Chapter 19- Day

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3 months, no call no text no letter from Gage. I can feel myself slowly withering away. It's not him being away from me, it the fear that he found a new, European girl that is skinny and beautiful and I'm here a big ball of stress, anxiety and fat.

In my room sitting on my bed binge watching supernatural and I hear a knock on my front door. With my step mom out of town for a month I get a little spooked being home alone. I push my hair to the other side and make my way home to the door. There stands Felix, Drake and Brendan, and behind them is a town car.

"What aren't you ready? Didn't you get our text?"

I shake my head "my phone has been off"

Felix pulls out 4 first class tickets to Paris. "We got invited to a party by Gage or his family and thought you'd like to see him, pack your best gown and some clothes we have a plane to catch."
I fill with excitement and fear, I might get to see him, but I also might find out the truth I've been so scared to even think about. Before I can reply all 3 boys push past me into my home. They all smell like amazing, and expensive, cologne. I'm standing there as they pack my bags and usher me out the door. Seems like within seconds we were on the private jet. On our way to paris. Hopefully I'm wrong...
Alright guys here is your day update. What do y'all think Alex is going to find in Paris? Also I've included a picture of drake up top. Love y'all

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