks at me like a child with eyes full of hope.

"I mean I guess as long as you aren't vegan and you can't listen to shitty music" I smile as he hands me his phone

"Put your number in and I'll put my number in and you can text me with date location and activity" he gives me a wink then the bell rings I pull out my keys to my new truck and head out the door once everyone has fled. I walk to the parking lot thinking about him, I blush. Then as I'm walking a pink convertible bug stops in front of me abruptly. Of course it's Madison.

"Just want to let you know don't get your hopes up about Gage, I'll be taking him soon" she flashes me a wink and drives off. I push my red bangs to the side and unlock my new truck. Well not new, but new to me. After my last car broke down, my parents finally got me a stable vehicle. I drive home and sit in my room alone until dinner is done. I take small amounts trying to watch my weight, being a big girl in high school isn't the best idea. I text Gage since he's offering to pay, Olive Garden Laser Tag and tomorrow. He has to be at least a little bit curious about me to ask me out and I'm not letting my anxiety get in the way of me finally getting what I want. I get an almost immediate reply from him confirming he'll pick me up at my house 30 minutes after school lets out. He's extremely eager, and my step mom doesn't care.

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