Chapter Thirty: Chase

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Holy crap! Chapter Thirty! I never though I'd get this far! Thanks so much to my trusty couple fans for keeping me going!

I was not excited for today. Not only was I being put on trial, but it was for something I didn't do. Okay, I personally didn't do it, it was technically Spike's fault. But still.

We were in the third Davenport self driving car. One that would hopefully not be destroyed after one drive. I couldn't believe what was going on.

The whole thing was a blur, but I was convicted of being guilty.
"Get your affairs in order," the judge had told me, "Your father's bail gives you a month."
December 30, 2015
That awkward moment when you think that your updates can't get any shorter, but they do.
Anyway, I have much more motivation for Thirty One, so let's see how that goes.
Also, the finale for How the Lab Rats Fell will be January 30, 2016. Then, I have a completely different fanfic planned.
Until next time,

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