Chapter 27- Day

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Hey guys I've been working on this for a bit and want to thank yall for your patience. Here is is after a long wait....
I walk down the spiral stairs of the boys apartment is Paris. It's been a month since the big announcement party. I've turned 18 while here so my parents don't care where I am anymore, and I'm finishing my school year online. When I reach the expensive looking apartment mail boxes, I jiggle my key into the lock and turn it ever so lightly. The contents of this metal box spill into my unprepared hands, letters for the boys mainly.

I shut and lock the box, turn on my heels and head up the stairs as I shuffle the envelopes in my hands. When a fancy looking envelope with the name Ms. Alexandria Newland written in gold calligraphy on it I already had a feeling of its contents.

When I reach the apartment is open the door and the smell of bacon hits me in the face and I let out a sigh of relief. I throw the rest of the envelopes on Brendan's lap and make my way to the marble counter envelope in hand. There sits Felix with orange juice reading the paper. I had no idea he could read French. And Drake behind the counter whipping up breakfast. I hold up the envelope and catch all 3 boys stares.

"Look what seems to have made its sleazy way into our box, addressed to me, it just smells like money"

"What is it?" Asks Brendan as he hops over the couch spilling the mail everywhere.

"Well I don't know I don't have x-ray vision dumbass. Does it look open to you?" I reply sarcastically

Then the envelope is ripped from my fingers by Felix "okay little miss additude, since you're going to keep us waiting while you two bicker I'll open it" as he slips his finger under the seal and gives it one quick rip and it's open. He pulls our the thick card and examines it behind his glasses. He then shoves it under his butt on the stool to keep it away from me.

"I already know what it is, it's the wedding invite huh?" I ask twiddling with my thumbs looking at the gorgeous counter top. Felix gives a long exasperated sigh and rubs my back as I sulk at the counter.

No idea how long I was sulking until a big plate of waffles, bacon, eggs, and a mountain of syrup was shoved in front of my face. "Eat up, need your strength for today" says Drake flipping his spatula around.

"What are you doing exactly?" I ask eating a strip of bacon dipped in syrup.

"We are going out, to a club tonight. But this time we are gonna keep an eye on you. Not like the casino incident." Says Brendan mowing down on his waffle.

"No guys I don't think I'm ready" I say wiping my hands on my pajama pants

"Oh yes you are, it's been a month since hell in heels gave the big announcement and we haven't left the apartment since except to move. You're running out of netflix movies" says Felix downing his juice.

Before I can say anything a big crew comes bursting through our door. Big suitcases with lights filled with makeup, hair, the whole nine yards. And a gorgeous pair of ripped skinny jeans and a tight v neck yank top with a short leather jacked and heeled boots comes after the suit cases. It was this moment that I downed my bacon and realized I'm not getting out of this.

Well guys sorry this day is short but the night chapter will be relatively longer compared of other night chapters. Again, thank you for being patient with my me and my writers block.

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