Chapter 25

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I woke up in a dream like state, I couldn't believe that today I would marry the love of my life. I was almost afraid to get up, my morning sickness was still kicking my ass. Wayne was still passed out beside me. We had arrived in St. Barts yesterday morning and it had been a steady flow of guest arriving. All of his kids were already down as well as his momma, so needles to say things were crazy. Jacidia and Reginae had kept the girls last night insisting I needed my beauty sleep. Adrianna and Chris were due to arrive at anytime and to be honest I worried about her, she was huge and still had a little over a month to go.

Rolling closer to Wayne I snuggled up to him causing him to wrap his arm around me. "You better go back to sleep cause you ain't getting no sleep tonight." I rolled my eyes as his lips touched my neck. "Stop that, you ain't even supposed to see me today until the wedding. Wayne still had his eyes closed but he grinned at me. "I can keep my eyes closed while I fuck you. After tonight you got to do what I say Mrs. Carter." I laughed laying my head on his chest. "Keep thinking that." Wayne groaned as his phone started ringing, he rolled on his side grabbing it. "Yeah...ok....yeah we on our way." I looked up at him and he shook his head. "Kids." I laughed, "mine, yours, or ours." He rolled over pulling me back to him, "they are all ours."

Breakfast was complete chaos, the kids were running around playing and Reginae and I sat together playing with Maliyah. "So you nervous?" I glanced down at Nae, "maybe a little, I mean I already live with your daddy, got kids with him, but now its like permanent." Reginae shot me a look, "there something you need to tell me Maci." I frowned at her before the realization that I had said kids hit me. Jacidia knew about the babies but we had yet to tell anyone else. I sighed, "OK but you have to promise this stays between us for now." Nae shook her head holding out her pinkie grinning. I rolled my eyes as we pinkie promised. "Got me over here looking like some jr high...." Reginae groaned, "Maci tell me, you know how impatient I am." I threw up my hands, "OK, OK damn. Well I'm pregnant again," I paused watching Reginae for any type of reaction but she just nodded at me, "well I'm having twins." Regiane let out a squeal causing the whole room to turn and look at us and I'm sure I was the color of a tomato. Wayne shot us both a knowing look and I just winked at him. "Can you like take it down a level." Reginae busted out giggling. "Omg can you please tell dad what causes kids I mean damn." I tried to look at her sternly but we both ended up busting out laughing.

Adrianna sent me as text telling me they had landed and were on their way so Nae and I went to meet them in the lobby. I about fell out when she walked through the doors and I saw her, I swear she doubled in size every time I saw her. "You sure there is only one baby in there." Adrianna shot me a ugly look and Chris shook his head. "Don't start Maci, you the one." Adrianna elbowed Chris, "Shut up." Chris threw his hands up, "I didn't say anything." Reginae and I gave Chris a look, "you got a loud as mouth, why he get to know before me." I rolled my eyes pointing at Adrianna and she just threw her hands up. "Hey leave the pregnant lady alone."

After breakfast Wayne walked up to me giving me a kiss, I knew I wouldn't see him until the ceremony tonight and all I wanted to do was cling to him. "Promise me you'll be there." Wayne arched his brow, "you promise me." Adrianna let out a moan stepping between us. "I promise damn, after I flew all the way out her looking like this," she pointed at her huge belly, "then damn it somebody getting married." Wayne shot her a look then turned kissing me on the forehead, "go make her take a nap, I ain't having her bringing my high down tonight." I cut my eyes at him. "You better not be too fucked up or you will be sleeping alone tonight." Wayne shrugged his shoulders as he walked away from me.

The wedding wouln't take place until sunset but it still seemed like I had a thousand things to do, why couldn't things be as simple as it was for Wayne, get dressed, the end. I wanted to spend some time with the girls. Jacidia opened the door and motioned for me to come inside, I looked around and saw the girls were gone so I gave her a look and she pointed at the chair. "They are fine, I sent them with Reginae to play with the others." I felt a pit in my stomach, as I sat down and I felt like I was about to throw up. I guess she noticed because she laughed, "Maci you know if I didn't approve of you marrying my son I would not be here now. I just wanted to tell you that I thank God everyday for sending you to him. You balance him out. The two of you have had your ups and downs but still manage to come out. I know how hardheaded and stubborn Wayne can be. He isn't an easy person to live with. You have managed to capture that boys attention and keep it, he loves you, and the way he talks to me about you I know that the two of you can make it."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now