Chapter 22- Night

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"Truth or dare?" Felix asks as drake ponders

"Dare you big pansee"

"I dare you to go up to the window and moon everyone. Bare ass to the glass" Without hesitation drake gets up and immediately rubs his pasty white Butt on the glass. He enjoys every bit of this. When he comes to sit down he looks at me

"Truth or dare Alex?"

"Truth, I'm a sissy"

"Is it true that you love Gage?"

I never really though of this before I mean I can't really stand to be without him. But what is love. "I guess, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel"

It's silent now and I've obviously killed the mood. But then I feel a tear run down my face. Then another and another and soon I'm sobbing my eyes out. "Why hasn't he tried to contact me? Did I do something wrong?" I half yell half sob at the boys. They all just sit there exchange glances then all come over to me and give me a group hug.

"His mother isn't an easy lady to get around" says felix

"I just feel as if he doesn't want me"

"He does, but his mother has other plans but we aren't going to let that happen" says Drake

"We all love you Alex just keep an open mind in all of this. Don't shut down" says Brendan

Soon after that we all drift off to sleep not ready for tomorrow bringings.

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