Chapter 24

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August had seemed to fly by, Wayne had finished up his mix tape and it was due to drop any day. He was still staying at the studio a lot  preparing for his time off. I had been afraid my dress would become too tight or I would start to show but with a week till the wedding I had actually lost weight instead of gaining it. Morning sickness was a bitch with this one, I prayed every morning for it to end but it was still in full force. Fallon and Maliyah seemed to know when I was feeling bad because they both would be on their best behavior.

The only people that even knew I was pregnant was Kim, Chris, Baby, and Jacidia. Wayne couldn't resist telling her when she had came down. I thought at first she was going to have a heart attack but then she just laughed hugging and congratulating me. I had enjoyed her visit, we had got to spend time alone and I finally understood where we stood. She liked me she just wanted somebody that was with Wayne for him, not his money, not what he could do for them, just someone who loved him for him. We even talked about the whole Dhea issue, she admitted that she had never liked her and thought she was just using Wayne for fame. I didn't say anything my feelings about Dhea were plain and simple, I just thought she was a freaky crazy bitch.

Today I had a doctors appointment, she had decided to due an ultra this visit to take some measurements. I just wished that I was far enough along to find out what I was having, but no, I still had forever for that. Wayne was downstairs with the girls he had taken the morning off so he could watch the girls and not have to call Mrs. Rosa in. She had offered to watch the girls while we were on our honeymoon, but Jacidia insisted that she watch the girls for us. We had told her she would have her hands full but she didn't seem to mind or care, and to be honest I was glad she was taking Fallon in as one of her own.

It was still warm in Florida, I had never really lived in a town where I would consider it to ever actually have an actual winter. Texas gave you like maybe one month of cold weather and Florida was much the same. I dressed casually in some white shorts and a olive green top with a tan colored sleeveless cardigan jacket. My hair had grown way too long and I had been lazy about getting it cut again. I had grown tired of getting it highlighted every time I turned around so I had ended up dying it a dark brown color that looked almost black.

Walking downstairs I saw Wayne and Fallon arguing about what they were going to watch on TV. I rolled my eyes at them, "you might as well let her watch what she wants to because you always let her win." Wayne made a face, "I just get tired of hearing her whine, she gets that shit from you." I laughed, "yeah well we know how to get what we want out of you." Wayne arched his brow, "she just whines, you whine then try to throw it on me so I get distracted." I acted shocked, "I do not whine." He laughed as I leaned down to kiss him bye, "you do be distracting me with sex though." I grinned, "learned it from the best."

Arriving at the doctors I had my lab work done first, then was lead to the back. Dr. Chan came in grinning at me, "how's the morning sickness going." I groaned, "OMG it's horrible, I can't even keep my prenatal vitamins down." She shook her head, "Your almost out of your first trimester, it should go away anytime now." I nodded as I laid back so she could measure my belly, "your measuring bigger than expected." She started pressing on my stomach then pulled her doppler out. It didn't take long for the doppler to pick up the heart beat but Dr. Chan was frowning. I felt myself getting worried. "Is something wrong." She looked up shaking her head, "no everything sounds OK, lets go do your ultra sound."

I was kind nervous as she squeezed the warm jelly on my belly. I knew something was going through her head, I just didn't know what it was. I watched the screen nervously as she started searching for the baby and frowned when the picture came up and she hit the print button. I was trying to get a better glance at the screen, she had it at an awkward angle, she usually had it where I could see it. "OK what is wrong, for real." Dr. Chan grinned down at me. "Nothing is wrong Maci, you are just having twins." I about fell off the table. Dr Chan laughed at me. "Well that would explain whey your morning sickness has been worse than usual and why you are measuring bigger than expected. I shook my head, "are you positive, twins." Dr Chan swung the screen to me and started pointing out both babies features, the way they were laying you could only see the other babies arm and leg and some of its face. She printed out some pictures and handed me a towel.

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now