Chapter 5

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I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier at Wayne the more the wedding planner went on and on. He had promised this morning when he left for the studio that he would be here on time and now he wasn't even answering his damn phone. "Have Wayne and you made a decision as to where you want to get married at." I snapped back into reality looking at her. "I don't know Melonie, I think we have decided to get married at night on a beach, but as to where, I don't know." Melonie nodded, she knew I was pissed off. "We can figure out details of where later, I will do some research on private spots, how big are we planning." I sighed. "Small and private. I would say 100 at the most." I pulled my feet up under me, I would have never thought of a 100 as small until I met Wayne.

Melonie and I was still discussing details when my phone started ringing. I held up a finer. "Can you excuse me for a minute I need to take this." Melonie nodded her head so I walked to the kitchen stepping outside as I hit answer. "Where the fuck are you at, you didn't come home till God knows when, I stayed up till like 3 waiting on you, then you leave before 8 when everybody is still asleep. Now you just totally skip out on me today." Wayne let out a deep breath. "Maci I'm leaving the hospital, I'm sorry." I could hear my heart drop to my feet. "What?" Wayne was quiet. "You had another seizure didn't you?" I could hear Wayne sigh, "yeah, I'm on my way home." I shook my head. "Why didn't you call me when you first went in." Wayne let out a deep breath. "I said I'm on my way home OK." As i heard the click of him hanging up I stared at the phone like what the fuck.

Walking back in Melonie was writing in her planner. "I'm sorry about that." I said sitting back down. "It's fine, I understand you are busy. We have went over a lot today, the main thing is finding where the two of you want to get married, everything else you have pretty much laid out for me today." I gave her a smile. "Thank you so much Melonie, thinking of the Caribbean but I'll let you know when we decide the exact location." Melonie shook her head. "As always I promise you that the location and date you chose will be kept under lock and key." I nodded, knowing that Wayne was paying her damn good just for that reason alone.

After she left I went upstairs to relieve Mrs. Rosa, she had came to watch the girls so I could put my undivided attention on Melonie. Fallon was playing in her princess tent and Maliyah was asleep. "You coming back downstairs with me?" I asked Fallon. She shook her head. "I play in my tent." I made a face at her attitude. "OK then." Heading downstairs I walked in the kitchen pouring me a glass of iced tea. I was hungry but didn't feel like cooking so I opened and closed each and every cabinet finding nothing. Giving up I went and sat on the couch pulling my feet up under me just starting at the tv, it wasn't even on but I was so mad at Wayne I don't think I could have even followed it.

As soon as I heard the garage door opening I didn't' know if I wanted to go run and hug Wayne, or to go ans slap the shit out of him. When he walked in the living room I glanced up at him and saw him eyeing me for my reaction. I just rolled my eyes turning my head the other way. "I had every intention of coming today Maci." I shrugged my shoulders, "OK." Wayne sat down in the recliner sighing. "Why you mad, cause I missed this shit or cause I didn't call you and tell you I was at the hospital." I shook my head trying to keep from crying. "Figure it out yourself." I stood up heading to the staircase when Wayne stood up blocking my path. "Look I really don't want to talk to you right now." Wayne glanced down at me. "I don't give a fuck what you want right now." I balled my fist feelign my anger rise. "Wayne if you don't want to fight then let me go."

Shaking his head Wayne collapsed back down in the recliner. "You on that bullshit." I didn't even bother turning around as I walked upstairs. I was pissed at him and worried about him at the same time. I wanted to ask him about his seisure and what the hospital said, but I already knew what they told him...slow the fuck down. He was so damn hardheaded, he was going to work himself to death.

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now