Chapter 3- Day

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The day seemed to brighten as I got out of bed and actually tried to look good. I slid my favorite skinny jeans on over my fading scars on my thighs, and my favorite t-shirt, but not without my trusty hoodie to hide my night's activities. I grab my flag bag and head out the door, though I don't have practice today I'll leave it at the school so I don't forget. I get in my car and blast Panic at the Discos new song and jam along to every second of it as I pull into the school parking lot. As I put my truck into park, I still have time and I sit on my phone and scroll through my social media. I hear a knock on my window I look up and it's Jessica, I unlock my door and let her in.

"Hey why are you sitting out here?"

"I have time and I'm thinking about after school"

"Whoa what's happening after school?"

"Well that new guy Gage asked me out so we could get to know each other better for that physics presentation"

"Uh huh yeah for the presentation"

"What does that mean?"

"Well as you know he's the most sought after boy in school now, and he wants to go on a date with you, and you want to go on a date with him. He likes you"

"Likes me? I barely know the guy come on"

"Haha whatever hey we better go, the bell is about to ring" we both climb out of the truck and grab our bags for school. As I walk on the sidewalk towards the front entrance, just then and there I stop dead in my tracks. I see him, standing there in his old worn out UNR sweater that he always wore. He peers over his hair and shoots me a grin. I wipe my eyes and look up, he's gone.

"Hey are you okay?" Jessica asks looking very worried

"Uh yeah just a bit tired" she looks at me like she knows I'm Lying but just nods and continues walking. My heart still pounding, my hands are clammy as I examine the entrance of the school. Madison and her clones are standing by the door just like every day. Her pink mini skirt barely covering her ass is paired with a pink cashmere looking knock off. Her blonde hair with obviously fake highlights endes right below her barely visible chest. Yet she is still every boy at this schools dream. Head cheerleader, and head of hell. She's definitely the definition of high school mean girl.

I keep my head down as we enter the doors and didn't hear a snide remark but that doesn't mean she hasn't made one. I head up to my first period, all I can think about is seeing him. The hallucinations have started again since I've been off my meds. The doctor told me this might happen again. He's the reason for my issues, he caused this. I walked into my Spanish class and sit in the seat I sat in yesterday and laid my head down to try and brush the vision away. The bell rings but I remain still trying to breath, I feel my phone buzz. A text from Gage, I look up and he's staring at me. I peer back at the phone and it's asking if I'm okay. I turn to him and shake my head yes and he gets a grin on his face and begins to type on his phone. Another buzz asking if we are still on for tonight, I shake my head yes and he smiles. Class goes on as normal, at the end he turns to me.

"So you never gave me your address"

"Sorry here it is" I send him my address in a text

"Alright got it, I'm looking forward to tonight" I can feel a grin be plastered on my face as he walks away. I sling my bag over my shoulder and head to my next class. The day seemed to go by slow, my anticipation grew for after school. When 8th period hit I was ready for the day to be over, I'm the first in the class, I watch as everyone files into their assigned table from the previous day. We get to spend the whole class "getting to know our partners" to prepare for Friday. Gage is the last one in the class, and as soon as he walks in I see Madison sit directly up and put her tan legs out in the aisle in his way.

"Excuse me" he said sounding annoyed looking at the obstacle in his path

"Oh sorry, these long legs just get in the way sometime" she pushes them back under and handed him a pink slip of paper and gave him a wink. He took it and passed back to our table. When he sits down he unfolds the paper and hands it to me

"Could she be any more desperate?" he shakes his head and I read the note. It was her name, number with a big lip glossed kiss mark in the corner. Gross.

"Well hey at least now you can tell she's being too obvious" I laugh and hand it back to him like a snot filled tissue

"Or we could just use the DNA and sacrifice it to the dark lord Satan" he looks at me with a devilish look. "I kid, only when it's necessary" We both laugh so loud the entire class looks at us. "So, are you any good at laser tag?"

I look at him shocked "I only win every game I play"

"Well I guess we'll see who's the best, because I'm a pretty good aim"

"Call of Duty doesn't count"

"Yes it does, I've gone 15-0 once"

"Once" I say in my most sarcastic voice possible. We talked about stupid things, and lost track of time because before we knew it the bell rang. "See you in a few minutes"

"Can't wait" he shoots me a wink and I grab my bag and rush out the door to get home quick. I pull into my driveway and jump out of the car and run straight for the bathroom, straighten my hair and fix my makeup then the doorbell rings.

"Coming" I rush to the door and open it, Gage is standing there in a black leather jacket that hangs perfectly over his lean frame. His jeans hug him in all the right places and he runs his fingers through his messy, wild hair. His skin is like porcelain, and his hair is black as night, he is holding red roses and a box of chocolates. "Wow you went all out"

"Well you deserve it" he looks at the ground and laughs, u take the flowers and out them in water then we head out of the door. He drives a 2015 black mustang with black matte detailing. The interior is while leather and it purrs like a kitten.

"Sweet ride"

"Thanks" he opens the door for me, then walks around the other side and hops in. "Rich father trying to buy my affection. It works" he pulls his seat belt on and backs out. He shifts so easily it's like riding on air. After a 45 minute drive, we pull into Olive Garden. He's the perfect gentleman, opens all my doors and compliments me. It's too good to be true, but this is actually happening. "Blaylack, party of 2" the waitress looks up and immediately becomes a flirting man eater.

"Oh of course Mr. Blaylack, right this way" As we walk he grabs my hand and I turn beet red. She sets our menus down at a secluded booth reserved by Gage, he let me sit down first before he slid in on his side. We get salad, breadsticks, and an entrée, with a very expensive desert. When he takes the bill he lays down a platinum American express card. We sit and talk the entire dinner and not once did he let the conversation go flat. After dinner we go to the arcade for laser tag. He wraps a wrist band around my wrist.

"What's this?"

"A wrist band that lets us have unlimited rounds of Laser Tag and play any game"

"I've never seen these before, how'd you get them?"

"Family contacts, the works"

We played laser tag about a million times, I never knew if I actually beat him or if he let me win. We played Ski Ball and wack-a-mole, and just about every game there, he let me win at every game. It was absolutely perfect, when we were done, it was about midnight. He drove me home and walked me to the door. "I had an amazing time with you tonight Alexandria" I look down and blush

"Thanks me too" there was dead air between us for about a minute.

"I really like you, and you don't understand how bad I want to kiss you right now. But I want to take this slow, I don't want to ruin this by going too fast then having everything good about it disappear. But will you go out with me this Saturday?"

I stood there speechless, my anxiety shot up and I began to stutter. I wanted to yell yes at him but I couldn't say a word.

"I'm just going to take your silence as a yes" I nod and wave goodbye. Once behind the door I hold my chest and breath, shocked. Is this really happening?

I added a picture of Gage for yall

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